Someone pass the fork | Arthritis Information


Stick a fork in me... I am DONE!

Fibro has been kicking my butt the last couple of weeks. Then I cleaned my bedroom wednsday, while the fibro was acting up and caused myself more problems and then the RA decided to join in and swell joints.
Then I took my MTX dose Friday night and my body hurts even more! I guess body not use to the increase of MTX.
Then, I was sitting there feeling all guilty, because I was sitting there watching hubby clean the living room and all I could do was sit there and watch. So... to make myself feel not so guilty, I told him I would vacuum and agrued with him that I would vacuum. He did not want me to vacuum. So... I vacuumed and well... I probably should have listened to him.
Now, I am laying here in bed in pain and recovering from my lower back spasming. Popped my pain meds and muscle relaxers and cannot wait until time for Lyrica.
Where's my fork?
I feel a little better, not much pain. I slept all day, and am fixing to go back to sleep because my meds are kicking in. Lyrica and Mirapex kick my butt to sleepy-land. No need for sleep aid meds, those 2 alone knock me out.
I hope you are doing well Rebecca. Well... as well as it is going to get for you for now.
I found a spork, but no fork. Glad you're feeling a little better and hope it keeps getting better. Get yourself some good rest and once you're up and about, try not to overdo it. :)Now, I ask... is there such a thing as not "not overdoing it"?
I promise, I will try to talk myself out of doing things, until I get my next infusion on September 8th. But ya know, promises are sometimes broken.
Come to think of it, a spork is what you need when you cannot get yourself motivated.

I hope you are feeling better...HG

Hope you are feeling better soon Joonie.  In the meantime could you empty your mailbox???Thanks everyone! Today was a little better. I am thinking that it is the Remicade wearing off. Because last night I had awful pain and stiffness and I knew the prednisone was wearing off, and I just wanted the pred back in me! I could not sleep because of the pred wearing off.
I am guessing once I get moved to every 4 weeks for infusions that I should be doing better, and not reverting back some before next infusion.
I was thinking last night that I would ask to be upped to 500mg of Remicade on my next visit on the 28th of September. I was thinking if the 400mg at every 4 weeks would make me do well, I wonder how much 500mg at every 4 weeks would do for me? But then I thought maybe the 400mg did not have time to show if 400mg will do the trick?
