Resistant Candida infection from Orencia | Arthritis Information


Has anyone had this happen to them from any of the IV or steriod meds?  I was on a month of Diflucan, Magic mouthwash and now Nistatin losenges.  Nothing is even taking the edge off of it.  Going to call ID Dr again tomorrow but wanted to know what others with same issue have done that works. I have even bought probotics that I have take for about a week.  I am really getting concerned, especially after reading what can happen if it keeps up.  The Dr's dont seem to care. 

SOrry to hear of your problem. I hope the meds help to get rid of it for good.

Please keep us posted on your progress.
Thank you Joonie.   
Guess I am the only one that has run into this problem with RA meds.  I thought it would have been pretty common, no wonder the Dr's dont know what to do with me. 
I think we had someone on here a couple of years ago who had a similar problem. You can try to do a search for posts, and see if that helps you any.
I know that some on AP, that use to be members on here, have talked about candida. Try to search on here for "candida".
 I never got yeast infections pre RA but lately it seems to coincide with my period starting. I'm not on Orencia. Just MTX and I was on prednisone for 21 months but I'm prednisone free as of Monday.I gained yeast/beasties with AP and it took months to get it/them under partial control. Now, the slightest alteration in my physical condition and voila! I am blessed again. Right now it is in nearly every skin fold, in my mouth, and behind my left ear. I cannot take many oral meds secondary to another RA comorbitity. I do rinse frequently with Nystatin suspension, but basically I rely on anti-fungal powders and preparations. I recently resumed pre and probiotics, but do not expect any relief from those for at least 90 days and probably much longer that that.

ncpalinda, I hope you find relief soon and can find a way to defeat the yeast/beast.

Wannabe! I salute you and your determination to become pred-free and then doing so. Brava, brava!
Use the grapefruit seed extract, it actually works very well. Internally and externally.
I really doubt that your candida is from Orencia. Candida can only flourish when the gi tract is out of bacterial balance and i can't find where Orencia stops, kills or slows good gi bacteria. I can be wrong about this but not likely.
I haven't experienced anything like that with steroids at this point. Orencia is on the table for discussion, but I haven't taken it. I hope you're able to get it under control quickly though. It's an extra something you just don't need!
You might want to check with the doc/pharmacy about the grapefruit extract before you take it. Wasn't there a post about grapefruit juice and drug interactions a while back?
Grapefruit seed extract is not on the grapefruit juice "do not take with" warning. The extract does not enhance the medications as grapefruit juice does but yes, check with the doctor. I know my doctor at first told me to not take it because of the grapefruit warning and then after doing his homework he said that i could use the gse.
Frequently Asked Questions

What's the difference between Citricidal® and NutriBiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract?

Does Grapefruit Seed Extract (Citricidal®) damage the good inestinal flora?

Can Germs Become Resistant to Grapefruit Seed Extract as they can to antibiotics?

How long can I take Grapefruit Seed Extract?

I'm taking medication for high blood-pressure. Will Grapefruit Seed Extract interfere?

Is Grapefruit Seed Extract made from the seeds and pulp of grapefruit?

How much Grapefruit Seed Extract can I take, safely?

How many drops are in a bottle?

Is there anything I can’t use the concentrate for?

What is the Shelf Life of Grapefruit Seed Extract?
I have heard of so many Uses for Grapefruit Seed Extract -
What are they?

What's the difference between Citricidal® and NutriBiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract?
Citricidal® is the strongest form of Grapefruit Seed Extract you can buy on the market. There is no such thing as just the Grapefruit Seed Extract compounds by themselves. There must be a concentration. Therefore, in a sense, Citricidal® is the purest form of Grapefruit Seed Extract out there. This has a concentration of 60:40 Grapefruit Compound: Glycerin.

The Nutribiotic Grapefruit seed extract is made up of the pure Grapefruit Seed Extract called Citricidal®. 1/3 parts of the Nutribiotic Grapefruit extract is Citricidal® and 2/3 parts glycerin. Therefore, for every three drops of Nutribiotic you have the strength of one drop of Citricidal®.

Does Grapefruit Seed Extract damage the good intestinal flora?
When taken in normal doses Grapefruit Seed Extract does not affect the friendly bacteria of the intestines.

From the book "The Authoritative Guide to Grapefruit Seed Extract" by Allan Sachs, D.C. C.C.N:

"While massive doses of Grapefruit Seed Extract are likely to compromise beneficial flora such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium residing in the digestive and urogenital tracts, typically recommended doses of GSE do not appear to have this effect. Grapefruit Seed Extract may actually assist the growth of the beneficial bacteria by inhibiting pathogenic microbes which compete with the beneficial flora."

From another book about Grapefruit Seed Extract called "The Healing Power of Grapefruit Seed" by Shalila Sharamon and Bodo J. Baginski:

"Initial research indicates that grapefruit seed extract, taken in a normal dose, doesn't touch the important Bifidobacteria and only insignificantly reduces the Lactobacilli, despite its inhibiting effect on harmful intestinal bacteria."

Can germs become resistant to Grapefruit Seed Extract as they can to antibiotics?
There is no evidence that any type of micro-organism has ever developed a resistance to Citricidal® or Nutribiotic grapefruit extracts. In fact it is believed that such resistance is not possible because of Grapefruit Seed Extract's mode of activity. Because Grapefruit Seed Extract actually disrupts the cytoplasmic membrane, changes in genetic make-up in the pathogenic organism would be irrelevant. What is still not known is how Grapefruit Seed Extract can be effective against viruses, inasmuch as a virus has no cell membrane of its own.

How long can I safely take grapefruit extract?
Grapefruit seed extract is not like pharmaceutical antibiotics where a set number of days of treatment is specified. You can safely take Grapefruit Seed Extract over a long period, if needed, without any worry of toxicity. We have reports of people taking Grapefruit Seed Extract every day for years (as a preventative) without side-effects of any kind. Also, a long-standing parasite infection could take quite some time to overcome.

I'm taking medication for high blood-pressure. Will Grapefruit Seed Extract interfere?
There are no reports of any drug interactions or contraindications of any kind. There is a danger in drinking fresh grapefruit juice or eating grapefruits when taking certain medications. Grapefruit Seed Extract contains 0.1% or less of the compounds that increase absorption of certain medications. Always Consult your physician.

Is Grapefruit Seed Extract made from the seeds and pulp of grapefruit?
Grapefruit Seed Extract is actually made from the by-product of expeller extracted grapefruit juice which is dried and ground into a fine powder and further processed.

How much Grapefruit Seed Extract can I take, safely?
10 to 15 drops of NutriBiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract liquid (or 3 to 5 drops of Citricidal®) at a time may be plenty. Nutribiotic now makes a "Maximum Strength" Grapefruit Seed Extract capsule that is the equivalent to 25 drops of liquid. If you want to treat a condition aggressively, increase frequency of treatment up to 5 times per day. Keep in mind that a little bit goes a long way. What's important is to bring the solution into close proximity with the problem. For example, take a small amount internally and gargle when faced with a sore throat. Take internally and douche, if faced with a candida yeast infection. Take internally and apply topically for poison ivy or a fungal infection.

An "Acute Oral-Toxicity Study" was performed in compliance with government standards by an independent lab, and showed that you could consume an enormous amount of pure extract without adverse effects, but we don't recommend it.

How many drops are in a bottle?
There are 2,045 drops per 2 oz. bottle.

Is there anything I can’t use the concentrate for?

We do not recommend using it in your eyes, even in a dilute form . Also, the extract should not be used with any sort of mechanized tooth brush or tooth polisher. The abrasive action of the polisher plus the acidic nature of the extract work together in detriment to your teeth. In fact, if done often enough, it will erode the enamel of your teeth. We also advise users to dilute the extract before use. If you place a drop of the product on your tongue, it will burn. Sensitive skin areas also will end up with an unpleasant irritation if the concentrate is used full-strength.

What is the shelf life of Grapefruit Seed Extract?

The GSE liquid concentrate has been formulated to be effective at full potency for six years. After the expiration date of six years, GSE begins to lose potency.

Thanks everyone, never thought of it not being Med related. I always assumed it was because I had the same problem with High dose Prednisone, Methotrexate, Enbrel, and Remicaid. Maybe it was always there and they just brought it to the surface.  I see the Infectious Disease guy on Monday and will pose that question.  levlarry, will also ask about the grapefruit extract-thanks
 Spelunker, sorry you are suffering also...hope you get some relief soon too.  Will update you guys next week.
