Bone & Joint Dr | Arthritis Information


What would be the reason you would go to a bone & joint Dr?are you talking about an orthopedic dr?  well in relation to RA I went to one when the pain of damaged joints began to interfer with my life and there was nothing left for the rheumatolgist to do.  I guess so. The place says "bone & Joint" and then the doctors name. It is in the professional building at the hospital.

I am having a lot of problems with my right knee. The knee cap, now that I can feel it and see it again, is sunk in. It does not "pop" up like the left knee cap. And because of my right hip problem that is just not getting better and my RD cannot figure out what is wrong with it. I was thinking a joint & bone doctor would be able to figure it out, don't you?
Plus, I want to see what they can do for my right middle knuckle that is missing half of the bone. It is making my middle finger do weird things when there is no swelling and I can move it.

I saw orthopaedic docs upon the recommendation of my rheumatologist, when xrays showed quite a bit of damage for my knees and hips, and I was having a lot of trouble getting around -- like walking, getting out of a chair -- I tend to put up with a lot before considering surgery.

If you are considering seeing an orthopaedic surgeon, I would suggest seeing one that specializes -- one for knees, or hips, or ankles, or hands.  Do a little research on the internet first, about the anatomy of the joint of concern, of possible "fixes", so you will have a more productive appt/conversation with the ortho doc.

Good luck and take care.  Ok, that is why I was asking what a joint & bone Dr is. As I know the one othopaedic dr I went to before was more aimed towards sports injuries. He is the one that fixed my broken elbow. But I did not like him much.
I looked in the phone book about which ones we have in town and there are not many. But I have heard good things about the Dr I am thinking of making an appt with. I was just not sure if I wanted to waste a Dr's visit, if he was not going to be able to help me with my list concerns of my joints.
Thanks for the replies!
knowing what condition your joints are in and what are your possible options surgically or otherwise is not a waste of an apptI meant a waste as in I was seeing the wrong doctor for what I am looking to get looked at. Humm... that sounds promising, Joie.
I will go make an appt tomorrow, while I am in the same building for my eye Dr appt (so I can start Plaquinel). I will see if they deal with a lot of RA patients.

Joonie those of us that have had many years of RA usually have some joint damage and the ortho's are the ones that can repair the joints. Usually the solution is surgery, but it can also be PT, and sometimes learning how to do things differently to protect your joints. My favorite ortho is a hand and elbow specialist. He is also a sports medicine doc and takes care of the hands and elbows of Phoenix's baseball team the Diamondbacks. Dr Sheridan is 'the best'.

Most ortho docs are not very good with their patient skills. I have figured out through a lifetime of experience that you don't have to find the doc personable as long as he is an expert surgeon. You don't see them very often, not like your GP or Rhueme.
Go get that knee and hip checked out! I agree with everyone else.  See if you can see an ortho who specializes with your concerns.  I have two ortho docs and they are top notch docs all the way around.  I have been very lucky to have always had good docs. Thanks for the replies guys!
I am feeling a little better about getting my joints seen about by someone other than my RD. I am just afraid of what they will find and what they will want to do, like surgery. PLUS, I wanted to wait until my swelling was down enough before I went to see someone else.
I am going to the eye Dr today and my swelling is up again, and I am walking around like a 3030 year old mummy this morning. So.... there goes my plan of not going to see another Dr until my swelling was down.
I will ask what he spealizes in. From the looks of his waiting room most days I am there, it looks like old people. So... he might be the right one to go see. Everyone has a lot to say about him, about how good he is and all. So... we shall see!
