Please help, I am DYING here | Arthritis Information


Ok, not literally, but .. well I've seriously had arthritis since I can remember. When I was 3 to 4 I remember my mom coming into my room I cried and cried and would wrap my knees up in a blanket and heating pad and rub them until I went back to sleep (sometimes hours later) I'm not new to pain, but no one ever believes me, telling me to "rest" (with 3 kids a husband, 5 pets and a part time job.. ok SURE) or that I need to lose weight. Ok, i realize i do need to lose weight, but how are you to do that with out being able to walk.

A few weeks ago, I blew out my hip. I went for a nap (I had been steam cleaning floors, so i know it was my own fault) but when I woke up my left hip hurt so bad I couldnt breathe. The doctor gave me voltaren (didnt do much) and flexeril (did even less) i've taken skelaxin in the past and it did nothing at all for me. I'm not taking vicodin 5/500 maybe once to twice a day but my doctor didnt prescribe it, its old medicine and its barely making the pain unbearable. i think i've reached the point where i've got bone on bone but the doctor didnt see it on an xray and i just dont know what to do. I'm 37 also, and too young to have this .. thats what they say..   well if i'm too young for this pain NOW i cant wait to see what life is like when i'm 60.

someone suggest meds that wont knock me out but will stop the pain.

thank you I am so sorry you are in this much pain: pain, in and of itself, is debilitating. Allow me to suggest that you make an appointment for a second opinion, being sure to take the radiological report and films with you.

If you truly have bone-on-bone you need more than an old prescription for vicodin. If you have another problem then perhaps a physical therapist would be of help. There are many treatment modalities and you owe it to yourself to search out the best one for you.

Good luck and best wishes, Shug
I wake up and get in hot water with epson salt this is at three a.m. it helps to sit in the tub but Dr wants a bone scan how hard is this how long do they last??? [QUOTE=Mkarnes71]t Dr wants a bone scan how hard is this how long do they last??? [/QUOTE]

It depends on whether you are speaking of a nuclear bone scan, i.e. one that requires an inject of radioactive substance and then tracing the substance as it travels through the bloodstream and finally into the bone. That can take several hours as it identifies new bone growth and or bone degeneration.

A dexascan, that is a check of bone density is a 20-30 minute procedure that simple requires the patient to lie still.

Neither test is particulary "hard", but they do vary in the time they take.

Best wishes, Shug
Well, I know i will not be getting anything nuclear done. I went to get a check out with a cardiologist earlier this year (turns out I have asthma, and my dumb primary doc didnt think that's what the tightness was in my chest) and ANYWAY they wanted to do a stress test with the nuc stuff. He "suggested" that I not sit closely or hold my then 4 year old for a couple days after. thanks but no thanks.

the doc who origionally diagnosed me with arthritis at age 29 said that he would be surprised if i made it to 40 with out a hip replacement. now i'm 37. this pain has been bad for almost a month. i'm taking vicodin that i had left over from different things, but i'm down to about 30 and i am only taking 1 per day because i'm REALLY worried about getting addicted. i have had a drinking problem in the past and although i dont see it happening, its a concern definitely.

i also have depression and take paxil, so i'm pretty sure the vicodin isn't going to put me in any better mood. i'm really stressed about all of this, but have an appt with another osteo surgeon on the 18th so we'll see how that goes. for now, if you see a someone surrounded by screaming children who looks about 16 and is using a cane, give me a high 5!