New here and to RA | Arthritis Information


I'm 45 years old and was officially diagnosed at the end of December.  I've been suffering from various aches and pains for about two years and after a pretty bad flare saw my family dr.  Based on family history (my dad has psoriatic, osteo and RA) he was  fairly sure that's what was wrong and did blood work.  My RF at that time came back at 722!  He referred me to a rheumatologist who did all of those tests and then some.  My RF came back this time at 40 and all the others were positive, but I can't remember the numbers.  She has me on 500 mg of Sulfasalazine twice a day and I also take Aleve for the pain.  I really haven't noticed any difference since starting this med, but we agreed to try it for three months and decide whether or not to continue it when I see her again in April.  Is anyone else on this, and has it helped any?  Also, what do you take when you have a flareup?  I have at least one a month that lasts 2 to 3 days and the pain is unbearable even when taking 2 Aleve twice a day.  This month it was so bad I missed 3 days of work.  Right now they are being very understanding, but I'm so afraid that if I miss alot of work they'll find a reason to fire me.  Thanks in advance for any advice.  Its nice to have people to talk to about this.  My Dad has never discussed his arthritis with us.  Just says he feels "fine" even when you know he doesn't.


Hello Donna-Rae,




I am glad to meet you.


Looks like your Doctor is using the first line of defense for your RA.  I started out with Naproxen, while they where collecting all the information they needed to make a dx of RA. By the time I saw my RD doctor again, I definitely needed something with a little more clout to it. By my next visit, I was put on Methotrexate, Folic Acid and Azulfidine. I think at the time 10mg of MTX and 800 mg a day for the Azulfidine. The MTX subsequently went up to 22mg.  That worked well for me but sometimes our RA progresses to the point we need a little more power behind our I was then put on a biologic.

When using any theraphy for RA, it takes time to get into the bodies system, for you to start feeling any relief. BUT, I think I would go back to my RA Doctor and ask for something a little stronger than Aleve to help you through till your next visit with her/him.  If the doctor does not feel that you need it, then go to your regular physician and explain what is happening and ask if there is something else that you can use for pain and explain that the Aleve it is not working very well and that you have had to loose days of work because of the increasing pain.  No doctor should expect you suffer while waiting to see him/her in three months because of an agreement you made with him/her.

Ahh...Fathers.  They suffer in silence and put on a happy face because they are looked upon as being the "pillars of strength" and can not allow their daughter's to see them as less than that.

I hope that you soon are offered some relief and that you can start to feel more like a normal person.  It does happen but for us RAer's, it just takes a little longer than those who are not dx'd with RA.

Please post back here and let  us know how you are doing.

Once again, welcome to AI.





Hi and welcome!

I'm taking Salfasalazine, but I take it with plaquenil, MTX and celebrex.  To be honest, for me, I didn't notice any difference when the sulfasalazine was added. When I have a flare, I take oxycontin. 

Hopefully something will be added to the sulfasalazine in April and you start to feel some relief.


welcome! i'm newly diagnosed also. this board is great & so helpful. enjoy!

I too am new to this board and RA.  I was finally diagnosed in November 2005 after about 6-7 years of pain and 2 knee replacements.  I started on MTX in December and have been on prednisolone since November.  I've gone from 10mg MTX to 15 and at the same time from 10mg pred  to 4.  So far I haven't noticed any difference except that it's hard dropping the pred, every time I drop 1mg the pain and swelling return. I'm stuck on 4 and don't dare go further down. I'm also on Celebrex 200.  How long should MTX take to start working.  Will I ever get off pred?


Welcome Donna-Rae and Pam:  Sorry that you have both been dx'd with this disease.  But believe you will both enjoy having others to discuss things with that "normals" (lol) just don't understand.  I know it really helped me.  Like Toni said, you're probably going to be increased on your meds  as you go.  But you do need something better when you flare.  I spent a lot of time worrying the first year before I knew what was wrong with me , about being fired.

Hope you both get better and find the right meds for you.



welcome! I am pretty new to this site too and it is wonderful.  I am on MTX 15mg and folic acid and prednisone 10mg. I also take 650 mg of asa every 4 hrs. I am allergic to naproxen, celebrex etc. still, I am finding out that this electric blanket is my best friend. I know what you mean about work, I have been out for 3 weeks. It is scary to think about going back and even more scary to think about not going back....anyways, again, welcome---I know you will get alot of good advice and support here!!!