OT: Anyone else got a nutty cat? (PICS) | Arthritis Information


So... this morning I went to take a shower. I walked pass Abbi-Kitty sitting high up on her "perch", on the door. And I said "Hey Abster!" Then I went into the bathroom and did not shut the door all the way, apparently. I was sitting there washing my hair and I bent my head over to rinse my hair and noticed a kitty paw under the shower curtain! Then it was her head and she got wet and backed out of the shower. But sat on the outside of the curtain in the shower still, getting wet. I kept pushing her away with my foot, as I thought she was drinking the soapy water and I did not want her to. I kept pushing her away and asking her if she was out of water in her bowl. Then I finally got out of the shower and she took off running and climbed up the door to her "perch". I thought that was odd, as when she is out of water or food she runs to her bowls and meows.

I got to her bowls and there was food and water.
I guess my cat was being a peeking-kitty.
Then the other night, she came running into my room, jumped on my bed, looked at me all spaztic, licked her paw right quick and then ran out of the room and climbed up the door again to her "perch".
She has been a recluse of lately, she is pissed because it is summer time and she hates the heat![QUOTE=joonie]
She has been a recluse of lately, she is pissed because it is summer time and she hates the heat![/QUOTE]
So you guys are the ones who've been hogging all the heat!
We've had, I think, 2 weeks maybe of nice warm weather.  Not much of a summer at all here.
Oh it is cooling off as of last week, been 64 degrees at night. I have no idea how hot it is thru the day. I just try not to think about it.
Here is Abbi-Kitty up top her "perch". She has been there for over a month! It is her new favorite place, I guess.
Your kitty, Joonie, has always been a character right from when she was little. I remember a picture you posted last Christmas with Abby in the Christmas tree. "the chalk outline of a mouse"    That one really cracked me up, Snow!
Cordy I too am glad to see you posting.  I've missed hearing from you!  Wow, a 2 meter snake is a pretty big snake - hopefully Cupcake won't find a poisonous one next time!
Abikitty sounds like quite a character, Joonie.  I love the pictures!  My cat Percy died this past spring, and as much as I would like to get another cat, I just can't.  My sons (and daughter who visits frequently) are allergic to cats and get quite sneezy around them.  Percy was just my cat and didn't jump up on them or go in their rooms, so they did okay with him, but I might not be as lucky with a new kitty.  Besides, I guess 5 dogs and a bird are good enough!
Hillhoney2009-08-26 17:49:21Your Abby-cat looks like my Ellie-cat. I have 2, a male named Champ (I didn't name him that). If I'd named him he would be CrazyCat! He jumps on the countertops to the top of the fridge to the top of the cabinets in less than 2 seconds. He also knocks the bathroom door open. He jumps on the side of the tub, meows till you turn on the tap so he can get a drink. Ellie likes to be petted and while you pet her she does the flea nibble on your arm, chest wherever.Joonie, you're in good cat company.......I have two bizarre furkids that are known for their high jinks.  The latest fun thing is Hobo grooms my hair at night.  I'll wake up and he's licking my hair.  Some mornings I get up and my hair is sticking straight up on top of my head, frozen inplace with cat spit .  I can't seem to break him of the habit.  It's really annoying.  Abby cat's perch is too funny.  I hope you don't forget and slam the door.
Hi Cordy, I think about you often.  Am glad to read your post and happy that your cat wasn't bitten.  Lindy
Ummm, I have eight nutty cats, each (in his or her own way) nuttier than the next one. 
My youngest, 9-month old Theodora Marie Huseck ("Theo"), wins the household Furball Award for nuttiest bathroom behavior.  When I have the need to enter the bathroom and sit myself on the toilet, she jumps up on the toilet seat behind me.  (I was hoping she would outgrow this ritual that she started as a wee one, but she squeezes all eight and a half pounds of herself behind me.)  Get ready for the next part --- it's disgusting......
When I have finished releasing whatever needed to leave my body and get the handful of TP with which to wipe, she reaches her wicked paw down behind my butt and tries to grab the tissue!  Oh, and if I take to long to start wiping, she will BITE ME on my rear end!!! 
Then, after vigilantly watching to make sure everything gets flushed away, she jumps up on the sink and howls until I turn the faucet on so she can get her paws and ears wet, then proceed to lick herself dry.  And, if I refuse to let her indulge in either of her loony bathroom whims, she will hiss and bite me. 
I do let her indulge in her bathroom sillies and many other pushy behaviors, because she has a congenital heart disease and I want every single day she spends with me to be full of joy and contentment, even if it does involve ruling over her furbrothers and fursister......and giving her skinmom a butt full of bite marks......
Oh, had to edit to add ----- she, too, is a tortoiseshell tabby! 
Man, I wish I had a camers.I was going to say Cat, I'd love to see a picture of that.[QUOTE=TeedOff]I was going to say Cat, I'd love to see a picture of that.[/QUOTE]
Hi Joonie,

What a cute story! We have 3 kitties too all with their own personalities. They do make life easier to bare during hard times don't they? I love the cat pictures! I used to have three, each with her own personality.   They all knew their names and when I called them home you could hear them jumping over the fences as they responded. In my old house, one of them learned how to get up on a half wall by the door and jiggle the safety lock when she wanted to go out! Unfortunately, all three are in cat heaven now. I've been tempted to get another or a dog but think I'll wait until I retire. They are wonderful to have around! Post more pictures! Gosh, cataholic, Theo sounds like a major character. Maybe all tortishells are full of personality. I know mine is. Theo's bathroom routine got me giggling away <>Have you cat people heard about Nora, the piano playin' cat? Nora's Meowmoir:  From shelter to showbiz
Ow, isn't Australia known for some mean and deadly snakes?  That has to be scary!
Theo bites me on the legs quite often; it's just because she's such a moody wench.  She's not one to want attention.
The one who likes to bother me at puter-time is Chip (Mr Chip Chipman).  A rather heavy boy, he stretches out on my lap and puts the full weight of his chest, head, and front legs on my mouse hand.  Not long before my wrist feels like it's going to die of pain.  But it's the only way he'll arrange himself.  What's a mother to do???
Why can't I have a cat like Nora, who could put some serious green in the piggy bank? 
I also have a cat and 2 dogs the cats name is Lucifer because he has a tail that is bent the shape of a lightening bolt ( that why when he was born) I adopted him from the pound and that is where all my animals have come from he is 9 months old now and weigh 28 pounds he is not really fat but a very active and large baby he is dark with stripes of bronze and black   He is a very big boy and he teases our teacup chihuahua to death he never bears his claws but teases the poor dog to death. we also have a shih tzu and the cat never bothers him they all get along lovely
Better run some DNA tests on that feline!  Methinks you've got a TIGER in your house!  (Seriously)
I have one cat of my own in the house and 3 grankitties who have overstayed their welcome according to my husband.  They sure can eat and drink! I am constantly filling the bowls but every morning when I get up they are circling around and yup sure enough everything is empty! They must party all night! I have 3 outside and 7 kittens. They are my mousers but my inside kitty brings me mice so they don't do a bang up job!Mine are quiet Thank goodness because husband is far from a cat lover. My cat used to annoy the heck out of him because she came meowing around 5 AM. Since the other kitties have joined her she is pre-occupied...
As soon as I open the bedroom door in the morning they are circling around letting me know they have needs!
Better run some DNA tests on that feline!  Methinks you've got a TIGER in your house!  (Seriously)
Great stories!
Shows how much life and love these little ones can add to our lives.  My 15 yr old big boy cat Boo Boo was put to sleep a month ago -- terribly hard.  It took me all of three weeks of a cat-less house to bring home a new baby cat, and I couldn't be happier. The dogs have adopted the little kitten as their baby and so far he hasn't eaten a parrot, either.  With this pia illness, anything we can do to lift our spirits is great! 
So sorry to hear about big Boo Boo.  I truly understand your emotion.  And I know what you mean about lifting spirits.  In my very depressed state, I believe the only reason to live is for my furkids.  They are my life! [QUOTE=cataholic]Ow, isn't Australia known for some mean and deadly snakes?  That has to be scary! [/QUOTE]

Yep, Australia has some extremely deadly (literally) snakes.

I think it was a Green Tree snake because is was narrow in body. Green Trees bite but aren't too poisonous. However, it could also have been a young Brown and they are deadly. I was wondering if I was going to go outside later and find a dead Cupcake...but no, in she walked a while later, completely okay and found herself a nice new spot in a box to have a snooze in.

Cupcake = 1 Snake = 0. Cat's Mommy = relieved. Whew!!

Goodness, she gave me a fright though.

Our animals are such good medicine with this RA stuff. And good therapy. Without Cupcake and my Maltese x Poodle, Sophie...my days especially when bedridden would be much more lonely. Those two are good company. Sophie is my shadow and rarely leaves my side. She is even good for pain distraction, stroking her soft fur. I think animals can be such important parts of our families.

Cataholic, I love the 'moody wench'description. Cupcake is exactly that too.


Here is our crazy cat although he looks quite normal here! He loves playing in the mud so when we are watering the lawn, he is usually to be seen close to the sprinkler, saturated, and digging a hole. He also plays in the kitchen sink when the tap is running.

We love him to bits. I had been feeding him since he was a few weeks old ( he was wild) and one day discovered him with a broken leg. So off to the vet, big operation then 6 weeks in a cage in our spare bedroom! That room is now his depository for all manner of live and dead things. We must remember to keep the door shut otherwise he has the carpet covered in feathers or mouse entrails.



"We must remember to keep the door shut otherwise he has the carpet covered in feathers or mouse entrails. "
Thanks for the reminder ----- I think the bunny guts in the living room are now dried enough to scrape up without gagging. 
Think how happy you BOTH (ALL?) would make each other!  
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