What kind of fatigue- weakness have you felt ? | Arthritis Information


So I know some of you have said you have fatigue or have had it with flares... Would you mind explaining in detail what that feels like To you or how exactly it affects you? Certain joints or areas it targets more? Does your whole body just feel tired but you still can make it through work? Can you do regular housework or cook? Have you been bed ridden at times? Does your energy come back? What have you noticed makes it better or worse?

Since my dr doesn't really know why I'm feeling weakness and is pushing antidepressants on me I'd like to find out from others With RA if they have similar weakness as I am having?

I stopped all meds ( yes that's stupid) but it's a Long story... I wonder if this weakness is due to not having my meds in my body that I've had for Over a year. I can't go to work with how weak I feel, I'm having panic attacks over it, (that's why the anti depressants) it's like I can't stand fully straight up or laugh it takes too much energy and have to stop laughing. I can't do housework very much it takes up so much energy. I have NEVER felt like this.

Thanks guys! Before I was diagnosed, I would be so tired during the day that I would have to take a nap in my office. Fortunately, I have a long couch. On weekends, I spent most of the time in bed. My PCP sent me to a neurologist who sent me to a sleep clinic and I was diagnosed with sleep apnea and got a thing for my mouth to help me breathe better while sleeping. The darn thing was so uncomfortable I quit using it after about a month. Then I started pain symptoms and was diagnosed with RA. Last summer, I could not work for about two months because I was so exhausted and in pain with osteomyelitis and so weak I had trouble walking from one end of the house to the other (and I do not live in a mansion!). Now I get the fatigue every so often but usually not to the point of taking a nap unless it is a weekend. The weakness is gone and surgery got rid of the osteomyelitis. I've sort of accepted that the fatigue is just a part of the RA. I also take an antidepressant because I have so many other medical issues going on and I'm not ready to wean myself off them. Hi Kelly, sorry you are still battling fatigue. I was hoping it was improving.

[QUOTE=klynn141]So I know some of you have said you have fatigue or have had it with flares... Would you mind explaining in detail what that feels like To you or how exactly it affects you?[/quote]
It affects me in much the same way viral influenza does; body aches and pain, fever, headache, body weakness, mental lethargy, emotional ennui.
[quote] Certain joints or areas it targets more?[/quote]
No, fatigue does not target specific areas.
[quote] Does your whole body just feel tired but you still can make it through work?[/quote]
It depends on the degree of fatigue: sometime I can work through it and continue on continuing on. Other times it puts me down and out.
 [quote]Can you do regular housework or cook?[/quote]
Usually, when in the throes of extreme fatigue, I do not even try to do housework and standing in front of the stove to cook just takes too much energy. I keep a supply of frozen broth, soups, and “quick” meals in the freezer for those times. However, I have, at least a few times been to exhausted to eat.
[quote]Have you been bed ridden at times?[/quote]
[quote] Does your energy come back?[/quote]
So far it does, but sometimes I admit to despairing as it seems to take soooo long to recover for the bouts.
[quote] What have you noticed makes it better or worse? [/quote]
Worse-not having tight control over my RA and/or Sjögren's syndrome.  Better-a reduction in inflammation and reclaiming control of signs and symptoms.

Like you, until I experienced my first full-blown flare, I had never experienced this kind of fatigue and weakness.

Cheers, Shug

Edited to correct formatting.
Spelunker2009-08-27 21:25:18

RA and crushing fatigue are the greatest of friends.  It doesn't seem that you can have RA without the fatigue.  I've had the full spectrum of fatigue; mild to severe and brain fog accompanies it. 

My energy came back as I became better with the medications.  I do housework but I pace myself and I don't vaccum.  I cook because I love to cook and it's a joy to be in the kitchen. 

I've been bedridden for several months but it was due to horrible inflammation and not from fatigue.  I do take naps most days or when I can and that helps a great deal.
There are many RAers who take antidepressents and they may help with the fatigue.   Fatigue is probably the #l complaint, right up there with brain fog.  Take care and keep us posted on how you do.  Lindy
Thank you Lindy, Shug and Mary. I hope Monday at my rheumy appt she will get me on medications that will help. My poor husband hates the fact that he can't " fix" me... He's been depressed, the housework is piling up, not eating well, and short on money from not working... I guess we all have things to worry about. Thanks AGAIN for the ear and support, I appreciate it. It's a bit scary when your pcp and rheumy dont think this has to do with RA and if the Plaquenil caused any problems. They kind of just said plaquenil is safe and for me to decide whther to restart it or not.HI Kelly, I have absolute exhaustion sometimes  and fatigue in general all the time.  I have run the gamut of tests regarding possible ulcers, blood loss from somewhere and small bowel camera swallowed and takes pictures and these all showed damage to the small intestine and the stomach from drugs so I am unable to ingest Iron and other nutrients. 

So my iron stores (ferritin) are zilch and iron in blood, minimal, also my B12 is extremely low  I am having an iron transfusion next Weds.  This is also partly due to anaemia of chronic disease, which is a very common disorder.  Please check with your RD about all these things, although it is my GP who monitors and treats me for this.  
I have had fatigue but lately ( this past 8 days) I have had totally crushing fatigue and by that I mean am just bone weary exhausted.  We thought I was coming down with the flu or something.  I just felt so weak.  I do feel a bit better/stronger today but it takes next to nothing to wear me out.   I have actually decided to see my regular physican next week as this weakness and fatigue has me very worried. 
Janiefx1- I'm so sorry you are going through that. I will bring those suggestions up to my dr. I think they did test me for anemia.

Lori- I hope you figure out what's causing this, I'm right there with ya, it's so scary and frustrating. Please let us know what you find out and I hope you feel much better soon!

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