Mtx/ sulfasalzine | Arthritis Information


saw my rheumy today who is starting me on sulfasalazine as well as the mtx.   does anyone have any experience of these two drugs together??  im a bit worried about the sulfa drug because ive heard there are lots of stomach issues around it.   many thanks to you all.   anne uk  

Hi Anna

I'm taking them both along with plaquenil and haven't had any problems.  I do remember in the beginning I had some headaches after adding the sulfasalazine, but not sure if it was from the meds or something else.  No stomach problems at all for me.

Good luck..hope you have no problems!


Just  make sure you take on a full stomach. I usually take meds at breakfast and one with dinner.  MTHX is of course once a week but still take with food. HI I was on this drug sulfasalazine for 2 years - worked fantastic - did not have one single flare up - thought it had changed my life until one day the hospital rang and said in my test - I had sever cirrhosis of the liver and had to be admitted to hospital immediately - I was not allowed to drink alcohol for 18 months after - I barely drank when I was taking the drug but it was the drug that had caused thisMany thanks for your replies.   I still haven't started the sulfasalazine but will doso soon.      All these drugs do have side effects, and some of them are scary, but I suppose it s  either take the drugs or have the RA flare and be bed ridden...........   Take care all, Anna   xx


It is scary to have to take all the drugs we do...but I guess when you come down to what is best for us...drugs seem to be the answer.  I am off both Plaquenil and sulfasalazine and nothing happened to me.  I hope that makes you feel a little less scary

I had headaches when I first started with it but they went away pretty quickly.  Form that point on I did pretty well on it.  Just remember to use a good sunscreen when you go outside (in summer while on the sulfasalazine) and also have your eyes examined when you first go on the Pacq. and then if anything seems to be happening to your vision, tell your RA doctor and have them re-checked your eyes.  Palquenil can harm your you need to be careful.



Hi, I'm also from the UK and on a similar regime. I also was on Plaquenil (hydroxychloroqhinine) with Sulfasalazine and the Methotrexate, but after being on it for about a year it didn't seem to have any great effect for me and I did suffer with diahorea.  Since coming off it I have felt better, though I could never put a finger on it and say it made me feel bad!

Don't know if that helps or not!

Keep smiling

