White Blood count | Arthritis Information


My white count is almost always elevated when I get my bloodwork. . Anybody else. My Dr seems concerned again about it. I did go to a Blood Dr who stated maybe the pred ? Also my CRP was upThat just happened to me and it turned out I had an infection in my gum. All I had was a tiny little lump that didn't get any bigger for 7 months, nor cause me any great pain....but my WBC kept getting higher and a preiodontist decided to cut it open. It was infection and he scraped it all out and applied antibiotic and my next blood test showed my WBC was back to normal.....

I was only on 10 mgs of prednisone or lowere during this time. Not sure what dose you are on- I did have high WBC at 40 mgs.
My white count is always elevated when inflammation is high. My RD says it is my best indicator of disease activity. He can tell from my blood work if I'll be complaining at my next appointment.Mine WBC is chronically low secondary to uncontrolled inflammation of RA. both hæmatologists I have seen say that low WBC is common in RA and that prednisone often decreased WBC. However, just as commonly, according to both doctors, RA + or - corticosteroids can cause increased WBC.

At least sometimes a _clue_ can be found in which of the specific white cells are elevated or lowered.

As with every other aspect of autoimmune diseases this one is a conundrum.

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