Anyone going to take the Flu Shot?? | Arthritis Information


Anyone on this forum going to take the Swine Flu shot?  I don't think I will.  I have not had a flu shot in about 25 years. The last time I had a shot like that I go so sick I thought I was going to die.    All my docs say that I should get one they have been asking me to get one for years.  I really take care of myself and I am very careful about keeping my hands clean and not touching door handles with I can.  I haven't had a cold in years.  Knock, Knock on wood.  I don't know if this is a live virus or a dead one but I am not for it.  It is to new on the market and we don't know what all the side effects will be.

Sorry I just can't do it.  I pray God keeps me safe.
RA since 1996
Meds: Orencia, Folic Acid Prednisone, Naproxon, Iron, Fish oil, Vitamin C, Calcium, Vitamin D3
I am still undecided...I will take the "regular" flu vaccination. However, in this are the H1N1 vaccine is predicted to be limited at best and could be unavailable.

There was some discussion about this a few weeks ago, let me see if I can find the thread... ... ...

>>HERE<< it is.

I add my positive thoughts to your prayers and hope we are all safe, comfortable, and blessed with contentment.
Questions and answers re: H1N1 can be found >>HERE<<. Although probably incomplete and perhaps biased, it is worth reading. Swine flu: 10 things you need to know
all flu virus vaccines in injectable form are dead virus  The nasal vaccine is a live virus.  The yearly flu vaccine is always a new formulation based on what flues are predicted to be prominant in any year.  The H1N1 vaccination is a seperate shot only because it came so late in the vaccine developement time line that it couldn't be rolled up into the so-called regular flu shot.I am planning on it.  Mainly it is because I teach and I am surround my tons of germ carriers!I will not be getting it.Undecided. I never got flu shots then my GP basically forced me into it last year.  It hurt! My arm was sore for days! I decided I was not doing that again. I historically do not get colds and flus even when they are raging all around me. I thought it might be different now that I'm on immune suppressants but apparently not- my immune system is still out in great force!
Also I heard you had to get 3 this year- 1 is ENOUGH!
Still- maybe my "luck" will run out and I'll catch the darn swine flu and be one of the statistics they talk about- "so & so died  from the Swine Flu but it was said she had an underlying condition...."
I plan on getting it if it becomes available in my area. I'm a RN in a major hospital, so I'm continually exposed to just about everything out there.[QUOTE=SnowOwl]
  A solar energy panel from an orbiting satellite would break loose and plummet down from space and flatten me on the way home from getting my flu shot [/QUOTE]
That's why I'm not getting one.I am getting one......  I get every damn cold and infection that passes this way thanks to the biologic.......  I had two sinus infections, bronchitis twice and pneumonia........
I can't risk it. 
NO! [QUOTE=your2smart] Anyone on this forum going to take the Swine Flu shot?  I don't think I will.  I have not had a flu shot in about 25 years. The last time I had a shot like that I go so sick I thought I was going to die.    All my docs say that I should get one they have been asking me to get one for years.  I really take care of myself and I am very careful about keeping my hands clean and not touching door handles with I can.  I haven't had a cold in years.  Knock, Knock on wood.  I don't know if this is a live virus or a dead one but I am not for it.  It is to new on the market and we don't know what all the side effects will be.


not having a cold for years, is not necessarily a good thing. It may mean that your immune system is in overdrive and needs to calm down. an occasional cold is good, gives your immune system something to do.Something I got in my email.
_popupControl(); I had a discussion with my primary care physician.  She thinks it is blown so out of proportion by the press--what else is new? It is hitting younger people--school age--more than any other age.  The regular flu shot is not even available yet.  She still did not know if the Swine Flu shot is a live virus yet.  That information has not been released.  I think I am going to pass on the swine flu shot.  I do wash my hands a lot, try not to touch my hands to my face and RUN fron anyone who even appears to look or sound sick and then bath in Purell!  Standard seasonal influenza vaccines have been available in the Chicago area for several days at least; many of the area pharmacies and grocery stores have signs out advertising "Flu shots available NOW."  As for the H1N1 vaccine - I believe live attenuated and inactive vaccines will both be available. Nope and nope. I gave up on flu shots many years ago -- always made me very ill with flu symptoms -- and not just a light case -- full-blown. I got the swine flu shot in 1976 and lost three days of my life to it. I don't remember anything from those three days. I did have my pneumonia shot last year, though.I had the worst flu that ever was in the mid 70s and I think it was probably  the 1976 swine flu.  I'm not going to get the h1n1 vaccine but I'll get the regular flu shot.  That was my one and only bout with the flu.  Lindy LinB2009-09-05 17:59:56Oh heck no! After reading kelstev's link that's exactly what I was concerned about... Giulian barr syndrome ( sp). And they are wanting your children to be first in line, are they crazy?! I am scared not to be protected with ra and my meds and catch h1n1 but it sounds more dangerous to take the shot. Let's just hope and pray it won't hit us snx if it does that we will all get through this. Ive heard 90,000 are expected to die from h1n1 and about 50% of us will catch it. ( on my local radio station) which is so scary. We will all have to do what we think is best for each of us but because it's so new I'd rather wAit out this year and see what happens to others that take this shot and hope not to catch it. I would be much more concerned about contracting Guillain-Barré syndrome from Campylobacter, a bacterium all too often found in food products, especially chicken, than from the flu shot; whether that shot contains a new strain of flu or not.

Everything people with chronic illnesses do or do not do needs to be carefully weighted--benefits verus risks becomes a way of life. People without chronic illnesses die every year from complications of the flu, H1N1 is not the only "killer flu" making the rounds it is simply the latest to be isolated and sensationalized in the media.

However, I was in Mexico in the spring and saw first hand the devastation this strain caused. Although the Mercola site presents some timely information on a variety of subjects I would not want to make it my only source of medical information. Information from any source needs to be weighed and assessed far beyond the fear-factor.

At the urging of my physicians I am going to be taking both vaccines as they become available in this rural area. I just do not think I have the physical reserves to rise above a bad case of the flu, H1N1 or not. My physicians have assured me that the risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome is very slight, but that with the expected magnitude of this flu season I need the protection offered by current vaccines.

The weighing game, part of life with RA.
Spelunker2009-09-07 21:05:23im gettin the shot no matter what
my rhuemy guy sayd to, he sayd I HAVE TO!!!
kids r like the one of the "priorety groups he sayd, and since im a kid with a "problem" its important to get it
altho ive been beggin my mom, not to make me get it
i really freak out about needles, and my grandpa scared me more saturday
he sayd u gotta get 2 needles, wah
but it wont hurt too bad, and id rather not get sick
(never had the flu, but i dont wanna kno what it feels like)
thinking about it, it probably wont be so bad, last year i had to have a meningitas (sp?) shot and it wasnt terrible, ALTHO i could've swore i was gettin gullian barre, cuz i had been reading the info thingy that they make u read before u get the shot, so i was paranoid lol
but, im GONNA GET THE SHOT, wah
If I have the oppurtunity to take the Swine Flu shot I will. I always take a regular flu shot. Compared to catching a nasty flu the shots are safe.The regular seasonal influenza vaccine is being mandated for all employees and students of Loyola Medical Center here in the Chicago area:,0,2859774.story

Hi there, Ive been having the normal flu jab yearly wit no probs but I'm not gona have swine flu one
I'm a health professional, so will b one of the first the nhs will offer it too. But
I feel a bit of a guinea pig, as it's not fully tested, and of the possible risk of developing
guillan barre syndrome as reported in media. I guess it's an individual decision. :)a little more of the same that I posted...I haven't read it all...I already know that I won't be getting any type of flu shot...but for those who want more to read...
Just went to Rheumy today...she didn't give me a choice. Got a big ol' shot in my arm...I am a needle BABY! LOL! She said I have to take the swine flu one too when they come out. Oh joy! Lynn49 posted this article that refutes much of the hyperbole surrounding the H1N1 vaccine. [QUOTE=schell]Just went to Rheumy today...she didn't give me a choice. Got a big ol' shot in my arm...I am a needle BABY! LOL! She said I have to take the swine flu one too when they come out. Oh joy! [/QUOTE]
I'd never have a doctor who "didn't give me a choice".   Although to be honest I can't see anyone not having a choice.
I will get the flu shot because I have kids in school. I'm on the fence about the one for swine flu because I had this back in 1976, last time it went around. My thought is I may have immunity to it. Will ask my PMD though and see what he thinks.I have gotten a flu shot every year for the last 8 years. They really work for me.
If the swine flu shot is available to me I'll take that one too. There has been a huge out break in Mexico and AZ already has had 21 deaths out of nearly 2000 reported cases, being located in Phoenix carries an increased risk I think.
I took the swine flu shot in the 70's and I did not catch it .
My co worker got hers and she is walking around boo hooing about her arm hurting. I want it even less now. I remember it DID hurt-for days!I've never had a flu shot in my life.  Today during my physical my doctor (not rheumy) suggested that as I'm immuno-suppressed, it would be an excellent idea.  She said that I would be out of commission for a week if I got the flu and it would make my joints worse.  Rather than a shot, which offers six months' worth of protection, she gave me a nasal mist which lasts longer and will see me through February, which is when flu peaks here in Michigan.My internist says yes to the flu I will get a flu shot.Bluehour: I've heard nasal mist is the live version of the flu versus the shot which is the dead that true?I hope it wasn't live- we are not supposed to have live- right?the flu mist is a live virus and is contraindicated for people on immunosuppression  You CAN get the flu from a live virus vaccine where you can't get one from a dead virus injection[QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]My co worker got hers and she is walking around boo hooing about her arm hurting. I want it even less now. I remember it DID hurt-for days![/QUOTE]
I'd rather have a little arm pain/ache than get the damn flu!!   
Buckeye: yeah, that's what I thought my dr. told me as well. (not to take the nasal form)I don't know about that, nasal versus shot. My doc knows I have RA and I trust her. This may fall into the category of differing opinion among doctors, like so much else. In any case, it's too late now for me.
Bluehour- of course for you its too late but this was an opportunity to educate others.  I trust my primary care dr as well but I am also aware that while she knows I have RA she is not all that familiar with the meds used to treat it.  Our drs are not knowingly trying to cause us any issues but its also important for us to understand that they don't know everythingFor those of you whose arm tends to get sore afterwards or if you get some symptoms from the shot, take Tylenol about a half-hour before you get your shot. I have done this for years and I get no ill effects from the flu shot at all. A doc at a hospital where I used to work told me this.Glad all of you are thinking at least about getting the flu shot ....
For parents though, just remember that with our vaccine, children will still be expected to get 2 shots because they don't have the immune basis adults do.
Either way I can't have it because I am allergic to eggs !
I just got my flu shot this morning and it didn't hurt nor is my arm sore.  I've been on the fence about the H1N1 shot but have decided that I'll get it when it becomes available.  Both my primary and RD  recommended it.  I've lived through all the other flu shots and had no problems.  I also read the same about the nasal flu spray, that it was a live virus and not recommended for immuno suppressed individuals.  LindyThought I'd post what I read about the nasal flu shot.  It's from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention.

The Nasal-Spray Flu Vaccine (Live Attenuated Influenza Vaccine [LAIV])

Questions & Answers

For information about 2009 H1N1 flu, see
How effective is the nasal-spray seasonal flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®)?

In one large study among children aged 15-85 months, the seasonal nasal-spray flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®) reduced the chance of influenza illness by 92% compared with placebo. In a study among adults, the participants were not specifically tested for influenza. However, the study found 19% fewer severe febrile respiratory tract illnesses, 24% fewer respiratory tract illnesses with fever, 23-27% fewer days of illness, 13-28% fewer lost work days, 15-41% fewer health care provider visits, and 43-47% less use of antibiotics compared with placebo.

Who can be vaccinated with the nasal-spray flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®)?

LAIV (FluMist®) is approved for use in healthy* people 2-49 years of age who are not pregnant.

Who should not be vaccinated with the nasal-spray flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®)?
  • People less than 2 years of age
  • People 50 years of age and over
  • People with a medical condition that places them at high risk for complications from influenza, including those with chronic heart or lung disease, such as asthma or reactive airways disease; people with medical conditions such as diabetes or kidney failure; or people with illnesses that weaken the immune system, or who take medications that can weaken the immune system.
  • Children <5 years old with a history of recurrent wheezing
  • Children or adolescents receiving aspirin
  • People with a history of Guillain-Barré syndrome, a rare disorder of the nervous system
  • Pregnant women
  • People who have a severe allergy to chicken eggs or who are allergic to any of the nasal spray vaccine components.
Should the nasal-spray flu vaccine LAIV (FluMist®) be given to patients with chronic diseases other than those specifically listed above?

No. The nasal-spray flu vaccine is approved for use only in healthy* people 2-49 years of age who are not pregnant.

Thanks mom of 2- I will try that should I decide to take the shot. [QUOTE=LinB]I just got my flu shot this morning and it didn't hurt nor is my arm sore.  I've been on the fence about the H1N1 shot but have decided that I'll get it when it becomes available.  Lindy[/QUOTE]
I have mine yesterday morning without any soreness or discomfort. MY PCP told me that his office will call as soon as the H1N1 is available and I do not anticipate any more problems with it that the yearly variety.

Cheers, Shug
I wonder why my arm gets so sore? [QUOTE=Maz-aust]Glad all of you are thinking at least about getting the flu shot .... Well, got through to my rheumy's office and live vaccine is NOT for people my age, OR people with immune suppression/disorders.  Now I just wait and see if I get the flu or not.  So happy that my GP talked me into a flu vaccine.  I have always been pro-active with my health care, but apparently I need a medical degree and to refuse all treatment until I check it out online.
I am not a happy camper right now, especially since this problem is addition to the fact that my pain has gotten worse steadily over the last two months. 


It is a shame, but your GP was totally off base on this one.  As a rule, I don't take any immunizations or any medication that affects my immune system without checking with my rhumy first. 

We have to be proactive with our health.  We have to know our disease inside and out.  Not every dr knows everything. 



Blue, I'm so sorry that you have this to worry about now.  I don't know which doctor recommended the nasal flu vaccine and gave it to you but they should be made aware of the criteria.  Maybe you should call the office and give them the information.  They may be giving it to other people who shouldn't be receiving it.  Have my fingers crossed for you.
Phats is so right, we do have to be proactive.  I research everything at least once and sometimes twice.  Take care.  Lindy
Had my regular flu shot yesturday and will get the swine flu shot when my doctor has them.I did call the office and leave a message for the GP.