Iron Infusion drama! | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, just thought I would fill you in on yesterday, I must be a drama queen or something as I can't have anything done without creating havoc.  This was a simple iron infusion, what could go wrong???????  Well remember it is me we are talking about!!!

Firstly a vein could not be found so on the third attempt and with awful site pain in a very swollen RA area of my hand, (and tears I might add) they managed to find a site.  Then as usual the allergic type reactions started, tight throat, mad rush of blood to the face, the staff were great, called in my specialist and I told him I usually have troubles with everything so they give me hydrocortisone and phenergan, so they did that, the hydrocortisone caused lots more site pain and tears so they decided to give me lignocaine local anaesthetic, it worked on the very sore wrist bone area but my whole arm and shoulders were now in so much pain, so I slept thankfully and then came home to Liam unable to sleep until 2.30am due to facial spasms and anxiety, I was exhausted and Gary had to get up at 5am with Liam to take him to Brisbane (4hours away) for epilepsy tests, so I had to let him sleep, thank God, Gary would not let me go to Brisbane with them as I was exhausted and spent all day sleeping.;  So the drama continues in our house!  Liams tests revealed that the facial spasms he is gettting are not related to the epilepsy but maybe anxiety related, I am so fed up of all this, but thank God it could be a lot worse so getting ready for another day tomorrow!!!!  Thanks for listening, Janie.
janiefx12009-09-02 03:19:08Wow Janie, simply wow. You just cannot catch that proverbial break. With everything else piled on your plate, it does not seem to be asking for much to go for a relatively simple IV without so many difficulties.

If finding an adequate vein for IV therapy or for drawing blood in a constant hassle has your physician spoken with you about the insertion of a port? Having a port for routine blood work and IVs would at least remove one of the "what could go wrong" factors in you health care.

I send you my best wishes and my hopes for better days.
Wow!  I am so sorry!Janie, I hope that Liam's visit was one of the good news variety and that you are feeling better physically and that your anxiety level has decreased.

IIRC, you were going to have hypnosis as part of your ongoing therapy--is it possible for you to share your experience? If not, I certainly understand how personal and subjective that undertaking is...
Janie, I hope your absence means you and your family are out-'n-about and that the drama has become simply a distant memory.

Cheers, Shug
Thanks guys. Shug, I didn't make it to the hypnotherapy as Liam was too unwell so I have to reschedule it, I may private message you, it just depends how it goes.

I know Liams paed RD says its not arthrits but if he could have felt the heat and seen the pain Liam was in on Thurs night, he would have believed it, I had Liams bloods done on Friday am just in case.  He was unable to get to sleep for about 4 nights now, so I stayed up with him until 2.30/3 ish and I don't feel any different after the iron infusion, maybe because of this??  Also my wrist has been terribly tender and painful since IV was put in, GP saw it and said see how it is early next week, we may have to do an ultrasound, I know this is hard to believe but it feels to me like the little plastic tube is still in there - I hope not!!!!

Anyway guys, I am getting a flat screen tv on Weds 42 inch, Gary has been working so hard at his new job and we have been saving and decided to treat ourselves for a change.  Anyone got any views on Plasma versus LCD?  thanks Janie.   

Wow Janie, I am praying for a break for you. I am so sorry! Janie, I am so sorry you remain caught in this horrendous maelstrom. I send you my best wishes for finding a way to escape the vortex and move beyond the treacherous shoals of physical difficulties.

Poor Liam...words fail except to say that I am sorry he is suffering so terribly.

Best wishes, Shug
Thanks Shell and Shug, much appreciated, I can't sleep tonight and Liam went to bed early, would you believe it??????  Never mind, tucking them is is one of the best jobs a mother can have and kissing their rosy little cheeks, Liam actually smiled and whispered 'I love you Mum" as I kissed him, aaahhh  makes it all worth it, Luke was awake and I sent him in to cuddle Daddy and sleep in there as he was "too lonely" to go to sleep!!!. Hugs Janie.