Skin issue, other AI problem? | Arthritis Information


About 2 months ago I had a patch of skin on my back, below my neck and too the left, act up like it was being irritated by a clothing tag. I was convinced it was the tag so cut it The area felt like it had been burnt. Got hubster to check it out and he could not see a thing.

I am still having that burning sensation on occasion and  putting my hand on it intensifies the burning. I remember reading something here about an AI skin condition which may be similar. Can someone point me to posts on that or give me a name? If there is one?
Thanks in advance.
Lyn  My shoulders often burn below my neck.  I don't know why, and in a way, I don't want to know.  Also, I never had eczema or asthma as a child, but now I have apparently developed a propensity for eczema or something.[QUOTE=KatieG]My shoulders often burn below my neck.  I don't know why, and in a way, I don't want to know.  Also, I never had eczema or asthma as a child, but now I have apparently developed a propensity for eczema or something.[/QUOTE]
tried to PM you about this KatieG..  but you're full to the brim!!
what does the "rash" appear like... how does it act... is it like a blister ?
I had a really weird burning sensation on the lower calf right above my ankle. Just for no reason at al it would start burning, thought it was razor burn but it lasted months, a Derm doc said it was most likely nerve related. Strange though.