My cat "artists" | Arthritis Information


My cats are going to become artists.  One by one, I am "helping" them paint their individual artworks.

This first painting is by Rebel Buster, a 16-year old grey tabby.  Rebel enjoys the subdued hues of nature and the feeling of tranquility they portray.
These are fabbie. How did they do this?  How much help required? What was the painting material?
I've got two burman who I'm sure would love painting[/QUOTE]
I hope you're right, because I'm finding that mine don't like painting!  So here's what I had to do: 
(1) They don't like the paint on their paws.  After unsuccessful attempts, I finally threw some paint on the paper and "helped" them take paws to paper.  I also used a peacock feather to encourage them. 
(2) I am choosing the pallette for each cat, based on my own knowledge of his or her personality.
I use plain sketch pad paper and the "paint" is made from instant vanilla pudding with food coloring added, so it's non-toxic and they can lick their paws clean.  I also have some colored construction paper to try when one of them is in a "dark mood".  You know how artists can get.....
Sounds completely mad but fun
I'm already thinking cat milk with rice for texture... my boys love rice pudding.
These are so wonderful.  I'm not sure my boys would play nice doing this.  Like Snow, I have to appreciate their artistic talent by observing their well placed paw prints everywhere and their little nose art along the windows. 
Can't wait for the others.  Lindy
I'm not sure about their biodegradable nature (although Rebel thought the whole process was degrading....