Enbrel | Arthritis Information


I have been on Enbrel for about three months but have only been able to take the shots 4 times because I have gotten sick with the shots. The third one i was fine with, but I just took my fourth and here I go getting sick again. Have you guys experienced getting sick a ton while being on this? Also, It BURNS. How do you take it? How long is long enough to warm the syringe and have a cold pack on my leg? 10 min? It has worked remarkably!, where the MTX didn't do a thing,so I am happy I have it, but man if I am sick all the time, how much fun is that? 

What kind of sickness are you having?


I had a lot of stomach upsets for the first month or so of taking it. I also ran a fever for 3-4 days after my injection. I let the shot sit out for about an hour. Long enough for it to warm up, but not too long since it needs to be refridgerated. Leaving it out a little while definetly helps. My second injection, my first at home, I left it out only 15 minutes. Good thing I was home alone, because I said words not appropriate for my 3yr old to hear! Now I dont have any side effects at all. I love it! Give it some time, you are injecting something foreign into your body it's bound to be disgruntled by that. Try getting the prefilled syringes, and then inject them into your stomach. Very easy and NO pain. Good luck. I'm glad it the enbrel is working for you, it's a life saver for me.  Never got sick with it though.  Hope you get passed that soon. [QUOTE=Phatgirl2]

What kind of sickness are you having?



Chest and head colds. The first time it went straight into pneumonia, and the second time it went to bronchitis.And here I go again, sniffling, etc.

Glad I read yours Allymom....I have only been warming it up about 15 min. And yes..I say words that children shouldn't hear. NO!!  don't warm it for an hour!  it's a very delicate little shot that you can erase or lessen the efficacy of it by allowing it to warm too long..
I heated mine up over a cup of tea for the first year and had no real success..then I was rushed ONE night and did the shot cold..   I had the BEST reaction to the med!! 
I ice my stomach... and do the shot straight from the refrigerator....
so it burns... big deal.. it doesn't hurt as much as RA!!  If you've had RA pain.. then this little short term burn is nothing compared to that..
You can handle it.

okay.. you're getting chest and head colds and pneumonia..

I've had that too........ 
be sure you take your antibiotic completely.. even do an extra dose up to 14 days if your dr will allow to make sure you have beat the infection before starting the enbrel again..
I had been getting sinus and bronchitis infections alot last winter.. but didn't take quite long enough rounds of antibiotics to beat it completely.. just enough to allow me to feel better..... so, I would get the infection back.  Then I took fourteen days of a levaquin 750 mg for the pneumonia...I've been good *(knock on wood)*
be sure you've gotten rid of the infection.
take ALL your antibiotic
wash your hands like you're compelled to ..... constantly.
[QUOTE=babs10] [QUOTE=babs10]NO!!  don't warm it for an hour!  it's a very delicate little shot that you can erase or lessen the efficacy of it by allowing it to warm too long..[/quote]
Simple tuck in under your arm for a few minutes and it will warm to body temperature. I do not ice the injection site, never have.[quote]

Good luck, Phats

It doesn't seem right to me that you'd get sick immediately after an injection ... it takes a while to suppress the immune system, to my knowledge, and four shots couldn't really do it that quickly??  I'm wondering if you already have some sort of respiratory infection?  I was on Enbrel 7 years and was actually healthier than before Enbrel - when I was in a generally run down condition and catching every cold and flu that crossed my path.  I did have a serious bout with pneumonia one time and had to go off it.

I can't wait to get back on it again. 
[QUOTE=Green~Tara]It doesn't seem right to me that you'd get sick immediately after an injection ... it takes a while to suppress the immune system, to my knowledge, and four shots couldn't really do it that quickly?? 

That is strange! My doctor said that it suppresses the immune system immediately, but other meds such as Humira (I think she said that one) it takes a little while longer...hmm, not sure.
Wow Babs, I had no idea that an hour is too long. Enbrel has been working for me but I wonder how much better it would work if i took it sooner. I think on Tuesday I will try what Shug said and just warm it too body temp. It's a good point that the pain is nothing compared to our everday kind of pain.
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