What weird symptoms has Enbrel given you? | Arthritis Information


I was happy on Humira (except for how much the shot hurt) but the doc switched me to Enbrel for better medicine coverage (I used to get my tiny aches back like 2-5 days before I could take another Humira shot and he thought this would take care of that)... anywho... I am not so much an Enbrel fan right now. I am having these weird muscle sensations in my amrs and bi-ceps (not together, its just one or the other) anyways I dont know if this is a new symptom or a medicine side -effect because my doc said that Enbrel can cause MS like symptoms.

Anyone have any weirdo symptoms on Enbrel they care to share?

I had to stop it do to MS type symptoms. Twitching, leg weakness

I never had symptoms like that on Enbrel.  I can't wait to get back on it if I get the clearance after trying Humira. I have had very few side effects, but I have had some weird sensations in my legs, like bugs crawling on me or pin pricks...a little weird but nothing severe! 
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