Do RA Patients Have a Higher Risk for Sleep Apnea? | Arthritis Information



Objective. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) have an increased risk for developing cardiovascular disease (CVD) compared to subjects in the general population. The development of CVD has also been linked to chronic sleep apnea. The purpose of this study was to examine the risk for sleep apnea in patients with RA compared to subjects without RA.

Methods. We recruited RA patients and non-RA subjects who were age and sex matched from the same population. These persons completed the Berlin Sleep Questionnaire, which evaluated their level of risk (high or low) for sleep apnea. In addition, there were 3 subscales evaluating snoring, fatigue, and relevant comorbidities [i.e., high blood pressure and obesity [body mass index (BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m2)]. Chi-squared tests were used for comparisons.

Results. The study population consisted of 164 patients with RA and 328 patients without RA. Age, sex and BMI were similar for both groups. There was no difference in snoring (p = 0.31) or in the comorbidities subscale (p = 0.37). However, RA patients reported more fatigue (38%) than subjects without RA (13%; p < 0.001). Overall, the risk for sleep apnea was significantly higher for the RA patients (50%) than the non-RA subjects (31%; p < 0.001).

Conclusion. Patients with RA may be at a higher risk for sleep apnea compared to non-RA subjects. This apparent risk difference may be attributed to reports of fatigue in RA patients, which may be associated with sleep apnea or RA disease itself.
I don't know which came first.. the chicken or the egg?
I didnt' ever snore prior to RA DX this time around.....
Now, I will sometimes wake myself up.....   My DH hears nothing when he sleeps but has said if I fall off before him... or he wakes before me.. that I do snore now.
is the RA fatigue because we don't get good sleep due to apnea?  or is apnea a contributing factor toward RA?? 
who the hell knows???
I have RA and sleep apnea. I am not sure which came first. I was diagnosed with RA first, but the sleep apnea may have been there all along. I also have heart problems (post-partum cardiomyopathy when my son was born). If you suspect sleep apnea, by all means, get tested! I was surprised I had it (not overweight, don't have a big thing in the back of my throat - I forget the name of it). I now sleep with a CPAP machine/mask and it helps a lot!