Orencia | Arthritis Information



 I was hoping someone here has tried Orencia before and could tell me if it is worth a shot. 

 Thanks alot,


Orencia is brand new on the market and possibly the only one you would find would be someone who was in a blind study.  I have been approved for Orencia and my rheumatologist said he expects it to be available in March, having just been approved by the FDAwhat is it?

yes - do tell!!

is it another shot?  or a pill?  anti-inflammatory? 





http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?BRD=1091&dept_id=5354 12&newsid=15924091&PAG=461&rfi=9


[quote] Another promising new medication for RA patients — particularly those who have not been helped by other treatments — is abatacept (marketed as Orencia), which recently received FDA approval and will be available for patients in February.
   Abatacept is part of a new class of medications known as co-stimulation modulators that block specific cells within the immune system, which cause inflammation. In clinical trials, abatacept more than doubled the rate of symptom improvement for those with difficult-to-treat rheumatoid arthritis.[/quote]



I think it may be in pill form.  I hope I get to try it out...soon.

Here is a website link to it.  I signed up to get more info. on, Orencia  as it becomes more and more known and as the FDA gives out more info about what is happening with Orencia and that info. gets put on the Orencia website.

Take a drive by and see what the website is about.


https://www.orencia.com/orencia/splash/apps/tellacolleague.j sp?BV_UseBVCookie=Yes



 I think Orencia is in I.V form which you have to go for it every 2 weeks at the begining, then every 3 weeks, and finally every 4 weeks, for a half hour.


Orencia will be given by IV infusion...I just read it in their PDF patient information.

It has some serious side effects with taking it but the usual side effects seem to be the same as with the biologics.  You really do need to read the patient information on it.

Like all good things there maybe some draw backs to it.



  Thank you guys so much, you dont know how much help you are. If anyone else knows anything please post it!

Again thank you so much,


I'm meeting with my rheumatologist next week to get on the Orencia user list.  My doc is the current president of the ACR (American College of Rheumatology).  Dr. Tindall has been conducting some of the phase III trials of Orencia in the U.S.  So I guess she gets 1st rights to enlist her own patients.

Anyway, it's a 30 min infusion that can be done in the doctor's office.  I guess I qualify because I have the type of RA that causes major swelling and I can't take the usual DMARDs and biologics (have already developed antibodies to Remicade).

I'll let you know when I get to try it!
Hi. I am on Abatacept. It's IV infusion.  The first 2 are given 2 weeks apart to get it introduced to your system and then it is monthly after that.  It takes 30 minutes and then you have to wait 30 mins after that to check for reactions and to get vitals checked.  I have had 4 infusions so far - been on it for over 2 months and cant say I have noticed much of a difference so far.  My fingers that were affected are much better but I have had 2 joints in my thumb that affected now to a much more painful level than my fingers ever were.  It's hard because I don't know what to expect in terms of improvement as I have not been on any biologics before.  Apperently it has a good success rate though.
I have been on Abatacept (Orencia) for 3 years.  I started out in a double blinded study.  All other treatments had to have failed for you and in my particular study I had to be on MTX.  Before my initial infusion, I had tried all the usual drugs; Viox, Mobic etc.  I even was on Rhemicade for 6 months.  My Dr. wanted to try Enbrel, but at that time it was unavailable to new patients. (Something to do with a fire at the factory, so they were only providing current patients) My initial IV treatments were 2 weeks apart and afterwards monthly.  Remember, this was a double blinded study, but after 2 treatments I told my Dr., I don't care if this is a placibo, keep giving it to me.  It has been a miracle drug for me.  My hands were so bad, I had difficulty opening a door or turning the ignition key in my car.  I had nodules on my elbows and I couldn't walk down stairs unless I went backwards. When I initially started this study, I was taking 10 mg of MTX and 10 mg of prednisone.  I am now on 5 mg MTX and 1 mg of prednisone. Last Summer, I was in 2 golf leagues and now feel great.
I was just informed last month that my part of this long term side effects study has been extended until 2008.  My insurance company would be glad to hear that.


I too am on Orencia and am having problems with my sinuses.  What does your Dr. do for your sinuses?


I have to take antibiotics and Zrytec. It seem like about every 2or 3 months I need to go on meds. Now I am also starting to get eye infections I have had 2 in the last 3 months. along with the antibiotics for sinus I have to use eye drops too.



What state are your studies being done in? I am in a study in Hagerstown, Md. Been in the study 6 years.

Thanks RoxAnne, I'll talk to my ra dr. about Zrytec.
I'm in Albany, NY.
I started on a double blinded study 3 years ago and am now on a long term side effects study until 2008.  I don't want to stop Orencia, I just want to know how to deal with my sinuses. 


I will also be in the study until it ends. Because I have been on it since the start. My ra doc is a clinical study doc  along treating patients. They have lots of studies going on there. I too dont want to stop Orencia. I like being in the study because I get my Doc visits free and the medicine helps.



My Dr. is also a clinical study doc as well as seeing patients.  They have so many studies going on here that they have a special room with 4 clinical study nurses who do nothing but work on these studies, give IVs etc.  It's great to be able to go into this room and talk to other patients on the same drugs.  I am also taking MX, 2 tablets once a week and 1mg of prednisone and folic acid daily.
Without Orencia, I would be in a wheel chair.  Thank God for an agressive Dr.

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