feel like finger is broken | Arthritis Information


Hi, it's been awhile since I posted here - I hope you are all doing well. My immediate question is - my left pinky finger feels like it's broken! My hands have been hurting for quite awhile, however I've not noticed this particular finger demanding more attention than the others. However, about 10 minutes ago, I was washing my hands and I felt this severe pain in my left pinky. I don't know how to describe it, except to say it felt "broken". The intense blinding pain lasted about 2 minutes, now it's sore, but not the "broken" feeling - though I don't dare touch it to see if pressure hurts. Is it possible to have RA damage the joints to where a finger could just "break"? If not, what the heck just happened? Anyone have a similar experience? I have more to ask, but will save for another post. Thank you in advance. Love and healing hugs, juliahI have had spasms of pain in my fingers that hurt like hell for a while, then go away.  Hope that's what happened to you and not an actual break.  It's amazing how agonizing the pressure against a finger joint can be.Caution is always the best course of action: see your physician or visit an urgent care center. It is not uncommon for those with RA to have decreased bone density from the disease itself and/or from some of the medications used to treat the signs and symptoms of RA.

At least sometimes the treatment for a fractured finger is a simple splint, it is always best to know whether you have fractured or dislocated something in your hands and treat accordingly.

Best wishes, Shug

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