Migraine hell!!! | Arthritis Information


Almost ended up in the ER last night - I had the migraine from hell.  It started yesterday afternoon.  At first, it seemed like a 'normal' headache, perhaps a bit more intense than usual.  I ignored it at first; I frequently get sinus headaches during allergy season, and a quick swish of the neti pot or a hot shower will alleviate it. 
Anyway, it got progressively worse.  Unfortunately I didn't have any Imitrex on-hand, nor did I have a current script because I get migraines perhaps once a year.  UGH!  I took naproxen and tylenol; it took the edge off the pain for an hour, and then it came back with a vengeance.  Light and sound hurt; I even threw up.  I took more tylenol, a couple of aspirin (sometimes works better than naproxen for acute pain for me), some benadryl (for the nausea), chewed some Jolt gum (caffeinated gum), and finally got some OK pain relief by 2:00AM.  I did another round of tylenol/aspirin/benadryl/caffeine at 4AM (4 hours after the last doses), and threw in an Ambien so I could sleep.

 Finally, complete relief!  I was able to sleep until 1:00PM and awoke a bit dazed and confused, but thankfully pain-free.  My stomach was still not sufficiently recovered enough to eat dinner tonight, but I managed some soup and Coke. Misery!  I'm glad you're feeling better. When I hear people describe a migraiine I'm always so thankful it's something I've not had to suffer with.HI Jas, I hope you are ok now, I don't get migraines but my Dad used to ,and I don't know if you know the childrens rhyme Jack and Jill, where Jack hurts his head and goes to bed with vinegar and brown paper, well my Dad swears by it, he puts a little vinegar onto a brown paper bag and puts it over his head usually with a window open as it is quite strong, maybe its worth a try, regards Janie. 

I don't get migraines, and from reading your post, I'm glad I don't.  Sounds awful.

Glad you're feeling better.

Jas, I am glad you finally got some relief and were able to sleep. I am sending you best wishes for a peaceful, comfortable, and contented Sunday. Thanx everyone!  What a miserable way to spend a Friday night.  My sympathy to anyone who gets migraines on a regular (or irregular) basis - they suck! Jas, I have totally been there and almost got headachey and nauseated reading your post,LOL. I wish I could offer you some advice but besides Imitrex, not much ever helped mine. After I had my hysterectomy in 2005, I have had maybe, 3 migraines (before that, I had 2 a week). Someone was telling me that rubbing limes on the forhead will alleviate the pain, never tried it and have no idea how this could even begin to help but who knows. Glad you feel better today.Oh man can I relate.  I had dreadful, frequent migraines from age 11 on.. They have eased up some since menopause..
I am allergic to Imitrex unfortunately.. But I have found I can defeat  all but the worst of them with  2 Tylenol allergy sinus tabs, a strong cup of coffee, 2 aspirin and an absolutely silent and dark room.. Unless I throw up, which happens about half the time.. Then I just plain cave in and go to the ER.. Thank god for phenegren and demerol.
Glad you got some relief..
Get that darn Imitrex script and FILL it.
Glad you are feeling better. Migraines if they can- seem to be going around. Both me and my daughter had them last weekend- it was so horrible I couldn't keep the fiorinal down so I could get rid of the headache!
This weekend I had to drive my niece who had picked me up for out book club home because one came on her while we were there. I said should we bring a plastic bag with us? She said no- I'll just throw up out the window if I have to. Me being a vomit phob couldn't wait to pull in the drive way! Of course we hit every red light!
so sorry you suffered so, Jas.
There is DEFINITELY something going around though.. 
Three of my friends had migraines last week.... they don't live in the same parts of the world.. so it can't be the area..... one is in CA.. one in PA.. and one in Michigan..go figure.!
I've been having migraines since I was 14. Until a few years ago, I'd just get the ones that had the aura warning first. I like those- I can pop a toradol and it goes away. But since 2003 I also just get slammed with migraines sometimes and sometimes the aura ones.  I hate the no warning migraines. I used to go to the doctor for shots- nubain, phenergan and benadryl. Now I just ride them out. Tired of all the meds. An ice bottle on the back of my neck, a couple (4 or 5) naproxen sodium and someone else to make dinner. I don't totally go out of commission, just power down to minimum speed. Migraines suck. There is NOTHING good about them. I've had them so bad that I'd be in the emergency room and wanting to pound my head into a brick wall. I've done every med there is (allergic to the triptans), tried every alternative therapy. Migraines are like having someone constantly following you and you never know when you're going to get clobbered. Ice, rest, relaxation. The more stress I'm under, the more likely I'll get slammed. I'm convinced it is my body's way of telling me to chill out. Even so, migraines still suck.  Must be something in the air!  I just finished a 3 day IV treatment for a migranie that refused to go away.   It finally subsided late yesterday,  Thank GOD!   I hate it when they get that bad, had not needed home health in over a year.   I have it really bad this time of year when we have a lot of thunder storms the barometric pressure changes really play havoc with me.  
Excedrine with tylenol, aspirin and caffine is the only non prescription thing that eases my pain. I have suffered with migraines since age 9. They have have become less severe with age but they last longer. Wish I had a good solution! Oh Jasmine, I can so relate!
I've gotten horrible migraines since I was a kid. They are finally decently controlled with daily nortryptilline and relpax during acute attacks. I haven't thrown up in about 6 months, though I still get migraines 2-3 times a month. I used to get stuck in various places, like Home Depot for instance, with migraines that struck suddenly and left me vomiting and unable to drive.
Hope this is your last experience for a long long time!
leilaYikes how awful! Glad you are feelling better. Guess you should get your script filled. Hopfully you will not need it. Still best to have it on hand for an emergency.
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