That Other Itis -- Bursitis | Arthritis Information


From Johns Hopkins Health Alerts:


Do you suffer with dull, persistent joint pain that gets worse when you move? It may be due to bursitis -- a condition that produces some of the same symptoms as arthritis, but affects the tissues surrounding the joint rather than the joint itself.

Bursitis is an inflammation of one of the small fluid-filled sacs, or bursae, that act as cushions in areas of the body where muscles or tendons move over bones or other muscles. The bursae prevent friction by protecting muscles and tendons from coming into direct contact with bones. When a bursa becomes inflamed, pain and swelling result. There are about 150 bursae in the body, but the ones most commonly affected are in the shoulders, elbows, hips, knees, and feet.

In most cases bursitis results from joint overuse due to repetitive motions. For example, bursitis in the shoulder can be brought on by excessive strain, such as from serving a tennis ball. Other causes of bursitis include:

Bursitis is not chronic -- most cases clear up by themselves within a few days to two weeks -- but bursitis can recur unless you adopt protective measures. The best way to prevent bursitis is to avoid activities that require repetitive motions (which is not always possible) and to stay in shape, since well-conditioned muscles are less susceptible to overuse injuries than tight or weak muscles.

Bursitis treatment advice:

T'would it be so simple. I've had bursitis in my hips for years. I'll get a shot, it'll work like a miracle for a couple of months -- then bam! Back again.

I suffered miserably for over 1 year with pain in the elbow.  Did not know it was bursitis until recently so went for accupuncture and so far so more pain!!!  It might be worth a try IslandWoman.


I've had bursitis in my right shoulder for years, neither shots nor acupuncture have helped at all.  Only reason I'm not currently suffering with it is all the pain medication.It is such a oversimplified article.  Bursitis is not something in my experience that usually clears up by itself, and it is in fact chronic!!   And the thing that works the best for me in treating it, the cortizone shot, in return helps break down the cartilage even further.  It's a viscious cycle and a no win for the patient.  This article was written by someone in an ivory tower, not someone who treats chronic patients or lives with chronic bursitis.There's bursitis from overuse and then there's bursitis from a chronic disease and believe me it's not going to go away on it's own!!!!  My hip has been the worst latetly and my orthopod is reluctant to inject steroids because they cause damage also but I'm at the point that I don't care just inject the sucker.  Nightime is the worst, when I walk it's fine.  I think bursitis that's caused by a chronic disease doesn't follow the book and is totally different.  Lindy