plane ride | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone. Has anyone ever gotten really swollen and stiff ( particularly hands and feet) after taking a plane ride? This happened to me yesterday and it kind of freaked me out.The ride was 2 hrs and 30 min. Anyway , I hope you all have a great, painfree day

Heck, my hands always seem to hurt and swell and I get the same thing, only in my ankles and feet, after sitting down for more than 20 minutes...LOL.  Did you both take pain meds. before the flight and it still happened?

This is not good news..I am going back to Michigan this July and we are taking 2 lay overs, one to Michigan and one coming back from Michigan, so we can meet with family (in other states) and have a long lunch with them. I am now wondering if that is a good idea.  Ever since my diagnose with this darn pest, I have been traveling by driving where ever I wanted to go and that is a job-in it's self..  This time I thought I would give in and fly, with the hopes of not having all the problems I face by driving....Oh Boy...I guess no mater what we decide, it may not be in our favor.

Any one have any ideas about how we can travel with out all this stiffness and swelling than occurs while traveling?





Yes, it's happened to me - I wondered if I was just crazy.

I wonder why?

By the time I got off the plane and had to catch another, of course alllllllllll the way across the airport - I was so stiff I couldn't walk really well.   Luckily - the Phoenix airport has one of those vertical escalators.  THANK GOD!   I didn't know - but I was thankful!

I learned my lesson - I will be taking my pain pills with me next time.. and get up and walk on the plane - to the bathroom or whatever.




I wonder if it has to do with the changes in the cabin pressure or altitude? Im sure the stress, lugging a suitcase, fighting the crowds, standing in line, walking, sitting for a long time, and then repeating the rest of process in reverse does not help.....'cause it made me tired just typing it all out...whew!