AI Family Affair Part II | Arthritis Information


It was agreed that an ongoing update would be fun and informative---so here we are: a few weeks on. How are all of you? What innovative and creative things have you been doing? How are you fairing as the seasons prepare to change? What plans do you have for the next few weeks as the holiday season begins its approach?
I have been struggling with a rebellious 17 year old who 6 days into the senior year has gotten in enough trouble so is at home today- suspended and his graduation is in jeopardy.

The stress of this coupled with me going pred free has led me to extra RA pain. Called RD to see if it could still be my body adjusting to no pred (been 1 month) or if I should just start a biologic. Told the nurse at her suggestion- NO prednisone! She left me a voice mail that the dr. said I should start taking 5 mgs of pred a day until my appt. late next month and we will talk about a biologic then. With everything else going on- I am not in the mood for a confrontation so I am just NOT taking the prednisone and feeling a little irritated that he has been telling me to start a biologic since day 1 and all of a sudden he doesn't have time to bring me in and get me started. Plus he said "talk" about a biologic- does that mean he changed his mind? I know I know- call and find out.
Summer is my favorite season and cold weather doesn't agree with me so I feel sad at this time of year. I have changed my decorations, door wreaths, table cloths, flower arrangements, etc.. to a fall theme.
Holidays I have not begun to think about yet.
Well, I'm still here, just haven't been posting much lately.  The fall orchestra season just started so I'm driving to San Francisco twice a month for a 3 hr fingers are definitely stiff the next day.  I'm also playing in our church worship band twice a practice...keeps me very busy.  I'm doing pretty well on Orencia and a low dose of far...though my hands and shoulders still hurt and are stiff in the morning into the early afternoon.  My wife and I are flying first class to Washington DC at the end of October to a big company sponsored (and paid for) formal, black tie, affair at the Smithsonian...should be exciting.
I hope everyone is doing well and enjoying life as best they can!
I haven't been posting, cause honestly, there isn't much good to say. School is kicking my you know what. As I mentioned before, due to budget cuts, we are teaching an extra class. I didn't realize how much I needed that downtime. I am having a really hard time. Saw the rheumy on Wed. He can tell that I am missing the mtx. Can't even think about starting it again until the repeat CT scan in November. The other two meds that I started per the Duke RD take months to kick in(don't they all???). I am much more swollen than usual. Saw the pain dr. on Thursday and he wasn't too happy either. He prescribed a new muscle relaxer due to my muscles cramping and being very tight. He said this is very common with joint inflammation. Of course, it wipes me out so I can't take it at work. My shoulders are also awful and I'm having a very tough time even writing on the board.

I go back to Duke on the 30th regarding my jaw. Hopefully they will have some ideas that don't include joint replacement.

Sorry to be so negative. I hate to post stuff like this so I just don't post much at all. I feel like I have just enough energy to work and come home. I have cancelled on a wedding and the VA Tech/Nebraska game this weekend. My chest feels awful and breathing hurts. This is what landed me in the hospital over the summer so I am just going to take it easy. I see the lung dr. next Thursday.   Gonna take some of the "big gun" meds and curl up and do nothing. Fun Times!!!rocckyd2009-09-18 14:18:58Hi everyone!  I hope this finds everyone doing better.  WanttobeRAfree, I am sorry that you are having difficult times with your 17 year old.  I'm not personally going through what you are, but I  have two teenagers and I get frustrated at times.  Like Snowowl, I like fall.  I live in Connecticut so I really enjoy the change of seasons.  I have been pretty stressed out lately and went for an even walk tonight (I usually walk in the morning).  IT was so nice.  The air was cool and crisp.  There were several people that had fires going in their back yard or in their fireplaces.  Anyway, I jsut really enjoyed my walk tonight and talking with a couple of my neighbors.  Once the cold weather gets here, people don't like to come out and chat.  I wish I were camping tonight.  As Snowowl said to bring out the comforters, candles, throws, etc. - get cozy for the long cold winter.  Alan, it sure sounds like you are keeping busy.  Good for you.  You and your wife should have a great time in Washington, D.C.  I just think that is such an exciting area.  So much to do and see.  Will you have any extra time to do some other things?  Rebecca - we all understand not wanting to post anything cause we don't feel upbeat.  However, sometimes you just need to vent.  What better place than to do it here where we usually get it??!!  I finally feel pretty good and am trying to enjoy it before it changes.  I have been bike riding on our new extended bike path and love it.  There are several areas where you can't see any houses or roads, just nature.  Last weekend my husband and I went about 26 miles.  I just felt like I could ride forever.  I hope to ride this weekend.  My husband as well as both kids have been sick so I think I might be riding solo. We'll see.  IT should be a very nice weekend around here.  Well, I hope you all have a nice weekend wherever you are and that you find some relief from your pains and fatigue and family stresses.
Fall is arriving finally.  The tree tops are just starting to turn yellow.  It might be a late start to winter.....I can only hope. 
We've been busy getting settled in and decorating the house.   Seeing our old friends and having a great welcome back to Nevada.  I hate to admit it but I don't miss the traveling at all.  We are a little antsy and will be leaving Thursday for Las Vegas for 3 days.
I've been designing and making some jewelry for a show in November.  I'll only have about 15 pieces ready but I can take orders and do commissions.  Right now I'm ready to start using brass clay in my designs.  I'm really excited about it.
Saw a new RD and boy did I hit the motherlode.  I spent and hour and a half with her and she did the best rheumatology exam I've ever had.  She was pleasant, looked me in the eye and most importantly she listened.  A few problems with my lymphs and segs on my CBC and I have to drop Humira back to every 2 weeks instead of weekly.  She increased my MXT and Sulfasalazine and will be adding another dmard in a month.  We'll try this combo before I move on to Orencia.  I want to try everything possible before I go up the med. ladder. 
Have picked out dining room furniture and will pick it up next week.  The house is coming together very slowly but that's ok cause I'm slow.
Like Snow, I'm starting to decorate for Halloween ( favorite day) and have just put out my collection of witches on the library table and hung my broom over the archway.  We won't have any trick or treaters because we live in the country, 7 miles outside town - darn, I love to play with their little minds on trick or treat night. 
Everyone enjoy your fall weather.  Lindy
LinB2009-09-18 21:05:46Hey family, I am still clicking along.  I feel awful for not posting or answering pm's 

Wantto.. it’s all about growing up.. Teens pull this and we stand firm…. All in all, I know you will be the strongest and he will be the victor when it is all said and done.. You will have ultimately taught him the best…  Some of the best adults I know had a rebellious streak at one time…… And some had to fall far before they could pick themselves back up.  *hugs*  hang tough, dear.


LinB….. Love that you are so far out of  “town” I would, at this stage in my life.. love it.

Leave me to me and mine ;)  I am SO glad to hear about your RD.. I hope she proves to serve you very well!!


Rebecca…  I can only imagine what a trial it is to have jaw pains.

I do wish we could feel okay about talking about our ills…Even among our most understanding co-suffers.   Personally, I don’t consider anyone a whiner who also comes on and supports others in their troubled times..   That’s support AND commiseration!! ;)


Alan! DC is a very exciting town!! Enjoy it!


Waddie.. That’s a great update and you sound so positive.   It is so easy to see why you have so much love and support 


Shug.. YOU never stop amazing me with your incredible strengths.. We are blessed to have you to show us the way.


Like Snow and pks.. I like fall.. I like the crispness.. the cleanliness.. the colors of fall…. I have a wonderful ride to work with ALL the glorious colors of fall displayed on each side and before me as the highway winds through PA….. I LOVE IT.. I have sometimes stopped and taken pics of the beautiful colors…..


About me… I’m suffering mildly but enough to cause me to run to the RD for a cortisone shot.. I could barely walk.. It seems I angered the sleeping giant in my left knee when I pushed off my desk chair and hurt something.. It took him weeks to come to full fury but he was really angry!!!  A shot and a cane and I am doing okay once again.. 

As I 'missed' a great deal of the summer's richness and bounty, I am anticipating the autumnal traditions of harvest and the rituals of honoring of legends wherein the veil between the worlds becomes apparent and transparent. The very air seems to alter as the nights become longer, the day becomes darker, and the equinox approaches: this year it occurs Sep 22 2009 5:18 PM EDT.

Whatever we choose to call the holiday that comes at the end of October the first of Novemeber, Allhollowsmass, Hallowe'en, Samhain, Nos Galan Gaeaf, Día de los Muertos, All Saint’s Day, it, as others have said is my favourite holiday.

As the ageing hippy/country bumpkin that I am, I relish the rituals and the traditions of this time of year: autumnal housekeeping, sweeping the doorways and decorating them to reflect the coming dark season in the Northern Hemisphere. Baking fresh apple and cider cakes and fruit cakes, dosing them with honey-sweetened rum and vanilla-infused brandy and tucking them away in a very old crock to be brought forth in celebration of Hallowe'en, Thanksgiving, Yule, and the calendric New Year.

Additionally we have decided that as I am no longer able to keep ahead of the native grasses, the tumbleweeds, and goat's head thorns, and ants, in the courtyard/meditation area that we will replace what was once raked sand with concrete. Not only will this change provide us with a nice place to sit in the mornings and watch the Sun arise, it will keep the 'weeds' from growing against the foundation of our house.

In the past, we have also brewed beer appropriated to each of the holidays, this year we may not engage in the traditional ritual. However, we have set five gallons of vinegar to infuse with peppers, herbs, and garlic, lots of garlic.

Bob has turned one bed in the walled garden and added a generous amount of well-aged compost and some straw in preparation for planting garlic and winter onions. Next will be the bed for carrots, turnips, and beets. We are still enjoying tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and anticipating acorn and butternut squash.

Thank you for sharing your lives with me. May the Sun shine on each endeavour, light your way through the ravages of chronic disease, and create shadows to enthrall and delight you.

To family! Shug

I love fall!  It is my absolute favorite time of year.
I'm so busy with wedding stuff right now, that it's hard to come up for air
The flu has visited my house and it passed me by.  Both girls were tested, so we shall see if it was the dreaded swine flu.   And of course, right after the girls of my dogs got sick.  He had an intestinal infection.  I'll spare you all the details, lets just say it wasn't fun!
I've finished the programs...whoever suggested adding ribbon should be shot...Wait, I think it was me
 Now I'm starting on the placecards and seating chart.  Between the wedding and taking care of my brother, I have something on the calendar every day for the next couple of weeks.
The weather here is fantastic.  Last weekend was the local wine and harvest festival.  A good time was had by all
I'm sorry I'm so hit and miss here right now.  The days before the wedding just seem to be flying by.  I'm enjoying myself and savoring all the fun family and friend moments...
I think of you all often.....I try and check in a couple times a week to see how you are doing.
Take care, 
Hey family, so good to year from everyone! Sorry I haven't been here much lately. My PsA has been a little better but I've been having tests done to figure out why I have been having such pain in my lower abdomen. The latest was a ct scan and I should know early this week. The most common theory is a hernia. Not looking forward to that. My husband had that surgery and those 2 weeks were not the most fun in our marriage. I had a c section though so I'm thinking it's the same kinda pain. Not fun. Speaking of my husband. We are going to celebrate our 10 year anniversary in November, and we are going go the Salish Lodge at snoqualmie falls, it's a spa! I can't wait. Take care all. I will try to be more active here.  I am doing just wonderful! I took sugar out of my diet. I am allergic to aspertain so I have to be a bit creative. I found a stomache medicine that I am not allergic to and also it actually works. Well that was a twenty year problem solved.
  I thought that the fishoil had been the cause of my low blood sugar a few years back. Well I am back to taking fishoil and doing wonderful. I guess the difference may be that I am actually taking fishoil as before I was taking Omacor. Not a cure just a good anti imflamatory in my opinion.
   I am lifting weights. Crazy as it sounds it is true. I am off the prednisone and you would think I was training for a marathon. Just determined to loose some weight. Well it does not hurt me anymore to exercise than it does to lay around. At the moment the only thing bothering me badly is my foot. So I started exercising my foot also. Mentally I prefer to wake up with sore muscles from exercising than to wake up with sore muscles from RA. I think it tricks my brain. Sore muscles from RA is a deppressing scary feelling. Sore muscles from exercising is something to be proud of. Also you can tell yourself that if it gets to be more than you can stand you will just quit or take a day off. So my brain excepts it as a temperary problem.
   I am surrounded by all of my nieces nephews and grandchildren and I am a happy woman. I am not at all deppressed. I have more energy. For however long this last I will take it. I am just busy enjoying life. Wishing all of you some pain free days and remission.
I wish I could respond to everyone about each situation but alas between brain fog and having so much turmoil in my brain I can't remember what I've read by the time I get to the reply window and you can't go back and forth at this forum. I wish you all the best and thank everyone for their support to me about my son. It really helps to hear those things and to reinforce what my mind knows but my heart struggles with. Wannabe,  my sons friend has been acting up the same way but seems to be coming through it with a huge lesson learned. I hope things sort themselves out for you all.
Autumn has arrived here in the UK but summer is holding on tightly too which has been wonderful.
We have been travelling a lot over summer as we bought a caravan, its done wonders for the soul but i am glad to be home again.
Halloween isnt a big holiday here like in the states but we do have trick or treaters call so I will have the door way to the house decorated with lots of treats for the children.
I have spent the last few days in my garden pulling the last of my plants that will die over winter and putting in my winter bulbs. we have treated the deck with a winter oil and mowed the lawn, painted the fences.
On our travels I bought some lovely outdoor lights so i want to get them out for round the decking by the fire pit.
Christmas is round the corner too, it seems to have come round so quickly this year and I havent even begun to look for gifts.
My husband will be celebrating his 50th birthday in october so we have a huge event planned for that, we are also going away in october and meeting up with 30 odd friends that we havent seen in nearly 20 years.
I hope everyone enjoys the change in the season
Bumping because I like this thread
I have two bits of good news to share: One, I quit smoking! It's been more than a month now and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Two: my insurance company finally approved a medically nessesary breast reduction and I'm scheduled for sugery Oct. 14th! This is a surgery I've wanted since I was in my late teens. I can not wait. I'm a little nervous; but more anxious than anything.
Saturday was my last Humira injection until the beginning of November. I have to stop using Humira no less than three weeks before and stay off of it for three weeks after the surgery due to the fact that it slows down the healing process they say. The surgery is the reason I've been able to stop smoking as well. The surgeron insist that everyone stop smoking three weeks before and stay quit three weeks after as well; for any of his surgerys. That's been my motivation and I'm now really glad it was one of the conditions. Knowing I can't have the surgery unless I stop has really been the motivating factor this time around.
I'm nervous about stopping the Humira. I've barely been getting a good 9 days out of it as it is now. Stopping all together will be difficult, but well worth it in the end. I just hope it won't take too long to catch back up when I'm able to resume the medication.
Wannabe~I so know the struggles of a restless teenager. My son gave us a time his Jr. & Sr. year. He left home twice and didn't let anyone know where he was, it was horrible. He did finally graduate; but left home for good a couple weeks later. They do grow up and learn to appreciate their parents.....but it takes a while. Hang in there. Things will get better...but it sure seemed like the longest two years of my life! Things are so much easier before they start thinking for themselves, right? Having a toddler is so much easier than having a grown man living in your house that thinks he knows everything. Once they out weigh you by 15 or 20lbs they think their in control. (Hate it when that happens!)
Glad to hear everyone is doing well. Take Care everyone. I think of you all often.
I sort of feel like I'm on the outside looking into this family and would like to be more a part of it! Maybe sharing a bit of me will help you begin to know me. I'm single (divorced for looooong time) and have three grown kids who are all married and living in Seattle. I have 7 grandkids who are wonderful - of course! I get up there (about 150 miles) several times a year to see them. Would love to move closer but could not get a house as nice as I have here because of the prices up there. Also, I'm still working at a business I've had for 25+ years - clinical social worker, do a lot of evaluations for incapacitated persons who need a guardian to help them - usually elderly folks, sometimes DD kids who turn 18, sometimes someone who has been in an accident or has a serious illness that leaves them unable to make decisions. It's a business I can do even with RA at least for now. Lots of paperwork and court appearances. I love it! I was diagnosed with RA in May or June of 2008. Xrays taken last week show only mild changes in my hands and feet and blood work looks good. I'm getting back into sewing - stopped for a while because I just was not motivated. Am just about finished with a small lap quilt for my daughter-in-law as a comfort to her because her mom died in June and she is still having a hard time. Just have a few hearts to hand quilt on some of the blocks and it will be done. I'm already planning my next project - a wall hanging quilt for some very good friends who have become like family as they have helped so much since I got sick. We just got back from the Oregon coast where we had a wonderful sunny, warm weekend on the beach - not the usual weather for the Oregon coast at this time of year. It was 90 down there yesterday! We walked on the beach, had fresh crab for dinner Friday night, eggs benedict and champagne for Sunday breakfast, and plenty of good junk food for noshing! Took several walks on the beach just to make sure we didn't gain too much weight with all the eating and drinking! I really enjoy reading the posts on this forum and am beginning to get to know who is dealing with what - although there are so many of you, that is a bit difficult without going back to review old posts. Being my own boss gives me time to read posts in the morning when I'm resisting working! I hope this helps you begin to know who I am and what I enjoy. We all share the RA and it's related problems. It's fun to also share some of our personal lives with each other.   Take care.Mary! thank you for joining us: you are certainly one of the family---that inclusion simply requires your presence herein.

Please provide some photos of your handicrafts! AND eggs Benedict requires an invitation to join you and your guests I love the idea of this thread.
Other than the MRSA issue, and the pancreatitis, things are good here.
Controlling the Fibro has controlled the RA pain.  I am on 5 mg of pred a day, which is managable, and 200 mg of Lyrica a day  I still have pain in toes, knees and hips but its very managable.
We are well into the routine of the school year which makes life wonderful. (Mark is a teacher  at a local high school as well as an adjunct professor at the local state U.) Ally is in second grade. Jakie is at home with me.. He will be 4 on Oct 5 and I am of divided minds about getting him into Nursery school, since if I do he will be in his 3rd year of school when he hits Kindergarten..  But he has no friends his own age.. Maybe I will contact the local moms group.
I always feel like the year begins in September.
Fall has started out just gorgeous here and little by little I am getting the  outdoor stuff put away..  I am just thrilled at how my container plants and hanging baskets did this year, and they are all still reblooming and reblooming. I will keep them out and try to overwinter both the geraniums and the begonias.. I haven't had to buy a vinca in years.. Not bad for someone with a black thumb.
I LOVE fall.
Welcome Mary!  Your quilts sound lovely!  I wish I had the patience to quilt!  Do you do all the work strictly by hand or do you use a machine?  I get so frustrated when I sew!  I have a Christmas tree skirt I have been working on for.... well

It's great to hear what everyone is doing, what a good idea for a thread.

Like many others, the fall season is my favorite time of the year.  I love the colors and putting on that first comfy sweater of the season. When my kids were little, I liked that it got dark earlier and everyone was inside - it just felt cozy.  
This is my busiest time at work, so hoping it slows down enough so I can enjoy some of the season.   So far, I've lucked out and no increased actiivity with the added stress and long hours.  I have become smarter in the last year and have learned  that I need to pace myself, but it's in conflict with the need to perform to a high level.  May be time to lower my standards slightly or be willing to let others help out.   Oh well...that's a goal for next week.  
Not ready to start thinking about the holidays quite yet, but I know that they're fast approaching.   I do have quite a few tomatoes and peppers on my counter and more to pick, so I think I'll focus on short-term plans for now and figure out what to do with them this weekend.  I already made a batch of freezer salsa.  So it's either a 2nd batch or ??  I'm not a canner, so it has to be freezer style.  
Have a great week!
Waddie, Shug, etc - Thanks for the welcome! No, Waddie, I don't do all the quilting by hand! That's hard stuff so I only do some special parts by hand - if any. Most quilts I do all machine quilting. Keep working on your Christmas tree skirt - one day it will be ready for prime time! I have so many unfinished projects I've told my kids I have to live to 150! I also love fall but here in the northwest we are having a weird weather pattern - hot on the coast and in the valley and cooler on the east side of the mountains. It was 90 here yesterday and expected to be close to that today. I love the crisp fall evenings when I come home from work and all the lights are on in the neighborhood houses welcoming me home! Just gives that cozy feeling. Guess we'll have to wait for crisp for a few days! Have a good day everyone!This is a great thread!  I love to hear how everyone is doing, especially the ones who are beating this dreaded disease, if only for one day. 
In another thread I mentioned that while I was no longer using the wheel to throw pots, etc., that I was doing some hand-building. This is a wedding vase that was burnished after drying with a silver spoon and fired in a pile of garden and yard debris along with some pecan and mesquite chips that I had been hoarding for just such an exercise. The iridescent qualities of the burnished surface fired in organic material is difficult to capture, but I am well pleased with the outcome of the first clay project in far too long.

I've been quiet because I am simply tired of talking about reading about , dealing with arthritis.  I'm currently rusting because of all our rain-though not as much as GA is getting.  not much is going on with me  I'm in the middle of a review on my disability status from my insurance company so am anxiously waiting that outshug!!! wow..
I love it too!!  That is one beautiful piece of pottery!!!
Shug - That wedding vase is gorgeous!!!!! I can't begin to even think of how you did that. Sounds complicated but also sounds like you know what you are doing. This is a fun place to share news about the fun things we do - a break from just reading about the problems we all share! I'll take some pictures of my latest quilt when it's done and then figure out how to post it. I printed out something from Stephen/Bodak that has directions to do that. I'm just getting into the digital camera stage and have not downloaded any pictures yet. My son, Steve, tells me it is a breeze on the MACs that I have. Have a great day!It's good to see hand crafted works of art and this is no exception,

Psst, would have liked a larger image....
Thanks folks! The wedding vase is one of my most favourite clay forms and they usually turn out OK, but this one was even better than usual.

Stephen...I try to be judicious with the size of images and I am not always able to get on-line with broadband (one of the disadvantages of living in the boonies) and images with large Kbyte footprints bring my browser to a screeching halt. I suppose that most folks do not have that problem, but nonetheless I try to keep the bandwidth usage to a minimum... ... ...
Shug, keeping the image to around 800 px on the longest side and file size to 150/200 kb should not be a problem.

What you have done should be shown larger so we can see some of what Shug is about.
Doing things like this is what helps to keep us sane and deserves a big pat on the back.

We all have a creative streak in us that needs to be encouraged and by showing may give light to others to explore there own creative works..
Beautiful Shug!  I have a soft spot in my heart for clay works and this one is very, very nice!  I am glad to see you working and am looking forward to more!

Buckeye, I wish you the very best outcome on your disability review and a quick end to your stress. 

Kathy dear, I sure hope things are better for you!

Stephen, were you in all that dust???  I couldn't believe how RED the sky was!  Very strange and scary, yet somehow, beautiful.  I hope all is well there... I kept thinking how difficult it would be to breath!

Waddie [QUOTE=waddie]Stephen, were you in all that dust???  I couldn't believe how RED the sky was!  Very strange and scary, yet somehow, beautiful.  I hope all is well there... I kept thinking how difficult it would be to breath!

Waddie [/QUOTE]No Waddie, I live in the south of the country where it is very cold by our standards at the moment.
I have been witness to one such ocassion in my time and it was very eerie.
Day turned to night.
[QUOTE=Bodak]It's good to see hand crafted works of art and this is no exception,

Psst, would have liked a larger image....
Because Shug is too modest... she doesn't want to shout how beautiful... 
For Stephen and us: 
I love thise  piece, Shug.. just love it.
babs102009-09-26 06:21:52A calm, cool Sunday morning in the desert: like a gift poured down from the mountains, through the canyons, across the foothills, to spread across the valley for my pleasure.

The contractor and his crew arrived Friday morning to excavate and install forms for the court yard slab and walkways. If the weather 'holds' they will be here in the morning to start pouring and finishing the concrete. Looking through my office window I see an array of wheelbarrows, shovels, mattocks, and various other and sundry tools that remind me this idea IS being manifest.

Good Sunday to you all, may your day be filled with sunshine, caressing breezes, and contentment.
this is most exciting, Shug...     At what price freedom?  The price of a patio!!!   Enjoy!Cool piece of pottery Shug! It speaks to me! Hi Shug, that's one of the most beautiful shapes in the world of pottery.  Just about my favorite.  You did a wonderful job, especially the pit firing.  I tried pit firing ONCE.  The problem being was my neighbors and the local fire department. 
We've been in Las Vegas for the last 4 days with family.  Sure am glad to be home.  It was a 9 hour drive today and I'm very sore.  I just can't take those long drives.  We towed a U Haul filled with our storage items and some items that I picked up at the home decor store. 
I have a few large items still at my nieces that they're using and we'll bring back with us at Thanksgiving. 
We visited friends and family and I did a little shopping.  It's supposed to be down to 29 degrees on Thursday and I'm not at all prepared for this.  I bought a down comforter and shams, shoes that aren't sandals, long pants, 2 sweaters, a light denim jacket, and some PJs.  I've been in shorts, capris, sandals, using a sheet at night, no jackets and definately no PJs for the last 5 years.  I'm just not ready for that first night of frost.   I guess I can call this my winter whine!  I was going to plant roses this week but I think I'll wait till spring, even though they told me I could plant now but then that was before the weather report this evening.
The new patio area sounds perfect for your new lifestyle.  Hope it turns out as planned.
This week is going to be quiet and I need it after 4 days in L.V. with all of my little nieces, nephews and their new puppy.   I'm going to finish up my pieces for the art and craft show in November and hopefully start work on some beach glass beaded bracelets.  Besides that I'm going to put away everything we brought back and do some decorating in this stark house. 
I'm supposed to get the last of my Synvisc inj. to my knee tomorrow but I'm going to cancel and reschedule for later in the week.  I'm hurting too much in most of my joints to drive into Reno.  I just don't want to spend another hour in the vehicle.
My CBC showed a few out of range values and my new RD says that Humira will cause the abnormal labs so I have to drop Humira back to every 2 weeks instead of weekly but MXT is increased to 20 mg. and Sulfasalazine is increased to 1500 mg. We'll see how that goes.  I have labs done in a month and another appt.  I think I made a wise decision when I convinced DH that we needed to settle down in a house and not return to Mexico this year.  It will give me a full year to get control of ths RA beast. 
Hope everyone has a blissful week.  Lindy
Shug; that is just beautiful!!Hiya all gang.
mostly stuff is the same. The boil won't actually drain. It is getting smaller though, and harder and sort of migrating to where I REALLY don't want it.. Jakies boils have all healed, god what a mess. We are still both on antibiotics.  Just to make things perfect he and I woke up with rip roaring colds yesterday...  Heeb godt the cutest liddle voib when heeb twy to talk. All stuffed up.
Ohhh and hes taken to snipping bits and pieces of his hair..  Now he has shoulder length red ringlets.. except on the crown of his head.. and over his right ear, and midway down on the left side of the back of his head, and a clump over his right eye..
Lets see. My van lost its water pump this morning right after, I mean 8 minutes after, I paid 0 to the dentist.. The $$$ should be fun.. Payday is NEXT Wed.. And Jakies birthday is Monday..  He will be 4.
I went to Ally's school's meet the teacher night last week and discovered her room is on the 3rd floor.. no elevator.. Its one of those built in 1875 Catholic schools they have in every older town.  I will climb up there every so often though because I love doing school stuff with them.. We had a blast bringing in the toad last spring.
I do have to say that for me Lyrica is a godsend. It seems to have done the trick.. Even at my worst, my knees, hips and feet are responding to ONE...  ONE I tell you, Tramodol a day..
Now if I can get my butt to stop hurting, life would be really  great. I've been taking vicodin for that, and its taking the edge off.
 Hey  if you can't laugh about it, what are you going to do??
Kathy, what great news about the Lyrica! I have read so many "success" stories about the medication.

The crew should be arriving momentarily to pour the remainder of the cement and by this afternoon will be ready to pull the forms from what was done yesterday. Movin' right along!

I hope that everyone is having a lovely autumn day--in the Northern Hemisphere, or a lovely spring day--in the Southern Hemisphere. It was a brisk fall morning here with the rising sun highlighting the change of colours in the aspen groves on the mountain directly west. Ready or not, the seasons change.
The met office has told us that winter is on its way, but today is beautiful and sunny and warm so i am savouring the last of the rays by sitting on my deck with the lap top. I had the carpet fitters in today finishing of the lounge, so it is all cosy for winter and the carpenter came in to fit the new interior doors in the entrance hall. My sister in law arrives from south africa in 2 weeks for my husbands 50th birthday , she hasnt been to the UK in a few years so it will be nice to catch up.
Shug, I like your pottery very much, its a beautiful piece. I am a pebble painter but  havent done much for a while due to the house renovations and we also bought a caravan so we have been travelling a lot. I also paint clay pots but i need to find some new brushes with better handles as i drop them a
kathy thank you for the story about jakes me of when my daughter did the same .
Bob and I are going to renew our weddings vows and rededicate ourselves one to the other on November 02. Originally planned for early March 2010, we have recently experienced a sense of urgency to do this NOW. Our ceremony will take place on the November Full Moon, be witnessed by a few members of our family, a few friends, the Full Moon and the desert sky. We are hoping the coyotes and the javelinas join us as we ritualize our 30+ years together.

I can no longer wear the tissue-paper silk suit that I wore for our wedding (simply too form-fitting for an older woman living on corticosteroids and borrowed time), so my beloved sister is going to do a shopping marathon to find the perfect outfit; my nieces have insisted on doing hair, nails, make-up and my great nieces are going to cater the affair.

It has been an interesting journey and it is more than telling what becomes vitally important when physicians begin to predict how many -good months- I can expect. No longer is my life expectancy measured in years; now it is being measured in months.

Renewing my vows and commitment with/to Bob IS vitally important. He is my single remaining life-line.

I bid you all far horizons, temperate weather, and long life!
The renewing of your vows sounds absolutely beautiful-
Now I am absolutey stymied as to what to say about you having life measured in months....I don't know why but I thought you were going to be all well again.
I'm sorry I can't put anything into words right now- but I've been on here several times and I feel like I am ignoring this. I wanted you to know I care- just bad at getting words out right now.... 
Shug - This post make me sad and happy for you! How wonderful for you to have a life partner by your side, especially with all you are going through. I have terrific adult children, a wonderful sister, and several really good friends who have stood by me through my very difficult past year. No hubby though! I hope your sister finds you the perfect outfit and that you'll post a picture of the big event. Enjoy every minute you have!!!! [QUOTE=wanttobeRAfree]...I don't know why but I thought you were going to be all well again... [/QUOTE]
Wannabe, that certainly was the game plan. However, Lady Luck did not smile upon me and earlier this month the doctors became alarmed about my heart and lungs and biopsies and a cardiac catheterization demonstrated secondary amyloidosis present in both lungs and my heart.

Thanks for asking. I have a lot of living to do in the next few months.

To life! Shug
Dearest Shug... What a lovely time of the year for a renewal of vows and I believe the setting could not be more wonderful! 

You will be as beautiful in your new dress as you were in the original one.  Bob will see only you, as perfect as you were the first time you met, as only a soul mate could.

You will both be bound by that invisible thread no one else can see, the smile of a shared lifetime on your lips, holding the beat of one another's heart in your hands, silvery moon adding mystical sparkle to your eyes and a kiss held by a prayer.  Magic! 

My heart will be with you both and I wish you only the happiest of times!

This makes my heart smile!
[QUOTE=Spelunker]Bob and I are going to renew our weddings vows and rededicate ourselves one to the other on November 02. Originally planned for early March 2010, we have recently experienced a sense of urgency to do this NOW. Our ceremony will take place on the November Full Moon, be witnessed by a few members of our family, a few friends, the Full Moon and the desert sky. We are hoping the coyotes and the javelinas join us as we ritualize our 30+ years together.

I can no longer wear the tissue-paper silk suit that I wore for our wedding (simply too form-fitting for an older woman living on corticosteroids and borrowed time), so my beloved sister is going to do a shopping marathon to find the perfect outfit; my nieces have insisted on doing hair, nails, make-up and my great nieces are going to cater the affair.

It has been an interesting journey and it is more than telling what becomes vitally important when physicians begin to predict how many -good months- I can expect. No longer is my life expectancy measured in years; now it is being measured in months.

Renewing my vows and commitment with/to Bob IS vitally important. He is my single remaining life-line.

I bid you all far horizons, temperate weather, and long life!
I put the renewal of your vows on my calendar because I want to make sure that I celebrate with you that day. 
You know Shug, those months could add up to a year, then 2 years and so forth; one never knows.  I know that you will enjoy each and every second of the time.  I enjoy each second of my life and don't allow unnecessary negativity in my life.  Sometimes drama can't be avoided but for the most part I don't involve myself.  Life is too short.  Lindy
Hi Shug, my heart bleeds for you, I will continue keeping you in my prayers, you truly are an inspiration, I renewed my vows in June, (24 years married) as my sisters were over form UK and may not be here for 25th, it was lovely and private and meant so much to Gary and I so I know you will have the best day, and that you truly deserve it, best of luck, and keep your upbeat positive attitude, it can help so much.  Love and hugs from Janie. Thinking of you Shug [QUOTE=Phatgirl2]Ok guys, you need a laugh.. Remember that yesterday I went to pay for my van repairs. ( The shop is owned by a dear friend and we are exempt from the "No cars removed before  payment in full rule.")
 Anyway I got the van tuesday night, drove over yesterday morning to pay up, and when I went to start the van to leave from the shop .. NOTHING happened..
I was NOT happy.. Anyway Dick and the mechanic did some checking and discovered mice had gnawed through some wires.. So they gave me one of their cars ( and they NEVER do loaners) and sent me home.. They just called to tell me wires have been gnawed through in SIX different places.. including to the sensors which fried the computer..
Apparently when I drove yesterday morning they said wherever I turned off the car was going to be  the last place I was going to drive..
Payday is STILL next Wednesday..  And we don't do credit cards etc.. But I will pay  Wed, its not like I had any plans for that $$. Thank god Jakie isn't expecting a birthday party.. I was thinking about inviting a couple of kids, but no way now.. I can't afford that much cake or goodie bags. LMAO.. At least I already got his gift.. And since he is just going to be 4  he would be giddy with joy at just about anything..
Kathy, this makes two plagues except instead of frogs you got mice!  Hee, hee!  I just love that you are still laughing and rolling with the punches, which, when you think about it, is really all you can do!  Jakie will have a great birthday!  Four year olds have such a beautiful outlook on life that if you buy and make a box cake - his favorite flavor - and decorate with sprikles and candles he will be at a party!

Of course, I know you know all this because you sound like such a great mom and have such a wonderful way of dealing with the lumps and bumps in life! 

Shug, your special day not only sounds beautiful, but lip-smackin' tasty as well!  My grandfather cooked goat in a similar way many long years ago and it is soooo good!

Waddie Shug - The food sounds like heaven! Can I come? The fire pit cooking makes my mouth water! You have the right idea about how to do this re-do of your vows! Again, I envy you having the wonderful relationship you have with Bob and your family. Please give us a blow-by-blow description of this event!!!!! [QUOTE=kathy_in_wlsv]They just called to tell me wires have been gnawed through in SIX different places.. including to the sensors which fried the computer..[/QUOTE]

Yikes! I remember as a kid the mice chewing the belts and pulleys of a baler and a combine while they were stored in the barn over a winter, would think that a car, being used often, would keep the little gnawners at bay. My vehicle has not been out of the garage for a while and I have asked Bob to drive it today...just to check it out.

Happy b'day to Jakie! I would love to see the joy in his eyes and on his face on his special day!

Cheers! Shug
[QUOTE=Spelunker]Bob and I are going to renew our weddings vows and rededicate ourselves one to the other on November 02. Originally planned for early March 2010, we have recently experienced a sense of urgency to do this NOW. Our ceremony will take place on the November Full Moon, be witnessed by a few members of our family, a few friends, the Full Moon and the desert sky. We are hoping the coyotes and the javelinas join us as we ritualize our 30+ years together.

I can no longer wear the tissue-paper silk suit that I wore for our wedding (simply too form-fitting for an older woman living on corticosteroids and borrowed time), so my beloved sister is going to do a shopping marathon to find the perfect outfit; my nieces have insisted on doing hair, nails, make-up and my great nieces are going to cater the affair.

It has been an interesting journey and it is more than telling what becomes vitally important when physicians begin to predict how many -good months- I can expect. No longer is my life expectancy measured in years; now it is being measured in months.

Renewing my vows and commitment with/to Bob IS vitally important. He is my single remaining life-line.

I bid you all far horizons, temperate weather, and long life!
THIS IS DELIGHTFUL>... I am so excited and elated for you both.  What a wonderful celebration of such a loving couple..... I wish I could attend to feel the deep feelings and comfort that you each give to the other.
It is pouring rain, the air is chilled with more than a tad of autumnal briskness, Donovan is singing (THAT! dates me, say eh?), a joss of incense is smouldering, there is tea steeping in my favourite pot: a perfect morning for nostalgia and I am unabashedly indulging.

Babs, delightful is just what this coming celebration is!
OMG!  Donovan!  On vinyl???  I wish I had that album still... along with the black light that made the mood! 

Way dowwwwn below the ocean...  (Waddie hits her stride wearing wire rims)

Wow, this thread is great!  It is wonderful to hear how everyone is doing, and I wish everyone well. I have been busy and unable to visit, so it's great to catch up like that.
As for me, my RA is doing okay on just Humira and meloxicam, although Humira shots still hurt like h-ll.  I haven't had a nasty flare since my jaw last fall, which still hasn't totally recovered, but is better.  My wrist still doesn't have full ROM but is better too.  My costo had flared for a while.  I am going to ask about my larynx at my next visit, because I feel like I have a golf ball in my throat but my most recent thyroid ultrasound was fine.  I feel like my lower neck is involved sometimes, or maybe that is something else.  I think the thing that drives me the most crazy is trying to type on my blackberry, it hurts so bad. 
I was way low on iron a while back...I think because I had skipped my Aciphex and got some stomach bleeding, but I'm guessing.  Back on generic prilosec now, and realize I can NOT skip it while on meloxicam.  I hate knowing that maybe it isn't realistic for me to be on daily meloxicam the rest of my life, but I can't imagine being without it, I have managed to stay off pred with it.  I am on iron now, so I am feeling all constipated and bloated from compensating with fiber.  I have my blood rechecked soon and I really hope its fine again so I can stop this iron nonsense.
I am back on Allegra full time, in Louisiana I didn't need allergy meds but here in Tennessee I think it's a must for me. 
I am trying to do pilates twice a week in addition to walking the treadmill now. I went through a "I CAN run again!" phase that was short lived.  My feet said, "probably not" and my ankles said "NO!"
My family is well, boys are getting bigger, although it is more and more difficult for me to hold my 2 year old, as he gets heavier.  He is a "light" 25 lbs for his age but that is still hard for me.  I can tell my 5 year old that my wrists hurt and ask him to wrap around me and hang on my neck, but the 2 year old doesn't support any of his own weight.  It hurts my wrists to think about it...
My RA is worse in the cold weather, so I am not looking forward to that, but am looking forward to upcoming holidays.  Work is going well, and I got a good review, but no raise because of hours (expected) and the economy. Hopefully next year, I just have to keep at it, but I also have to be realistic that if I have another bad flare, I may not make hours, and wouldn't be able to beat myself up about it...just have to roll with it...
I just want to cry when I read a post like Kathy's. I'm a grandma, had a whole life raising my three wonderful kids without RA and was able to do the simple things like holding them when they were 2. My heart really bleeds for those of you who are young parents and struggling with this disease. Sometimes when I visit my grandkids it is hard to hold on when they run up and jump into my arms but I'm not dealing with that every day.   Please know that all of you are in my prayers. Take care.Hey Katie, good to hear from you.  Like Mary, I was able to raise my sons without RA.  You are a special mom dealing with all you do and raising a family.  I admire you and others on here that are dealing with their disease and little ones too and doing it so beautifully with patience and love. 

As for myself, I am doing really well.  Tomorrow will be week 5 post op.  I still have restrictions - no driving, no walking unsupervised - but I can do more each week.  I still have chest pain and visual disturbances, but I think that is getting better too.  I had a bit of post op depression on Sun. and Mon., but feel better today.  Cabin fever most likely and probably thinking of all I want to do but can't.  I am keeping up with my cardiac rehab 2x weekly and walking 20 min. on my non-rehab days (I walked 30 on my last day out!) 

I putter and try and do at least little things like clean a drawer out or order the desk, trying to make myself useful!  I try not to over do when I feel well because I know I will have to deal with the pain later (learned that lesson the hard way).  But still, I am happy to have a healthy heart and other that my feet and hands, my RA is treating me alright.

I hope the cool fall days treat you all to some delightful color!

 Hey!! I got a car!! My van is all better.. You know how when you are redecorating one thing leads to another and when all you wanted was new sheets, somehow you've remodeled the master bath??
It was sort of like that with the car.. First I lost the heater/fluid lines in the rear..  then when that was fixed the gnawed wires finally reached the breaking point and fried the computer and some other stuff.. THEN after getting the car back I was able to drive exactly 1 1/2 miles and after stopping at the store, it wouldn't start.. Arrrgh  turned out to be the fuel pump.. But everything works, Life is good.. except
Both kids have the  flu..LMAO  Ally came home from school Monday, running a fever of 103, complainging of chills aches yada yada.. She's been home since. I am so angry at one of the moms in her class who said  "well they all have something, yo know they might as well share all the germs.."  She didn't keep her daughter home when she was sick and now I'm exposed to flu..
Jakie  suddenly complained of a headache yesterday.. He's never had one before.. He's completely flat, except when he's irritable and crying.. His fever is 103 too.
Mark actually came home from work in the middle of the day yesterday  feeling awful.. like he was hit by a truck,  but no fever or anything like that.. Now this guy has a sick day balance of 211 days.. So you know he NEVER calls in sick.. He never gets sick period.. He slept most of the day yesterday..had a good sleep last night and woke up feeling absolutely better than fine.. I hate him LOL..
I am feeling considerably better. The boil is finally gone.. Also the nausea/vomiting/diarrhea is much better.. maybe a couple minor episodes a week.. Still have stomach pain, and gas etc..
Oh Jakie turned 4 on Monday and he got his first real haircut.. He looks so cute  I was afraid losing the ringlets would be awful, but wow he looks good.
But over all things are good.. I love my kids and love my life.. Somehow things always work out for us..
Jakie before

Jakie after.

kathy_in_wlsv2009-10-08 12:56:25Waddie, I am so glad to know that your are slowly & surely progressing from you surgery and that surgeries aftermaths: no matter HOW we push, pull, and agitate it simply takes time to recover. Recovering you are! BRAVA! BRAVA! BRAVA!

Kathy, what a gorgeous young man you are raising and that your young lady is simple exquisite. You, well you are a sight for these old eyes!

I send everyone my very best wishes for peace, contentment, and pain-free moments!

YES! Shug
I've been busy since we settled down and now I found that I have two very easy jobs.  I'm going to be the event coordinator for a non profit in town and then work 30 hours a month for the state starting up the emergency call and respite programs.   I've done both jobs in the past and it will be easy, meetings in my office and phone and computer work.  No running around and with both jobs I have to stay within a certain pay due to SS regulations.  It's an  oppourtunity to interact with others and do something vital for my community.
Fall has arrived startingly fast and I think winter is just around the corner.  We had snow covered mountains last week!!!  I finally have some winter clothes and shoes just in the nick of time.
Seems like the increase in MXT to 20 mgs. is going to work.  The flare has quieted, still there but I'm highly functioning and feel pretty good. 
Waddie, am happy to read about how well you're doing.   Keep it up.  You're on the right road.
Hope everyone's day is blissful and sunny.  Lindy
Lindy, good for you.  It sounds like an ideal situation.  I am wishing you the best in your endeavors.
Huggin ya...
GG, thanks.....I'm looking forward to the next year.  LKathy, what a heartbreaker in the making!  He is adorably adorable!  I hope all is well in your house hold soon and you are able to stay well.

Lindy and Shug, I am working hard at recovery.  DH and I are up to 30 min. a day!  Today was a little rough because I over did yesterday... my bad!  Still, I made my walk!  First! a heartfelt hello, best wishes, and good day to all of you.

As some of you may know, our vows renewal celebrations has altered somewhat but I am content with those alterations.

With your indulgence, allow me to share a few of the "goodies" I am making for my family and friends:
Beads and seeds

Native seeds

Pearls and beads

Presentation bags

Cel-e-bra-tion!! come on, good times.

Yes! SnowOwl, let the good times roll. Shug, what great momentos for your guests.  You're putting me to shame because I haven't done any beading or design in months.....I guess laziness arrived with the cooler weather.  Actually it's taken a while to get my small studio together.  It's been the last  project and is almost finished. 
I love your use of seeds and pearls, a beautiful contrast.  Several years ago I bought a jacket with trimming much like the pouch you made.  I don't wear it any longer but I kept it because I thought I would make a purse out of the material.  
I can't wait to see photos of the renewal celebration.  The weather that time of year will be wonderful.  Thanks for sharing.
Snow, you always bring a smile to my face.  I hope you realize how important that is.......I'm sure I'm not the only one that reads your posts and smile or even laugh out loud.&n