Diagnosis of GCA | Arthritis Information


Just out of curiousity, if GCA was present in a person, would it be picked up on during a thorough examination with an opthalmologist using a slit lamp etc.? and...

If not, just how is it diagnosed other than by the symptoms displayed?

Interesting question.

Research documents on www.pmr-gca-northeast might just help to get the answer.

I have GCA and have read most of the stuff on the web and keep re-reading it.  Although I know a few and I mean a few other GCA people  (those without its sister pmr).  Most of us had some of the classic symptoms.         Me, I had the whole caboodle!!!!  Remember the current stats say 1 in about 50,000 get GCA.

Sorry I cannot be of more help  - but if you get a definitive answer  - please post it.

Sorry don't know about an eye doc DX. My Rheumy just said watch for headaches in the temple region and call him immediately. No actually he said, "take 60mg's of prednisone and call me immediately. Thanks for the replies. My biggest obstacle is my age and I'm finding it SO frustrating. I am sick to death of the same look on doctor's faces when I tell them I have been officially diagnosed and proved to have PMR.
I recently had my 6 monthly check up with an opthalmologist for another unrelated eye condition. When I asked him about any effects PMR and Prenisolone may have on my eyesight he casually said (with a smirk on his face) "If you were a 95 year old woman sitting in front of me now, I'd maybe look more into it, but as you're not, I wouldn't worry about it - see you in 6 months".
This was the head of the eye department at my local hospital. Is he right? At first I was annoyed the way he had dismissed what I had asked. But now the more I think about it, perhaps I am just reading too much into it all with the age and eyesight thing. I am 41.
Dear "had enough",

I think this doctor's behaviour is shocking and he had no right to dismiss your fears like this.  You are right to be annoyed.

If you are on pred and have no headaches you probably are all right and in the meantime you can get a glaucoma test at an ordinary optician's (unless the law has changed since I left Britain), but I wouldn't put up with this and would ask for a different doctor or at least better treatment next time.

Had enough now

Please visit the website www.pmr-gca-northeast.org.uk   - this site belongs to the North East Region Support Group of PMR-GCA UK a newly formed charity for research, support and help.

There are also links to other support groups located in the UK.

We are based in the North East of England.

Email us  - this behaviour is totally unacceptable, we have people in their early forties with pmr and gca.  GCA is not to be dismissed lightly,  it can lead to total or partial loss of vision and if this occurs it is irreversible.

mrs UK
Mrs UK is right - GCA is serious, and I'm sorry if I gave the impression that it is anything else. If you DO get a bad headache you need immediate treatment - most people on this forum have been advised to take a large dose of prednisone first and then get to see the doctor as soon as possible. 

It may be that your ophthalmologist just isn't familiar with this disease (though it isn't really an excuse, it does happen!). You should be prepared to argue your corner. 

Sad to say that when people are feeling ill and depressed, this is the time they need all their strength and resources to fight for the best treatment possible.  More power to your elbow (and the rest of you!).

Candle in the Wind

You are so right,  I carry two doses of 60mg everywhere I go - this is at the insistence of both my GP and Rheumatologist.  I was within 24 hours of losing my sight.  If I want to go out of the country  - I have to tell them and they will supply me with more.

Life is such a joy these days  - I wake up and still can see  - OK their are problems with the pred  - but who cares,  I can see and have a brilliant GP and a very good Consultant and stalwart friends and people on these forums who I learn from as well.

Thank goodness to Tim Berners-Lee.

mrs Uk

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