Butterfly rash? | Arthritis Information


Hey guys I have a question. I have been diagnosed with RA for about two years, but I continue to have a butterfly rash on my nose as well. Does anyone else have that with RA? Or is it only found in Lupus? Can one cause the other? TIA! RA and lupus sometimes are diagnosed together and it's called Rhupus.  I don't have much information on it.  A butterfly rash is a distinct symptom of lupus and you should be checked for Lupus.  They can do a blood test and sometimes it's diagnosed based just on symptoms.  Call your RD and make an appt.  Keep us posted.  Lindy

I've heard many tell of being DX'd w/ Rhupus..  but I have a question.. when did this butterfly rash begin? 

Was it following initiation of enbrel?  It has been seen to cause lupus like symptoms...
Take pics.. show your doc... It's a very important item in diagnosing.
Good luck
I have had it for years, really. stays red on my cheeks and nose constantly..never goes away. I hate it! oh and no...it was there before Enbrel. sorry Have you forcefully brought the butterfly rash to your doctors attention? If not, allow me to suggest you do so at your earliest opportunity.

Early in my MTX therapy I had a facial and chest rash that after biopsy was diagnosed as MTX sun-sensitivity. If you cannot get a satisfactory answer/resolution to your rash, make an appointment with a dermatologist and candidly explain you "hate".

Cheers, Shug

I get that every once in a while--hits precisely where a sunburn would. (Except I hadn't been out in the sun and it doesn't sting like a sunburn would--also not on mtx, liver didn't play well w/it at all.)
I've been dx'd with RA since '05, just picked up an extra dx of 'mild lupus' this year.
Have you had any other rash-type things? Just curious, because I had some weird spots on my upper arms (definitely worsened by sun-exposure) quite a while before the facial stuff started. Also had positive ANA w/1:320 tither. Homogeneous pattern.
Yeah, definitely check w/your dr.
Yes, had a weird rash on my chest once, and get a few on my legs here and there but never thought twice about it. I will check with her next week! I have it too - on cheeks and across bridge of nose. It's not loopy, though - rather a dermatology problem -- but in the US, the fix is considered "cosmetic" and thus, not covered by insurance.Hi guys, my son Liam has this same rash on cheeks and nose, funnily, whenever his eyes become red and blistery looking, his face butterfly shows up and then the joints flare, yet he "doesn't have arthritis, just a generalised widespread pain, more like fibromyalgia" according to his paed RD!! I've gotten the sun sensitivity rash..... that will blister if bad enough (not on my face.. but on my arms, chest and shoulders)
The other thing that resembles the butterfly rash of Lupus is rosacea.... It is aggravated by the sun.. and by rich foods and alcoholic beverages....  just putting that out there too.
I have the rash on my face and a raised one on my chest.  I also tested +ANA twice the summer of 2008.  At this time my RD is busy helping my Urologist find a solution to one of the problems the disease(s) has caused.
Oh, and I am always sero-negative for the RA.
Does it matter if you are tested positive ot not for RA? I have never quite understood this. Last RA test was positive for both tests she performed (one showed inflammation I think and the other ANA test was positive in the 700's? ) I don't really know what all these mean, just remember the numbers. She just said that put me in the "severe range"? But a lupus test was done years ago and came out neg. The rash just concerned me and thought I would ask you guys. Also...it has been affecting my achilles a LOT here lately. I didn't think it could do that. Thought it was just joints?
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