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Actonel or fosamax? any side effects?I take Actonel. No side effects. Thanks for reminding me...I take it on Mondays.Hello,

I did take Actonel at one point but one of my doctors told me if I am trying to conceive, I shouldn't take it. I did
not take it long enough to notice any side affects.

Good luck!

I think Foxamax is for older women.

[QUOTE=crunchy]Thanks---and your welcome too!

LOL, it's getting harder to remember what I take on what days

Friday MTX

Monday Actonel

Tues Humira

I hope I don't need another drug anytime soon!

Actonel for 3 years now - With good results on my bone density tests! 

Have a good week. 



do yall take calcium supplements as well? I have been taking Viactive, but somedays the taste  doesnt appeal to me at all! I take calcium (Caltrate chewable) but not on the day I take Actonel. I read somewhere that you're not supposed to take them the same time. Murphette38774.3899189815