Pain Meds/ pain management doctor. | Arthritis Information


Hi to you all I wrote last week about all the pain with Fibro and RA. I saw my rhuemetologist and told her I would be out of Vicodin 7.5 for 3 days or so. she told me I could not get a refill and would have to deal with the withdrawals.  IS THIS CRAZY or what?
 So starting tomorrow sometime I am out sitting with a script for the 25th. She mentioned Pain management since 7.5 's were not touching my pain anymoreBut in the same breath she said I will be a 42 year old wacked out on too many drugs pain management dcs tend to give...So can someone help me decide to stay in pain or go forward with pain management

Thanks  Chris
Go forward with the pain management consult.  They are experts in pain control.  There's lots that can be done - opiates are just one weapon in their arsenal. I love my pain management dr. They do offer so much more than pain meds. My rheumy recommended him to me. I see the RD about every 3 months and the pain dr. monthly. He is quick to contact the RD if he feels those meds need to be adjusted.

If you do want a consult, call sooner rather than later. The practice I go to has a 4-5 month wait list.I agree, make the appointment and begin the evaluation process. As has been said, opiates are only one of the tools utilized by "pain doctors".

Whacked out...well, I can tell you from personal experience that I was much more whacked out from constant debilitating pain that I am from the pain medication regime that I have been on for the past few months. Previously, I had episodes where I was unable to do even the most basic self-care I was so whacked out by pain. Having adequate pain control has, literally, given me my life back. As the inflammation from years of uncontrolled RA resolves, pain control will be altered and tweaked to suit the situation.

Good luck. Shug
