The Auto Immune Family Tree | Arthritis Information


I know for many folks, they are the lone ranger when it comes to RA and other auto immune disorders in their family. For mine, there is a growing number of diagnosed ai's. Just wondering if there is anyone else out there with a similar situation.

In my family, my mom was JRA.  Her sister has RA. Their first cousin has MS. My first cousin has Myasthenia Gravis. I have RA.
Hello Crunchy, how are you keepng ? I have RA but so far no one else blood related has it. I have an old aunt who has it but she is not blood and she has no one in her family either that has it.
My friend who has it comes from a great grandmother, 3 aunts and her own mother and sisters all have RA. There does seem to be a pattern in some families
I am the only one in my family that has had RA. My Aunt on my Mom's side had it.  That's it. Both my grandmothers had RA, my mom has Lupus and my 1st cousin has fibro.

Welcome Crunchy!

Waddie My first cousin Peter has it - diagnosed about 15 years ago. We also have osteo. Sister just has osteo. Aunt has osteo.I have RA  My oldest has Type 1 Diabetes and my youngest is JRA..og yeah throw my sis and brother in with Ra also.... My mother and her three sisters all has some form or another -- 3 with RA - one of those RA and Lupus - and on Systemic Onset Juvenile Rheumatoid -- my father and maternal grandfather all had RA. OA runs in my family. I was the only one with RA so far, but now my younger sister is being tested for it. So far her tests have not confirmed it, but she has the swollen joints and fatigue. I think in my family, autoimmune diseases are still being sorted out.

My mom had a positive ANA a few years ago, and she has arthritis in her hands, but she doesn't have arthritis as bad as I do.

I think there is something to said for environmental triggers....

Before I got sick, my husband and I went through this huge home remodel that was really stressful.  I don't know I have talked to other people who have come down with autoimmune diseases when they have gone through things like that.

I think I probably was genetically predisposed, and then I think with a combination of life's stresses, I got sick.
I'm the only in my family- although several have thyroid problems which I think my Dr. said is autoimmune related. My mom, my grandfather, and my great grandmother all have it. My grandfather had severe and was crippled very quickly. My mom has mild. There are several immune diseases in my family but I am the only one with rhupus. No one else in my immediate family is afflicted with immune processes.My mother and her sister had severe RA and Raynauds.  Her sister also had Myasthenia Gravis.  My father's sister had MS.  I am the oldest of the next generation, and was Dx w/RA a few years ago.  I have 3 sisters, 2 of whom have been Dx w/rheumatoid-like illnesses -  one sister has ra/lupus like illness ( elevated sed rate & ANA but negative RF), along w/fibromyalgia.  My youngest sister had an episode of multiple swollen joints, fever, and high sed rate in her early 20's.  She has been asymptomatic until this year when she has started to have episodic joint pain & swelling.  She is reluctant to go in for testing.  In the next generation, the oldest child (my brother's daughter) is in her 30's and has sjoegrens(severe) and fibromyalgia, and is being watched for developing RA. So in our family there is a definite thread of AI disease - pretty clearly of the RA variety...only females seem to be affected so far.  I only hope and pray that they will have a cure for the next generation - or even better, a vaccine to prevent one from developing it even if one carries the genes. My grandmother (deceased) had RA & underactive thyroid
My dad had a growth on his thyroid (and although I'm not an expert his fingers look like they are RAish)
I have RA/underactive thyroid
I've give my son underactive thyroid and am keeping watch over the joints