Arthritis Support - Phoenix Area | Arthritis Information


Friends: Arthritis Introspective serves people 20-60ish with any form of Arthritis, our local Phoenix Area Support group meets monthly, but...
This month (October) we have Two (2), yes Two events:  One social event, and One educational event.
First, on Saturday, October 10th at 7:00 p.m. (the Home of Pete and Alison) we will be having a fun night of Wii Video Games, and a Potluck.  Please RSVP your attendance, so that we can coordinate our Potluck items, and for directions to our home.
Secondly, on Saturday, October 24th at 1:00 p.m. (also at the Home of Pete and Alison) we have an awesome opportunity.  Nicholas Athenas, a local Holistic Nutrition and Health Specialist will host a Free One Hour presentation on the:

Please RSVP your attendance so that I may have enough chairs prepared for the presentation, and for directions to our home.

I look forward to seeing you all real soon.

Peter Fischer
