Withdrawal Symptoms from Pred. | Arthritis Information


Hi , well its nearly 4 weeks now since i started taking Prednisalone, and now im having inter dose withdrawal symptoms through out the day ..pretty bad as well ..i have always had a low tolerance to any meds and have had problems before with other meds , so i do know that it is withdrawals ..can any one advise what the best way to go now ..i take 20 mg every morning made up of  4x 5 mg red pills slow release Enteric ..i realize that if i reduce my meds the pain may come back 'sigh' ..im seeing the doc this friday , but any help now would be very much appreciated ..thankyou Micky ..Micky ...
I also take prenilasone for my PMR. I've had to stagger the dosage. Since May I've tapered from 60 mg to 14 mg. (as of today!) What has helped me is to take part of the dose in the evening. I take 10 mg in the morning and 4 mg with dinner. I know how awful the withdrawals can be. Been there! This is the lowest dose I've been on. Trying to get below 10 mg. Next week I'll go down to 13 mg. alternating with 14 mg. every other day. Have you read about how to taper on this web site??
This is a drag, but we'll get though it together...
Jannie[QUOTE=montanawoman]Micky ...
I also take prenilasone for my PMR. I've had to stagger the dosage. Since May I've tapered from 60 mg to 14 mg. (as of today!) What has helped me is to take part of the dose in the evening. I take 10 mg in the morning and 4 mg with dinner. I know how awful the withdrawals can be. Been there! This is the lowest dose I've been on. Trying to get below 10 mg. Next week I'll go down to 13 mg. alternating with 14 mg. every other day. Have you read about how to taper on this web site??
This is a drag, but we'll get though it together...

Hi jannie thankyou for the  advice , ..i have taken 15 mg today instead of 20 mg and will see how i go through the day..thats a good idea of your to take some am and some pm i might try that next week ..today my wrists are hurting so much, and i thought it was mainly the large muscles PMR affects..any way good luck with your taper , sounds like you are doing good tapering from 60 mg to 14 mg in just a few months ...  can you send the link on how to taper as i don't see it ..thankyou Jannie ..regards Micky ..
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