Couple questions for ppl on methotrexate | Arthritis Information


I have been on methotrexate for at least 10 years.  I take 25 mg/week (10-2.5 mg pills).  I got a call from my doctor today telling me that my white blood cell count is down and to not take my methotrexate for the next 2 weeks and then to go back and get my blood test done after the 2 weeks.  (of course I had just taken my MTX 1/2 hour before I got the call)  I'm wondering if others who have had this problem could let me know their experience with this.  Is there anything I can do to help this situation besides not taking the MTX? 

I'm also having a metallic like taste in my mouth.  From what I've read, it could be the methotrexate.  Anyone else have this problem?



BTW...I'm new here...Hi


The reason why the dr had you stop was the posiibility of infection, etc.  I have had to do this several times in fact I am off it again due to possibility of a virile infection.  If it persists the dr will probably change you to a different med.

Welcome Kelly!  I just recently have had to get off mtx due to my liver enzymes being increased.  It is frustrating because we are in a viscious cycle...we take meds to help our disease, then the meds cause other problems, so we have to get off the meds...which in turn causes problems with our disease. 

I have never had the metallic taste in my mouth...or at least, I have never connected any taste that I have in my mouth to the mtx.  I will pay more attention to that.  I agree with Santa...research the white blood count...and Meme in knowing that you might have to be switched from mtx.

Know that we all love you and are here for you!  Keep us posted!

I am curious if your doctor has you on folic acid.   I was put on it along with the methotrexate when I started it 5 ys ago.   I take 6 tablets,  2.5 mg once a week and 2 folic acids tabs every. This is a B vitamin that helps produce red blood cells.  I have never had any abnormal labs so I guess I am very fortunate.  If you are not taking it you might ask your doctor and do some research on it.  Good luck!

Yes I take 3 mg folic acid every day.

Thanks to everyone who has replied so far. 

