humira | Arthritis Information


would like to hear from people on humira. rheumy is recommending it. i tried enbrel and it helped  somewhat for about 6 wks and then with each shot the pain started getting worse - really bad burning pain which would last longer after each subsequent shot.
anyone here tried it? how are you doing with it?

Hi Isabelle, I've been on Humira for a couple of years and did great for 18 months until I developed a gum abcess and had several dental procedures.  I had to stop all meds for 4 months.  Once I restarted the meds they've not helped as much as they had prior to the abcess.  I've been on and off many of the dmards and biologics over a 10 year period.  Remember this disease doesn't play by any rules.  What works for you, may not work for me and vice versa.  Humira has helped many people.  Lindy LinB2009-10-02 16:58:46I have been on Humira for a long time--maybe 3 years.  It has helped me a lot.  I still have aches and pains and have some bad days but it has helped a lot. 

when I complain about taking all of this stuff--the drs ask==do you feel better now than you did before you started anything.  I have to say yes I am doing better. 
I had some dental issues that arose also--I don't know if the RA had anything to do with it or if any of the RA drugs had anything to do with it.  I was not told to discontinue my treatment and they gave me antibiotics.  I healed quickly and no problems.  Like Lindy said--we are all different and may get different results. 
Hi Isabelle, I too was switched from Enbrel to Humaira for the same reason. I don't know how much relief I am getting , I talked to my doctor and she really wants to stick with this med. i have been on over a year and still pretty much feel like crap, but It is another step closer to maybe feeling better! I have been taking Humira for over 5 years.  Worked very well for me although lately not so much.  Doctor added Arava to see if that would help. So far it's not really helping.  I think Humira has lost its effectiveness for me.  I've been on Humira for more than 4 years and have done very well. For most of the 4 years I was also taking the max dose of MTX (25mg). For the last year I have been on Humira alone and well, but not quite as well as I did with MTX combined.
The majority of the folks I know of that take Humira also take another DMARD. That makes a big difference.
Good Luck!
Hi Isabelle,
I have been on Humira for about 2 1/2 years (along with mtx) and it has been working really well for me.  I was on Remicade for about 1 year and it was kind of on-again, off-again.  I'm happy with the Humira and hope that it will work well for you.
Take Care
Hi Isabelle. I am very new to humira: 4 injections. I didn't notice any real difference after the first 3, but for the past week or so, I can say, YES! there is some improvement.
I have spent the past 4 months, after taking my child to school, in bed frozen in pain. That awful stiffness is sooo much better. joints still ache and I needed a jab in my knee yesterday and still need to use plastic plates etc, but oh by comparison, I feel wonderful :)
Take care
thanks for all the responses. hope it works for me!

Twelve months for me along with 25mg Meth.

I feel as if things are slowly wearing off, but still way better than where I started.
