RA blood tests and symptoms | Arthritis Information


I have been having chronic pain the joints of my hands and feet, elbows and sometimes my knees for three months now. I run a low grade fever most of the time and I have decreased appetite and low energy. I have started having chills also. I have lost about 7 pounds. I had blood tests done and all were normal except for three. The Anti Nuclear B was positive, the ANA Titer was 1:40 and my ANA Pattern was speckled. My Rheumatologist says these are insignificant abnormalities but I feel that they support my symptoms of RA. Opinions please!!! I hope you get some answers soon. How long have you been seeing this Doctor? Keep a diary of all of your aches and pains and ill feellings. I do not know some RD's will say one thing one day and something different the next. They sometimes want to see you a few times before they say what they think is wrong with you.

My opinion is that you sound like you are sick. Please keep us posted to how your health is doing. I do not have a positive ANA myself. Someone else may know something more about it
[QUOTE=judybd5] My Rheumatologist says these are insignificant abnormalities but I feel that they support my symptoms of RA. Opinions please!!! [/QUOTE]

Get a second, third, or even seventh opinion from a physician. While each of us can offer examples of our own experiences with diagnosis and treatment our opinions are not worth nearly as much as a physicians.

Have you had diagnostic x-rays of the involved joints and/or a chest x-ray? Has you rheumatologist suggested a joint aspiration to test the synovial fluid (if you are experiencing inflammation and swelling of the joints?)

What is your sed rate? AKA ESR? Your CBC? Have you seen your primary care provider and/or an internist about your fever, lack of appetite and low energy? As Milly said, sometimes getting a workable diagnosis is a job of work in and of itself.

Best wishes, Shug
It's SO hard going from doctor to doctor but I'm determined to find the right team for me until I am satisfied with the diagnosis and answers I get. Spelunker is right, it's probably a good idea to go get a second opinion. I myself am so sick of doctor appts and they way they treat us at times. Very frustrating. Good luck, keep us posted.In re to my recent post, I am wondering if anyone agrees that the positive ana, speckled pattern and ana titier of 1:40 is supporting the symptoms I have that lean towards RA, even though the other blood tests were normal? Painful joints in hands, feet, elbows. Low grade fever, chills, weight loss, low energy. Thank you!!! So sorry you are having such a hard time. I am not in the medical profession but have had RA for the last 5 years as well as several other autoimmune diseases. It took 8 years to get the RA diagnosis during which time I bounced from doctor to doctor and thought I was going crazy. Normal blood work does not rule out having RA or another or several auto immune diseases. In my situation the rheumatoid factor finally became positive. I advise you to get a second opinion with another rheumatologist and to keep a detailed record of your symptoms. Be your own detective and record everything. Your symptoms show something is going on. Many like the low grade fever, fatigue, and joint pain are very consistent with RA. [QUOTE=judybd5]In re to my recent post, I am wondering if anyone agrees that the positive ana, speckled pattern and ana titier of 1:40 is supporting the symptoms I have that lean towards RA,[/quote]
Many folks without RA have positive, patterned ANA. IIRC, about 5% of the general population test positive. Some months ago I tested positive 1:160, homogenous which is often associated with Lupus, however other testing revealed that I had an RA renal involvement. Once that was contained my titer dropped and the homogenous pattern returned to a speckled 1:10, which is, according to my physicians is insignificant in my case.

Again depending on my memory, the % of positive ANA in RA is about 25%. Blood tests (including RF and ESR), x-rays or ultrasound evaluations and/or other radiographic testing, clinical presentation, and second, third, fifth, seventh physician examinations/evaluations are much better able to judge whether your speckled 1:40 ANA is supportive of the symptoms you are experiencing.

I understand that you are seeking agreement, but it has been personal experience that simple agreement on a BB can be both misleading and intemperate.

Best wishes, Shug

ETA: there are at least a few of us on this forum that were diagnosed by fluid aspirated from one or more of our inflammed, swollen, and tender joints. There is a "set" of synovial fluid tests that can determine, with relative alacrity, whether the joint swelling is related to inflammatory arthritis. While I certainly do not necessarily recommend that course of action, the results can be invaluable in gaining a diagnosis and starting aggressive therapy.

ETA: I send you best wishes for a speedy resolution, pain-free days, and a diagnosis and treatment plan that alleviates your signs and symptoms.
Spelunker2009-10-09 08:35:49
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