Adaptive equipment | Arthritis Information


does anyone use adaptive equipment?  If so, what do you use and is it helpful? 

I'm entertaining the idea of getting some silverware and something to open my jars as that seems to be my biggest problems. 
I would also like to hire a housekeeper (yeah right ) because housework hurts (like vacuuming and dusting).
Vacuuming and mopping have long been my most painful housekeeping activities. If I could learn to vacuum in a straight line (like mowing the lawn) the task would be less taxing, but having tried that more than once, it seems that those annoying corners and under-furniture areas never get cleaned 

I haven't vacuumed in years and don't plan on anytime soon.  When I was working and dealing with RA I had a housecleaner once a week.  It was the best use of my money I could think of.  My housekeeper ended up being one of my closest friends.  A really neat woman who started helping me 10 years ago.  When we settled back down in Fallon in June she was right beside me to help me again.  When your house is in order and clean there's less stress for you. 

Like Shug, I use adaptive devices mostly in the kitchen.  Helpers to open jars and a pop top opener for sodas and an electric can opener.  I also have a high stool and sit at the counter and prepare meals or at the kitchen table.  I've been thinking about some adaptive silverware because my wrists are getting worse.  Let us know what you find.  Lindy 

how funny Snowowl =)
I find that anything that requires me to grip (vacumming, holding a towel to clean, mow, etc) causes me a great deal of discomfort. 
There are lots of adapative items on the market, but I might try to make my own silverware sometime soon.
Thanks for the responses!
Kindly share whatever devices you invent! Thank heaven for 'tools'. I'm in favor of any device that makes it easier to do what ever needs to get done.  Hey Phats.  Making life easier is always a good idea for folks like us.  I have a handy can opener - - it has a grip thing on top for jars and a thing tucked in the bottom for opening pop top cans, screw top and cap type... oh yeah, it opens plain cans too!  I also find a nice, thick foam mat is comfy on my feet and I like Snow's idea for using a grabber.

I would give... well, just about anything to have a housekeeper, but we can't afford that so I have learned to not let so much bother me.  If it doesn't get done today, it will still be there tomorrow.  I was so proud of myself for swiffering the living room and dining room today and it is easier than sweeping or vacuuming, not that I could do either right now!  I know we have discussed Rhoombas here, but I can't afford that either.  I am thinking of training the cats somehow...