Thanks for the advice and kind welcomes | Arthritis Information


Hello people....thanks so much for the information and best wishes....I have just a couple of more things....

1. I found out I "tested positive" for RA when one morning around 2am I woke up with intense pain in my ankle. I could not even walk on it all. Well, I went to the doctor and he said I had gout. Well, the next day it started in both of my knees. I went back to the doctor and the gout test were negative. Then, he decided to test for different arthritis and I tested positive for RA. Another weird thing is I tested positive for Lupus. Are these test similiar anyone know?
2. Someone told me that they think it could be RA because my joints in fingers and toes are turning reddish. They said that his wife had it and she was going through the same, Any truth to that or others hear or have the same thing?
3. I really need some advice on how to approach the doctor about my pain. I am young and some doctors in my area tend to think that people are trying to score scripts. I really dont want that to happen. I just would like to have something on the days when I have alot of pain.
4. Last one for tonight I promise...any feedback on Celebrex?
Again, thanks so much for the input and help! I learn more here than googling them. As we speak my knees and fingers are killing me. I am a Web Support technician and i do alot of data entry so that just rocks when your fingers ache....
You guys and gals ROCK!!!!

Sorry to hear you are in pain. There are some Drs who always think anyone asking for pain drugs should be turned down..This is why we have terminal cancer patients and surgical patients suffering needlessly. I hope these jerks learn 1st hand what it is like to hurt day after day and be treated like dirt. Most Rheumatologists know that we need pain control in order to live well, and have no problem prescribing enough medicine to help you do just that.

I do recommend seeing a Rheumatologist to get yourself properly DX’d and treated especially for RA. Did you know that there are over 100 kinds of arthritis? It can take even the most expert Dr more than a year to lock in on an RA dx. There are no definitive tests for RA... I have had RA more than 30 years but I still test negative for the RA factor.

Celebrex is a Cox 2 inhibiting NSAID that is supposed to be easier on your stomach than the cox 1 nsaids. It is the only one still on the market, Bextra and Vioxx were taken off the market because of increased risk of heart attack and stroke. Although I have taken all 3 cox 2 nsaids at one time or other, I did not find them to be more effective than the cox 1 nsaids, just more expensive.


War Eagle have you been able to call the rheumatologist and get on a cancellation list?  Call and tell the receptionist how much pain you are in.  Treating for RA is about finding ways to turn off the switch, control the pain and reduce the inflammation.  I understand what you're going through re: non-rheumatologist MD's and your quest to get your pain under control.

Please do me this favor - call that rheumie and mention that you are also diagnosed with lupus and tell them you really need to get in there.  It is possible to have both diseases at  once, both are autoimmune disorders. 

Re: Celebrex, I have no first hand experience with it, I tried several other anti-inflammatories and the only one that worked for me was VOltarin - we are each different.  PLEASE call the rheumie and post back and let us know.  Sending you the best wishes for an expedient appointment with the R doc. 
Thanks Marian and Green Tara....Will call the Rhuemie tomorrow....