Missed a dose . | Arthritis Information


Yesterday for all sorts of reasons i never took my dose of 15 mg of Prednisolone ..

today the pain has has returned with a vengence ..i cant use my left hand at all and my shoulders feel like they have knives in them ..i have of course taken my regular 15 mg but am still in loads of pain ..should i carry on, or up the dose ..im not sure what to do ..this disease is dam awful .. Ah thanks Mrs Uk ..today the pain is much less ..i took 20 mg yesterday and by the end of the day i was feeling a lot better ..the pain from PMR is so debilitating.Today i am back to taking 15 mg and will never forget my dose again ..it dosent take long for PMR to return and remind us just how awful this ailment is ..i wonder if there is any thing else we can take instead of steroids which would give the same relief ..i also suffer fdrom Tinnitus and the steroids really ramp my symptoms up ..thanks again Micky ..Micky visit www.gva-pmr-northeast.org.uk and read up on the BSR Guidelines issued June this year.    Oops,  GVA should read GCA
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