awesomely good news! | Arthritis Information


ok so i went to school today and then left after being there for about an hour...

it was time for the 6 week rhuemy guy appt.
he sayd all my inflamation is gone, that my "things" are normal now, like my sed rate and ferratin thingy (whatever that is)
so thats good news, i think so
im going down to 20 mg of prednisone startin tommorow
and he sayd, in 3 weeks if everything seems fine, we can go down to 15 mg a day
without talkin to him before we do it
so im happy, i cant wait for the prednisone to be done with
that is NASTY stuff, he wants to try and go faster, cuz of the eye pressure sayd its bad
and btw, im still gaining weight, slowly now (1 pound every week or two, but im not losing anything yet) ugh
and guess wat? he made me have a flu shot, i was a big baby lol
the nurse called me a bleeder
the blood just kept coming out for a while, but it stopped eventually
so, i guess everything is good, wow it feels weird to be writing this, havent been here to post anything in a looooong time.
Glad for your good news!That's great news!  I hope you keep feeling better and better each day! And don't worry about the others at school, they have no clue what you're going through and would treat you differently if their own father, brother or uncle was going through what you are. My son is almost 13 and a bit overweight. Junior high can be torture at times cant it?!!! I remember those days as well and honestly am glad school's over with for me. Once you get into College things change SO MUCH and there's a lot of nice people, well, i guess that depends on where you go! Just remember the friends you do have, family and people on here truly understand things you've gone through and are behind you all the way...just ignore the stupid people that make mean remarks.
Take care!
Great news, Star! thnx ppl!!!
my parents r happy too :)
so, i guess thats good
ive been thinking, while playing phlinx on, tonight
that since im gonna be taking less prednisone, i should be less hungry
so maybe...i hope...i might lose weight...i'm gonna pray that i do
uh huh
Kids can be so mean!  Don't worry about them and surround yourself with positive people.  Good for you Star!  I'm glad things are going in the right direction for you.  Just be patient and the weight will eventually come off.  My appetite didn't get under control until I was under 10 mg prednisone.  Then as I lowered below 10 mg I gradually lost the weight that I put on without trying.  Plus you will probably start growing so that will also help  you.  You will get there. 
