venting | Arthritis Information


Hello all,
I'm really depressed! I felt like I was just getting into a routine of how to live with my PMR, teaching mornings, walking and resting in the afternoons. The prednisone taper had been going well, down to 14 mg.

Friday, an abscess on my bum the size of an orange caused me to have emergency surgery. Now I'm literally on my back in bed, having the cavity re-packed every other day. I don't know when I can return to work. They tell me that the abscess was caused by the prednisone!

All I want to do is cry...and then I feel guilty for being such a baby. I don't feel very strong about any of this right now.

I didn't realize that abscesses were part of the lowered immune system...and I wonder what else might happen, will I get some other weird thing? It just seems never ending. Aaaaaaaa...

JannieJannie, I'm so sorry that you are going through this. Some days just seem harder than others. PMR for you is really a pain in the bum. Prednisone seems to be the villain for so many things it makes me wonder if it just isn't a 'catch all' for ailments.

It is more difficult when you are working to deal with another setback, but this will heal and you'll move forward. You have lots of support from those on this forum.

I just try to take a morning and an afternoon one at a time. A day at a time can be overwhelming. Sometimes just an hour is enough.

I was teaching 3rd grade but had to reduce full time to a shared contract for a year. It helped having the afternoons off.

What are you teaching, and how long have you been teaching?

What are you teaching? Hopefully you can take the time you need. 14 mgInterrupted in mid sentence!!
I was going to say that 14 mg is not too high and you can continue tapering as directed by your doctor. My doctor has left my tapering to my own disgression now.

My Bell's Palsy will probably be with me for the rest of my life, but at least I have a bit of my smile back. I thought PMR was terrible with all the pain and immobility, and the depression from the prednisone didn't help.

Now I'm just grateful I have a part of my smile back. Funny how simple things become great achievements, a fraction at a time.

PMR doesn't last forever. It just feels like it!

Hello Marsha,

Sorry it's take me so long to reply. I'm having a rough time healing from the surgery, All I want to do is sleep and read. I'm still going in to have the abscess packed every other day and it looks like a will have a few more weeks of this.      Trying not to feel sorry for myself, but there are moments...

I teach special ed, k-2, Most of this kids I work with are LD, and I really miss them. Mostly pull out kids from regular ed, some in the class room. I love it! And I really miss them...

I was just diagnosed this summer. I'm "only" 60...really active, horsebackriding, kayaking, hiking, although much of this has been put on hold for the time being.

Thanks for responding to me and giving me some encouragement....

