First post | Arthritis Information


Hi!  I am glad that I found this forum.  You all seem like very informed and supportive of each other, that is great.  I am not even sure that I am on the correct forum, but I needed a place to start.

My mom was diagnosed 11 years ago with Lupus and RA.  She takes Prednisone and Celebrex.   She really does not like to talk about her health problems so my info is limited.  You know, don't talk about it and it does not exist.
About 3 months ago I was having some unusual pain in the joints of my thumbs.  I didn't give it much thought as we were moving and I was lifing heavy boxes.  Unfortunately the pain has spread to all of my finger joints, especially the joints that "connect" the fingers to the hand.  I have pain when trying to pick up heavy objects and if I bump the joint, it is very painful.  Same deal now in both elbows starting a week ago.  I am having real problems with grocery bags!!!!
Went to primary care Dr.  a few days ago.  He ordered the following labs:  ANA, CBC/Diff, CMP, CPK, C-reactive protein, ESR, Lyme disease, Rheumatoid factor and B19 Parvovirus.  
Okay, so here are the questions (you new they were coming...
Does the fact that mom has RA increase my chance?
My joints are not swollen, so this is a good thing, right?
Does the lab work that was done seem like a good starting point for diagnosis?
Sorry this missive is rambling, I am just getting "my feet under me", so to speak.
Does the fact that mom has RA increase my chance?  from what I've read, yes.  there is a genetic link to many AI diseases.  RA and Lupus being one.
My joints are not swollen, so this is a good thing, right?  In my opinion, it is.  But it doesn't mean that there isnt' any destruction occuring. 
Does the lab work that was done seem like a good starting point for diagnosis?  Yes. But, if it is negative, don't give up the ghost.  It does not necessarily mean you are without RA.. There are many of us who are sero-negative but have the disease just the same.
Best of luck to you.. hang in there.. and keep us posted!
Sorry to hear of all your shopping bag problems.      It sounds like you are on track to getting some answers, and that's a good thing.

I don't really have anything to add, other than it sounds like you and I might be related. When my RD asked me if auto immune disease ran in my family, I had to say "I have no idea". My family doesn't want to 'burden' others with our problems. Are we noble or what!?

Good luck to you and welcome to the forum!Welcome to the forum. Sorry you are going threw this. Let us know how your labs come out. Welcome!

The battery of tests you are having sounds like my first days of RA. Alas.. everything was negative except for very high inflammation markers. I was dx'd using those,and the fact that I had stiffness that lasted 1/2 a day or more, & red, hot, very swollen symmetrical joints.

No RA anywhere in my family- but I was told it can be hereditary.

Best of luck to you with getting a quick DX so you can get on the meds that you need.
Sounds like your doctor is doing all the right things to get you diagnosed. The tests are appropriate. Sometimes it takes a long time for the tests to show anything. It took mine 8 years before I had a positive RA factor. Everything else is always normal. You can have RA or another or several AI diseases together and not necessarily have it show in the blood work. It can be hereditary, but not necessarily. Are you also fatigued? Do you have morning stiffness?These are classic symptoms of RA. My joints are not terribly swollen but I still have moderate to severe RA. Don't get too discouraged. Most people with RA lead pretty normal lives. Once on the right meds it can really help.  Linda