pred shot and nerve damage?? | Arthritis Information


about 2 months ago I had a shot on the inner side of arm joint.  The pain was unbearable and lasted a couple hours.  The dr. called me to seeif I was all right and I told him it still hurt.  Since then, there is little pain during the day but after about 3 hours sleep I wake was this awful pain running from shoulder to elbow and then down top of arm to wrist.  I put analgesic rubs on and take ibuprophin and after about 30 minutes I can go back to sleep.  I told the dr. about it again yesterday and he put another shot in the outer arm.  I have polymyalgia.  That didn't hurt.  If he hit a nerve the first time, will it heal and when?? or a tendon??

Any answers will be very appreciated since I didn't get any from my dr.

I think it will probably just take time to work itself out. I am guessing you were already sore there when you received the injection? I hope you start to feel better soon