Thank for your welcome/QUESTIONS/HELP! | Arthritis Information


Hello everyone, Thanks for your warm welcome.  Your responses brought me to tears of joy knowing there are people like you -- just like me.  It's been a very long, lonesome road to get to where I am now. Just knowing this group exists is comforting despite it all.  Four weeks ago, I rec'd a synvisc injection in my right knee --- yeh!  I was able to stand.  Even better was able to walk down my street with my pug dog w/with my son.  I did promise him I would be able to do that someday.  Two epidural injections in my SI joints and two in my hips.  Anyone been to a hand therapist?  My sister's a PT in NV and suggested I see someone to get my fingers splinted for nighttime.  Also started more treatement for Lyme disease.  Four different antibiotics, lots of probiotics and other supplements for immune support.

1.  Is anyone fatigued as much as I am?
2.  Do you have sleep disturbances?
3.  I've gained so much weight -- anyone else?
4.  Hand therapist for splinting fingers?
5.  Does anyone drop things because of weakness in hands?
6.  Any of you w/PsA have or had Lyme disease?
So now that I'm all shot up for pain relief, I'm going to get moving while I can and before it wears off.
Despite it all, I have been soooooooooo blessed w/my two great kids.  Seeing a new rheumatologist first week in November to discuss Enbrel.
Blessings to all of you!1
[QUOTE=Teenee]Hello everyone, Thanks for your warm welcome.  Your responses brought me to tears of joy knowing there are people like you -- just like me.  It's been a very long, lonesome road to get to where I am now. Just knowing this group exists is comforting despite it all.  Four weeks ago, I rec'd a synvisc injection in my right knee --- yeh!  I was able to stand.  Even better was able to walk down my street with my pug dog w/with my son.  I did promise him I would be able to do that someday.  Two epidural injections in my SI joints and two in my hips.  Anyone been to a hand therapist?  My sister's a PT in NV and suggested I see someone to get my fingers splinted for nighttime.  Also started more treatement for Lyme disease.  Four different antibiotics, lots of probiotics and other supplements for immune support. Yes hand splints for sleeping is a wonderful idea if you are dropping things.
Sleepy yes it tends to come and go. Sometimes very bad.
I do not have PSA. Not sure if I have ever been tested for Lyme. I really should of course.
Question? How are they treating the Lyme? I guess you will be finished with the ABX before starting the Enbrel?
Hi Teenee, glad to see you again.
[QUOTE=Teenee]....  Anyone been to a hand therapist?  My sister's a PT in NV and suggested I see someone to get my fingers splinted for nighttime.[/quote]
Yes, seeing a hand therapist have been very advantageous for me: not only for splinting/bracing, but also to help me relearn how use my hands with less discomfort and how to maintain range of motion and strength.
[quote]  Also started more treatement for Lyme disease.  Four different antibiotics, lots of probiotics and other supplements for immune support.[/quote]Have you noticed any change in your PsA signs and symptoms with the antibiotic therapy for Lyme? Is that treatment going to be long-term?
