Sick in bed-and bored! | Arthritis Information


Hey everyone? How have you all been? SorryI havnt been around much, things have been crazy and although my joints havnt been amazing, they havnt been my top priority...honestly mental health has been more of an issue lately.....

but now im sick in bed with the flu and crazy bored and sick and achy and bored and did i mention my toes are cold? im also pretty crazy right now...maybe its the fever hahahhahaha

so just wanted to know how you all are doing?

schools been going good, supposed to get remicade next week-hopefully I will be well enough!!!!Hey Little mermaid- good to hear from you! Sorry you have the flu but glad to hear you say your RA has not been terrible lately.

What's getting to you mentally? Too much school work?
Do you have a roomate/roommates this year?
it wasnt TMI! im bored, i enjoyed reading lol

ummmm just stuff not school possibily bipolar?Did a dr. tell you that? I don't know you well but your personality here doesn't seem bi-polar like.
Do you have someone good for talk therapy or have you started a medicine?
yup yup yup mild thought...cyclothymia.... ive been having issues for awhile, ive been trying to find the right meds....and i have docs and therapists...sure hope they can find the right meds and make you feel well again.ok if you have the milder form of bipolar.. you're lucky and it does take a long time,
even yrs, to find the right meds.. i'm being honest..
It helps to find a counselor , that is actually bipolar, rare, but thats what helped me.
 Definately therapy and learning how to deal w/ it and control.
An excellent book, i have to recommend " A Brilliant Madness" by Patty Duke.
My first psychriatrist, who actually knew something about manic-d, recommended i read that book.
Also keep a journal, even a simple m or arrow up.. or down.. or D.. and note after being manic,
Expect to crash, for a couple days.. . so you can schedule better..
(even after all these yrs, i still forget that, duh.. lol)
bipolar i get.. and any ?'s, feel free to ask..
Ra.. arghhh lol
hope you feel better soon, have you tried, jigsaw puzzles.. they kinda relax you.. for me anyway..
Make sure you're really well, for the remicade, no matter how much you want it.. ok? :)
Get well soon. The flu is really boring. I had that problem not very long ago. It stinks when you do not have the energy to entertain yourself. Even getting on the computer for a bit is tiresom. I hope it does not hit you to hard. Try to let us know how you are doing.Hey everybody thanks for your concern. i am getting better. i did not stay in bed all day today, i took it easy, but I couldnt skip out on a whole day of school today, i had stuff to do. I havny had a fever all day though so so long as thinks continue i think i will be able to get my remicade next week.

thanks for the bipolar info, really ive been having issues for a long time, a really long time, but it seems to has escalated this year, perhaps cause im sooooo scared of graduating and leaving and change? I love my counselor, i see her twice a week, ive been seeing the psychiatrist like once every 2 weeks, sometimes more, its been crazy, things have been just a mess. but hopefully on the up? I ALWAYS crash its so horrible, i have a good day, or a good few days, and then it becomes almost "too" good in that i start getting not happy but just too much energy andn like bad, i dunno if thatslike a hypomanic thing or something? but then i crash allllllll the way down. it sucks big time!
