Hormonal Imbalance and RA | Arthritis Information


Anyone out there feel that there is a coorelation between women's hormones and RA.  It seems to me every time my cycle comes. I get a bad flare each month.  I had some test run for my hormones to see if they were really out of WACK!! but I have not received the results. I don't know it just seems that once a month around that time my knee just decides to take the shape of a soccer ball.

Maybe it's just me.  Anyone else with this problem.
Dx. 1996
Meds Prednisone, folic Acid, Vitamin C, Iron.
My cycle has no influence on my RA. I have heard other people say otherwise.I totally agree with you!!!Absolutely!!!  Everything affects us.. esp hormones and chemical imbalances.. ughYes would definitely agree here.  My symptoms are a bit more settled now a couple of years down the track, but if I get a 'flare' up it is often associated with my cycle.

Arthritis: Frequently Asked Questions

Robert Ashman, MD
Division of Rheumatology

The University of Iowa

Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
First Published: May 2000
Last Revised: September 2004

I am a director of the Rheumatology Division at University of Iowa Health Care. We are going to be talking today about arthritis and other diseases that affect the joints, muscles, and bones or cause inflammation. I would be happy to begin answering your questions now.

Can the inflammation of arthritis be aggravated by the monthly menstrual cycle?

There are hormone changes that can affect the intensity of inflammation and also fluid shifts that can increase the swelling of joints at different times in the menstrual cycle. While some patients clearly describe fluctuations in symptoms, many other patients do not.

Interesting.  Had never thought about this. I have not had a menstrual cycle for nearly 40 years and I still experience episodic flares with joint swelling and edema of my hands and feet... I had a radical hysterectomy 6 years ago and have not had a cycle since, however I have been on hormone therapy all of this time and I have often wondered if this has anything to do with my ra. it took almost 3 years to get the right dosage and I was already showing symptoms.
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