Dealing with Advertisers | Arthritis Information


It seems like the goal of people who advertise by posting to the message board is to get as many views as possible. Wouldn't it be better then for us to not post any replies so that the topic sinks to the bottom faster? Replies (even ones that blast the poster) just seem to generate more views.

That's just a thought. My other thought was "Where the heck is the moderator?!" But I guess he/she has taken a stand against removing posts?

P.S. I'm sorry if this topic has been discussed before, and I'm rehashing an old thread. I used to post on the old AI sight but have only recently gotten back into it with the new version of the board.


Willow I agree with you I don't go to the websites, but why should i have to filter through the postings to get to the true ones instead of the advertising.  Advertising is done on the homepage and this is what is used to fund the website, these are advertisers  who are trying to get free advertisement and it is not fair to the advertisers who follow the rules.

I agree with both of you.  I'm tired of seeing advertises everytime I come here.  The advertisers apparently don't read the posts on the other advertisements or they'd know we're not interested.  In my opinion, they're just leeches.


I doubt any of these people posting  even check back to see what our comments have been. I agree!  I used to post here alot a few years ago, and am just recently getting back.  I don't remember ever having to deal with advertisers on the board before.  I agree though that we give them more advertising by replying and keeping the message at the top.  Even though it is very frustrating, I will not reply anymore!  y'all have a point...but let me play devils advocate for a sec....what if by not telling them they are unwelcome, they think it is ok to keep posting? plus, i kinda like seeing y'all on fire!  i know it is a hassle.  i remember when i was here before...some of the posts i made becasue of people who tried forcing their treatment on the rest of us...even if it was a valid treatment, no one needs to feel theirs is the only way.  ok...way off on a tnagent here....but kinda the same thought....  Wayney , you always did have a different ( and good ) perspective on things , even back in "the old days ". Who knows MAYBE they will get chat open again and we can ALL chat instead of just posting. Maybe we should start a thread on that and get em all riled up
