Need advice-son tested positive for flu | Arthritis Information


If anyone has some advice or has gone through this i'd really appreciate anything that might help. He tested positive today for influenza A and dr said most likely is swine flu. I am scared for him as well as my family.

Has anyone talked with their rheumys about this? My questions are should all of us get on Tamiflu? Should I stop my methotrexate which i'm due to take today ? I have asthma, anyone else catch the swine flu with asthma or ra etc and how did things go?

My rheumy said if I feel comfortable stopping mtx to go ahead but she suggests taking it since I'm on a low dose (.3ccs=7.5mg). She said they are finding out that tamiflu can cause a bacterial infection that isn't responding to antibiotics so they don't like prescribing it. My sons dr said tamiflu crosses the blood/brain barrier and can cause behavioral problems and they don't like prescribing it.

Trying to be a good mom and comfort him is hard when you're worried about catching it. My husbands been doing a lot of the work and I'm shut off in my room for now. I have another son age 9 that we have to watch now too.

Just wondering what others have experienced with this.


KellyI don't have answers but wanted to wish you luck. Wash your hands frequently, don't touch your eyes nose or mouth if you can help it. If he's coughing & sneezing spewing germs maybe you might want to wear a surgical mask? I would be spraying Lysol on all surfaces he comes in contact with...but my nick name is disinfecto.

I had not heard those things about tamiflu! That is good to know should I run into this I would want clarification from my doctor.
Hope he gets well soon and no one else comes down with it- Good Luck!
The vast majority of people who catch H1N1 or regular seasonal influenza recover in a few days with no medical intervention.  Your son will, in all likelihood, be just fine.  Practice good hygiene at home (easier said than done, I know!!!) and hopefully no one else will get sick.

JasmineRain, I hope you are right!! Pleaassee let it not be as bad as the world is saying it is. I am one of those that research everything on the Internet and run in to some of those horror stories.. That's all it's takes and I think the worst! You see the statements that say anyone with underlying medical conditions ( asthma being one) and immune compromised could have more life threatening complications... Yep , that's exactly what I didn't want to read!     I have face masks I'll wear around and have Lysol which I will use everywhere! My manager doesn't want me back at work right now. My little one just tested positive for this as well today.  Pediatrician said that there isn't much you can do but wait it out.  He said if I feel sick, tell the dr. that my son tested postive and they should get me in right away and get started on Tamiflu. 
It is scary-especially with the little ones.  His fever was 104 this morning but it is coming down.  Dr. just said to be sure to throw out his toothbrush and wash the bed clothes.
SnowOwl: that cracked me up" disinfecto". I can totally see wanttobe doing that! Lol the kids are in seperate rooms thank goodness. Yeah my husband acts like he's superman and can't catch anything right now. I keep telling him to wash his hands, wipe things down with Lysol etc... He says ok but just ignores me! I think if my younger son isn't running a fever we can camp out together in my room, watch movies, make it fun to keep him away from my other son and superman.

Rebecca; 104 really scares a mom , doesn't it? I'm glad it's going down. My sons was 102.6 and next morning down to 100.6. Keep us posted on how he's doing ( and yourself) I hope he gets better real soon! And yes, I forgot about the toothbrush too, good idea. Another few tips the nurseline gave me was to give your son a hot shower before bed which will help with opening his lungs from the steam and help with fever. She also said to give them a tsp of honey to help sore throats. My 12-year old nephew just got over H1N1 (confirmed).  He has asthma and is prone to catch anything that is catchable.  Anyway, he missed a few days of school, ran a fever (103F max) and generally felt like crap for a few days but has totally recovered without any problems. From what I have read the biggest problems they are having is after the flu. If they get better and then come down with a cough to get them to the doctor immediately. Younger children are having trouble getting rid of secondary infections as there immune system is left in a weaker state after the flu.
Everyone is different. So the best you can do is keep a close eye on your family. Breathing issues and especially rapid breathing are to be taken seriously.
Warning about a warm shower-dr. said it is not reccommended during high fevers.  He said the temp. change from getting out of the warm shower and the room temp, can cause a kid with a high temp to go even higher.  Not quite sure why....  He said a lukewarm bath is best until the temp goes down.

My 10 yr. old son had h1n1 this past May.  He has asthma and was hospitalized.  My husband and I and 11 yr. old son did not get sick.  We went on Tamiful immediately.  I didn't notice any behavioral changes in my son.   DON'T PANIC!!!  Everthing will be ok.  Bleach your doorknobs, make sure he uses his own pillow, etc.  AND WASH WASH WASH YOUR HANDS!!  Mom's can't get sick, right?  I was on metho. and the time.  I hope your son gets well soon.  Thinking of you.

See that's what I don't understand. Why are the doctors not giving tamiflu to all if us? Should I demand they do so? I saw this article about tamiflu:

wouldn't it be better to have some side affects in order to make sure he doesn't have complications and that we don't get it? [QUOTE=klynn141]See that's what I don't understand. Why are the doctors not giving tamiflu to all if us? Should I demand they do so? I saw this article about tamiflu:

wouldn't it be better to have some side affects in order to make sure he doesn't have complications and that we don't get it?[/QUOTE]

Over-use will breed resistance, and then it won't work for anyone.  The vast majority of folks will get over a case of the flu with no problems (other than a few days of being sick).
I understand that but what I want to day to the doctors is, why should my son be the one that I say let's take a chance on that he won't develop complications in order to help out the rest of the world " just in case" it develops resistance to the ant virals. There's just too many horrible cases out there. I wouldn't ask for tamiflu for seasonal flu but swine flu I think isn't something to mess with especially since he didn't make it in time to get the h1n1 shot. I really think I'm going to call tomorrow after thinking about this and really try to get it for him. [QUOTE=SnowOwl]

I don't have any really practical advice to add.  Wannabe - "Disinfecto?"  Does that make you a superheroine or a villainess in your household?  Wash your hands.. A lot.

Jakie  has the flu, he saw the dr on Tuesday.. Hes been flat for 10 days now.
The dr says it seems like seasonal flu, but you can't tell without the blood tests. We live next door to  a woman who has confirmed H1N1.. Naturally she works in our hospital... 
Anyway Dr says get our shots when they arrive and don't overdo.. Keep warm, drink plenty of fluids. Jakie has some fluid in his ears, but not an ear infection so  just keep an eye on him.
If you are sick STAY HOME we don't want your germs..
To keep this in perspective in 1969 during the Hong Kong flu pandemic in the US there were about 34,000 deaths.  Right now after nearly a year of watching H1N1 there have been fewer than 600 deaths in the US.
Wash your hands, sneeze and cough into your elbows, wash your hands, dont touch your eyes, stop picking your nose..and wash your hands.

I have no other advice to add just wanting to wish rocckyd and klynn's children a speedy recovery and wish the familys good health all around. I would  be nervous too and walking around with the lysol tucked under my arm to spray all surfaces too!!

How is you son doing  today?  Hang in there.  He will be better soon. H1n1 is no fun. And even worse for moms to see in our children.  Thanking of you!!

Kathy_in_wslv:  How is Jakie doing? I'm so sorry he's been sick so long.

Rocckyd:  How is your son?
Brandon (my son) is doing better. I tell you, I've been so stressed out about this. Dreaming about it, spraying and wiping everything possible down...I know I may be over doing it, but this flu really scares me.  He had a fever that went to 103.5 for about 3 days, the next 2 days no fever (THANK GOD!!) He sounds better and feels better so I hope he's over it. I'm still going to get vaccinated and hopefully the rest of our family to be safe when the vaccinations are available. When I called the nurseline to ask a question she said the flu is everywhere right now.
Glad he's doing better!

My boys used to scare the hell out of me with their high fevers - 103-104F and sometimes a double-whammy of ibuprofen AND tylenol wouldn't even knock it down!  Scary stuff!

If you come down with it after he gets better, he can keep you company and "take care" of you without you having to worry about giving it back to him. Thanks JasmineRain