FLUID BUMPS ON DIPS | Arthritis Information


Hi, I get small red, fluid-filled bumps on DIP'S.  Sometimes they can be itchy, but most of the time, they hurt.  I have popped them and clear, slippery fluid comes out and fills up again.  This goes on for about 6 weeks or so.  Then joint starts swelling, deforming. I 've shown these to two rheumys and infectious disease dr. and they don't know what they are.  Anyone had anything like this? ThanksI admit to being surprised that your physician's did not recognize the bumps of your fingers and further surprised that neither of them recommended a simple x-ray or doing a laboratory smear and/or biopsy for an unrecognized joint situation.

My husband frequently has mucoid cysts on his index fingers from osteoporosis. They fill, sometimes spontaneously rupture and heal over a few weeks time. His physician calls them DMC--digital mucoid cysts and if they become to bothersome his dermatologist uses liquid nitrogen over two or three appoints two or three days apart. A quick internet search turned up hundreds of sites where such cysts are discussed,>>including here<<.

It is very important to keep them covered and use an antibiotic ointment to prevent infection if they do rupture.
Hi, Teenee, I'm sorry to hear you're experiencing this on top of everything else. I don't have any insight, but I think Shug has provided some great info for you. I hope this issue gets resolved quickly.

PS - I think I'm out of the loop here... what is "DIPs"??
Ok.  I get it.  Osteoarthritis mucos cysts?  Can they coincide w/PsA and Osteo?  I asked two rheumys. to biopsy fluid and skin.  I was informed they could "only" do that if they are red and infected?  Wow!  I've been tossed around quite a bit.  Anyone know of a good, experienced rheumy in the Boston area that will take my condition seriously, and come up with a proper diagnosis before I dive in Enbrel?  Thank you, Shrug.
Oh, DIP's are distalinterphalangeal joints (sp).  AKA first joint below fingernail.
[QUOTE=Teenee]Ok.  I get it.  Osteoarthritis mucos cysts?  Can they coincide w/PsA and Osteo?[/quote]
Not osteoarthritis mucous cysts; dermal mucous cysts. These common cysts are also called myoid cysts. Not all DMC are related to osteoarthritis. My husband's cysts happen to be. Let me pull some informative sites together for you to read:




As you can see, digital mucous cysts can occur as singly entities or in conjunction with a number of joint afflictions, including trauma. I cannot answer authoritatively whether of not they coincide to psoratic arthritis, but am confident to say they do occur with osteoarthritis.

[quote]  I asked two rheumys. to biopsy fluid and skin.  I was informed they could "only" do that if they are red and infected?  Wow![/quote]
maybe it is time to see a dermatologist.
[quote]  I've been tossed around quite a bit.[/quote] 
That seems to be a widespread problem. I have been especially fortunate with all my physicians.

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