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I haven't been posting lately, but I have been lurking. I just wanted to touch base and let you all know I'm still alive and surviving. Recently things have gotten, well, interesting to say the least. What can you do though? Just enjoy the rollercoaster ride and try to continue smiling in the face of adversity. I try to at least! Anyhow, I wanted to say hi and I hope everyone is doing well, is extra-comfortable and having a superfantastic weekend. Many gentle friends hugs to all my old friends and newbies alike. 

ETA hugs  LOL
CO_Mel2009-10-17 18:28:34Well hugs back at ya! I understand what you are all talking about the dreaded rollercoaster ride. I really never liked rollercoasters. If it is alright with everone I will just stay on the ground and watch. LOL Wishful thinking.Hey There, Mel!!  Glad you dropped us a note to let us know you're okay..
I hope adversity goes around you and you can avoid it..
Good to hear from you Mel. Hang on- it feels like you can fall out of a roller-coaster but somehow you never do! HI Mel, missed ya mate, fill us in on your ride, come on, my rollercoaster just won't stop, I want to get off!!!!!  Hugs Janie. [QUOTE=CO_Mel] Recently things have gotten, well, interesting to say the least.[/quote]
Tantalizing, but not necessarily informational
I'm not sure where I left off, so I'll start at the Imuran. My WBC was too low so instead of moving up to 4 pills, I had to go back down to 1. I tried Arava; it lasted all of two weeks due to excruciating abdominal pain. I was doubled over in tears... ugh. Having RA, you tend to build up a tolerance to pain, but that was downright unbearable! I'm happy to report the pain subsided after stopping the med, so that's good news. The bad news is I think the Arava was actually helping control my RA. Since stopping the drug, things are back to "normal" with swelling, stiffness, pain, fatigue, etc. You all know the drill.
To make things a little more difficult, I can no longer tolerate NSAIDs due to an ulcer. I didn't realize how much they were actually helping, but NOW I know. LOL
I saw my PCP for other abdominal pain (upper right side, under the ribs) and was referred to a gastroenterologist. Last week I had a HIDA scan and EGD done. The HIDA showed inflammation in my gall bladder so that will be removed shortly. The EGD biopsies revealed no cancer in my stomach, but did show inflammation.
In the past month or so, my appetite has gone out the window. I've dropped to 116 lbs (as of this morning). I've also been experiencing increasing episodes of night sweats. Due to these symptoms (and damn you, google) I've become concerned about cancer somewhere in my body. I have an appointment with my PCP on Thursday that will hopefully set my mind at ease.
I think that about covers all the blah health stuff!
My husband and children are doing great. Tim completed part of his training recently and is now moving on to the second half. I can't wait for him to get checked out completely and I know he is looking forward to it as well. My older son is doing wonderful at his new school and is in love Cali. The structure and discipline is helping him to excel. My toddler is a handful and crazy, as usual! His vocabulary is through the roof since his big brother is here with us full-time. All my boys amaze me (and drive me crazy!) on a day-to-day basis. I am thankful to have them in my life.
So that's things in a nutshell. I hope you are all having a great weekend! It's sunny and 75 as usual here in SoCal. Perfect weather... I'm kinda missing the chill and snow of CO, but not the lows! hehe
The wonderful HIDA scan. After years of pain and suffering some kind doctor ordered a HIDA scan for me. After removal of my gallbladder I no longer have that awful pain in my right side.
Several years latter I was able to tell my sister to demand a HIDA scan because they told her that her ultra sounds were fine. She has only 7% function in her gallbladder and is schedualed to have hers out in a couple of weeks. She still only wieghs 106 lbs. Part of it is from chasing children and toddlers I am sure. Of course her thyroid went haywire after giving birth but that is supposed to correct after nine months. They said she showed normal levels at eight months. Just saying that there are many things besides cancer that can make you loose wieght. Hope you get it resolved soon. We are still confused about my sister at this point and cancer has crossed are minds a few times. We just are not used to her being this thin.
Well, I ended up cancelling the appointment because I felt so bad RA wise. (Sad, huh?) On a good note, I think all the loss of appetite and weight loss was caused by Arava. Since stopping the med I semi have my appetite back and my weight has become stable.

I meet with my surgeon on Monday to discuss removal of my gall bladder. I'm hoping they will take it out next week because I cannot bear the discomfort much longer.

Other than feeling craptastic, it's all good.
Hope you are all having a great evening. Hugs all around.
So sorry you cancelled your appt but do not cancell with the surgeon on Mon.  I hope all goes well for you.
Yes my sister gets hers out tomorrow. I am glad I no longer have that pain. On the other hand the RA wise. Well craptastic is a new word I may put in my vocabulary. Best of luck to you. Hi Mel
How are you feeling now. Please make sure you re schedule your  appointment as soon as you are better..x
take care x
Hi SoCal Mel,
Sorry about your craptasticness. My mil was having abdominal pain for months. Turned out her gallbladder was gangrenous. Apparently this kind of thing happens more often than you think.
On the bright side, my boys were thrilled with this idea. "Her gallbladder was dead. Cool!"
Hope you get this resolved soon.
leilaMel, you are in my thoughts. I send you all my best wishes for a speedy resolution to each of your difficulties and I CEL-E-BRATE the wonderful news re: you spouse and your children.

Go gettum, woman!

Leila, I told DH about your MIL's gangrenous organ and he was as shocked as I was. Neither one of us knew that was even remotely possible!   Did your MIL have any other symptoms to go along with the abdominal pain and how was her recovery? I have no doubt she felt tons better after it was removed!
As for me, I'm still feeling craptastic. I love that word. hehe The gall bladder is a pain in the front side/back/shoulder. It's pretty much trumping everything RA-related other than my left wrist (which never seems to be better) and my stupid CJ AND a hip that's not cooperating. I'm also feeling extra tired. Blah, blah, blah... I'm just sick of being sick. I want to be HEALTHY! It's so frustrating when you carry your son out of a store and the next place you go your hip gives out on you and you end up walking out with a limp you did not walk in with. I should so be a pirate today!!
I'm looking forward to seeing the surgeon Monday morning and I'm really hoping they tell me to come back that afternoon or the next morning for surgery. That would be glorious!
For now, though, I get to ignore the world of uncomfortable I'm in because it's Halloween and these kids are a bundle of excitement. I have one Ninja-type warrior and one crazy monkey. It's gonna be a good day.
  Halloween was e-x-h-a-u-s-t-i-n-g! The kiddos had a blast though. We did Boo at the Zoo (which had trick or treating, a scavenger hunt, carved pumpkin treats for the animals and a petting zoo), had a nice lunch out and then went knocking on complete strangers' homes with friends and came back with a ton of candy.   I hope you all had a great weekend.
I went to the surgeon today and YAY!! the stupid organ is coming on Thursday! Let me tell ya, it can not come soon enough. I can't stand this thing any longer and I'm definitely counting down. (I was really hoping for a surgery date of today, but oh well, LOL.)
Anyhow, aside from having to hide and re-hide the kid's candy stash, it's pretty uneventful here at home. I'm still waiting for some sort of chill to come over SoCal. It's hard to believe it's fall when it's in the 80s!
Hope you're all having a superfantastic and extra-comfortable day! Good for you. I hope you feel better soon. I went threw this several years ago. I can remember the misery. You will feel much better.Best of luck Thursday with your gall bladder surgery- that gall bladder pain is one of the most miserable pains I ever had. Try lying immersed in a hot water bath if it gets too bad- that's what I did. Hope you are having the newer laproscopic (can't spell) type. I had the old fashioned kind 25 years ago but my mom had the newer kind a couple years ago and she felt great soon after.
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