Morning Stiffness | Arthritis Information


Good Morning Everyone,

I have been thinking about this question for the past few days and thought I would get your response on how you manage.  In the morning when I get out of bed, I do it slowly not knowing what will work-hurt-be ok.  The pain and stiffness is there every morning not one day goes by that I can just jump out of bed and start my day.  I turn on the coffee and take my morning meds and go to the couch.  For the next couple of hours I am so stiff and sore I can't, well I don't want to move.  My right hip down my leg gets to hurting so bad I have to make myself get up and walk and I would love for someone to cut both of my arms off.  While I am up I take more pain meds and go sit down once again.  Somewhere between 10 and 12 the stiffness gets better and I go get in my tanning bed then a hot shower.  Somewhere around 3 and 4 it starts all over again.  I have not been able to work for the past 4 weeks and just got denied for the third time for my STD. I can't work like this, but on the other hand I am broke.

What do you do for your morning stiffness when you have to go to work?  How do you function once you get there?  My job is strickly computer work as a designer so there is no way to ease into my job.  What do you do?

Hope everyone has a less painful day and as always I'm sending warm hugs and love!

I have to say since they found the right med combo for me I do not experience what you do. I was like that at onset however.
Have they suggested making any changes to your meds when you complain of this? Best of luck in finding something that works for you.
You have no idea how happy I am for you. That is what I want. In Nov. it will be one year since I started meds. I have been on Enbrel and Humria and both did nothing for me. I thought I was bad before but now I feel like I have gone back to the beginning before I started any kind of treatment. I go to Nashville to see my RD on the 29th so I am looking for big answers from him then.
I know others have been where I am at right now but I am so tired. I am tired of being sick and tired and having to take all these meds that seem to be taking me no where. I feel like every step I take I am having to fight for something. My STD was so easy last last time, but once again I am having to fight. I guess that it is good to still have fight in me.
This sounds like a good old fashion pitty party. Does anyone have any cheese??????????
Thank you so much for taking the time to respond and ask me questions. Hope you day is good.
Morning stiffness I think is the worse thing to have when you have to go to work. I have been well for quite a while now but I still suffer with morning stiffness , up to 2 hours, not as painfull as before . I gave up work because a while back my morning stiffness was an all day thing. Can you do some work from home for your present company until you get to see your doctor.
I really hope you find a med that suits you and helps .
take care
No pity party going on- I cannot imagine induring as you do on a daily basis.  The months of onset were enough to last me a life time. I remember the fight- it was exhausting and depressing.
I encourage you tell your doctor that feeling like this is not acceptable! I was told there were no magic bullets and that I needed patience patience patience. I changed doctors. He put me on a megadose of prednisone and my life turned around over night. It triggered something to turn things off. I'm not on prednisone anymore- it wasn't a permanent thing. Is that "your" answer?  I don't know- but it might be something you want to inquire about.
All the best to you!
