Low Dose Prednisone | Arthritis Information


Hi Everyone,

Just wondering if anyone has had success with adding as little as one-two mgs of Prednisone?  I seem to get a boost with adding this low dose.  Does anyone know from experience, what side effects could occur with the long-term use of this low amount?  I know about 15 years ago, before biologics, I took one mg for about a year.  As far as I know, I didn't have any side effects on this amount.  Thanks!     Sharon
My doctor says 5 mgs or less a day is not a problem. I do not get benefits from the low dose and it appeared that I had stubborn weight due to it. Alas I have been off completely for 2 months and the stubborn weight remains. Time to find another excuse for it.....
By the way my RD says there are people who do get relief with as little as a mg. or 2. He says RD's are the only doctors who prescribe 1 mg. pills for this reason. He says other doctors don't believe it.
Hi Sharon, I am currently on 5mg daily of pred.  It has been close to 8 weeks now and I do know it helps, however, I don't know how long I want to stay on this dose.  My RD says the same thing yours does, 5mg and below is not a problem, but she is not the one taking it!   I'm not able to tolerate steroids. For me, they cause a complete change in personality. It's so bad that no one wants to be around - not even the cat! LOL I am like that too, Mel, (it is so good to hear from you!!!  I'm on 3mg a day and find that it does help.
As has been mentioned, keep the does under 5 and all should be well.
I have been on Orencia about a year and a half.  Before that time, I was on Enbrel over seven years, trying Humira for a few months during the last year, then back to Enbrel.  It was a great drug for me before it started working less and less.
The Orencia has definitely helped, but I still needed to get more relief so doctor added Arava which I have taken for four months.  I didn't have any lung problems on Orencia, but I have noticed that with Arava added, I seem to have a little congestion that comes and goes.  Decided to stop Arava for a while (especially during flu season) and started taking one or 2 mg predisone to see how this would work.  (Have taken very little Prednisone during 40 years of RA.)  Drugs I have taken over the years include Cholorquine (s), Plaqunil, gold shots, Methotrexate, Enbrel, Humira, and of course now Orencia and Arava. 
Thanks for responding; it is so helpful to hear other people's experiences, even though we know we are all very different.  Good luck to you!
I have done much better by taking a single large dose that is equal to or smaller than the cumulative dose - example - take 15 mg on Mon and Friday and that is 30 mg a week - which is less than taking 5mg daily.  The 15 mgs take away 90% of the pain and seems to carry-over to the next day rather well. I also move my 15mg day around if I know I'll be working out hard (I play competive senior sports).  I also feel that my worst days are at the end of my Enbrel week.  I take my shot on Wed night and usually by Mon or Tues of the following week I'll be in difficult pay - so making my 15mg day on Monday gets me through both Mon and Tues with significantly less pain - then my Enbrel on Wednes.........

About 8 weeks ago I got too fed up with the variablity of my energy and pain levels, and gave up the no-pred life.  I've been taking 5mg a day and have felt a bit wired, but the RA is firmly in check.  I am seeing my RD office today for Remicade, and will see what they suggest...I know pred lowers your immunity and it is cold and flu season at school.  Overall tho I feel so much better on it than off, it's worth the risks.

I am doing great on 5 mg of pred a day plus Lyrica.. Its funny I feel pretty good even witout a biologic.. I guess  I DID have fibro..
I have been taking working on weaning for for a few years now.  Currently I take 1 mg. one day and 2 mg. the next.  If all goes well perhaps this winter I will go down to 1 mg every daty.Thank you to everyone who responded.  It is interesting to note the different ways we cope.  I'm thinking of doing the twice a week schedule.  Won't see my RA doctor for about two months.  I'll think I'll do a little experimenting.  Thanks, again -- I appreciate all of you!

Hi Sharo, I definitely think it is worth 1-2mg a day, that dose won't get you into trouble but it may get you out of some!  Good luck.

[QUOTE=justoday]I have done much better by taking a single large dose that is equal to or smaller than the cumulative dose - example - take 15 mg on Mon and Friday and that is 30 mg a week - which is less than taking 5mg daily.  The 15 mgs take away 90% of the pain and seems to carry-over to the next day rather well. I also move my 15mg day around if I know I'll be working out hard (I play competive senior sports).  I also feel that my worst days are at the end of my Enbrel week.  I take my shot on Wed night and usually by Mon or Tues of the following week I'll be in difficult pay - so making my 15mg day on Monday gets me through both Mon and Tues with significantly less pain - then my Enbrel on Wednes.........[/QUOTE]

Hi Justoday, thaks for the idea, I have been on pred for 10 years almost and can't go below 10mg a day without being unable to get out of bed, I have been on variable doses over the years but very rarely under 10mg daily, I try and always end up in trouble!  But this idea may be the answer for me to fool my body into getting under the 10mg, altho my GP says no, def no changes to Pred, I am too unstable, pain and inflammation 24/7, never not flaring.  But I am sorely tempted to try this, I could maybe do 35mg on a Monday and then again on a Thurs and try to lower it by 5mg per Mon and Thurs, I am quite excited, does anything seem wrong with this idea folks?I came down with RA while living in NC. If I knew then what I know now, I would have fired my doc immediately and gone on to someone else. He kept me on prednisone for about 2 years, and nothing else but plaquenil. When my symptoms would get worse, he would up the dosage. He id this even when all my blood tests were high and all positive. I now, cannot ever get off the 10mg I am on and may have to go up. About 2 months ago, the doc took me off them, weened me down, and I went into renal failure. It was horrible. As a result of taking these for so long, my adrenal glands have shut down and now these will be taken by me forever. So, my long story (sorry) is to make all of you aware of the fact that getting off them as quickly as you can, will save you TONS of heartache. I agree with the others..STAY LOW. ((HUGS)) Thanks Schell, I have been told I will never get off of them as per what you have stated, but I would like to get under 5mg at least. [QUOTE=janiefx1]Thanks Schell, I have been told I will never get off of them as per what you have stated, but I would like to get under 5mg at least. [/QUOTE]

Oh Janie, how I hope too! Fingers crossed for BOTH of us! I have been on 5mg, low oral dose pred for 3yrs.  However, I've also received at least 50+  IA corticosteroid injections over this same period, some of which were 40mgs or more.
I now have elevated blood glucose levels and am looking at prednisone induced diabetes.
Like many who have threaded here, I cannot lower my pred without flare.  I've tried going down just half a mil and notice the difference in my hands within a day or two. 
Wondering how many low dose pred users here have high glucose levels or dx'd with pre-diabetes or diabetes and what you're doing about it.  RA sucks!
Hi Katalina, my GP says all the books say that anyone who has been on the steroids for more than a year or so WILL definitely get diabetes, so therefore I am pre-diabetic and all I can do is try and eat well, try and lose some weight so I can better manage it when it happens!!!!  A high price to pay along with all the other things I have gotten from the pred, steroid induced osteoporosis with unhealing fractures, cushings syndrome, glaucoma, cataracts starting, weight gain,sleep apnoea, thin skin, always hungry!  Oh how I wish I could get of of it!  Janie.
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