Yet another one.. | Arthritis Information


boil that is.. Dr's office was closed today. Same place, same amount of pain, same symptoms.

The thing that gets me is I am absolutely scrupulous about hygiene.. washing hands, using clean towels, changing sheets every darn day..
Years and years ago my older daughter used to have chronic boils on her knee. She took Errythomyacin for a few years then they just stopped..
OMG Kathy...that is brutal.  My daugter used to get them for a while and she was put on the same thing as your daughter.  Have Drs. suggested anything like that for you?Wow Kathy, I'm so sorry. Its mrsa right? My daughter and I got those repeatedly until we were both put on rifampen (sp?). We haven't had an outbreak in a while....knock on wood.Kathy, this was many years ago, but it worked!  My Mom used to get boils under her breast, one after the other and very painful.  Her Doc told her to wipe under her breast's every day with rubbing alcohol and she never had another one.  He told her that bacteria grows quickly in areas where you perspire.  You don't have to saturate the area, just a damp wipe will do.
I believe she used the 70% strength.  It's worth a try and the price is right!  Good luck Kathy.
Let us know if it works for you.
Boils remedy, natural Boils remedy, natural remedy, natural preventative for Boils, natural Boils remedies, Boils home remedies, Boils remedy, home remedies for Boils.

Boils Home Remedies

Treat boils using vinegar - Cut a brown paper bag big enough to cover the boil. Make several layers the same size out of the brown paper bag. Soak each piece of paper in distilled vinegar until they are saturated. Place each layer over the boil. Tape in place and leave it on overnight. When you take it off in the morning the boil would have burst or very close to bursting. If it is close to bursting just a very very slight pull will burst it. Make sure you keep the area clean.

Treat boils using parsley flakes - The parsley has to be dry parsley flakes. DO NOT moisen the flakes. Place dry parsley flakes on and around the boil. Cover the area with a bandage and leave on overnight. This may have to be repeated if the pus is deep. Parsley is one of mother natures strongest drawing agents and is guaranteed to work.

Treat boils using tomato paste - Apply tomato paste on and around the boil. Cover this with a piece of gauze and tape and leave it on overnight. The next morning the boil would have burst or is about to burst. Repeat this remedy if necessary.

Treat boils using epsom salt - Get a container of water, as hot as you can possibly stand. Dip a washcloth in the hot water and then quickly into the epsom salt and place over the boil. When it looses the heat repeat as many times as necessary untill the boil bursts.

Treat boils using campho phenique - Cut a piece of gauze large enough to cover the boil. Put some campho phenique on the gauze and press onto the boil. Apply a little pressure for about 5 minutes. You should start to see results in minutes, or you may also leave the gauze on overnight.

Treat boils using onions - Cut an onion in half. Place one half in a fry pan and heat till just hot but not burning. Hot enough that it won't burn the skin. Remove the middle of the onion so it's just big enough to accomodate the boil. Leave it over the boil untill the onion has cooled completely. This will draw out the pus.

Treat boils using bactine spray - Spray boils morning and night with bactine spray. This helps the boils from becoming large. This method is a prevention rather than a cure.

Treat boils using baking soda - soak a wash cloth in water and microwave for about 30 seconds. Enough to make it hot. Plave over the boil till it cools. Repeat this several times. Make a paste mixing baking soda with a little water. Dip a cotton ball in the mixture and apply to the boil. Use a bandaide to keep the cotton ball on. Leave on for at least 2 hours, more if you wish. When you take the cotton ball off the boil the head should pop and the pus will ooze out.

Treat boils using a glass bottle - This method is the quickest way to lance a boil. Boil some water and place the bottle in the water till quite hot. Hot enough for you to stand against the skin without getting burnt. Place the bottle opening over the boil and hold it there. The heat will creat a suction and pull the boil out.

Treat boils using lavender oil - Dab the lavender oil on and around the boil. Cover this with gauze. Throughout the day put a heated cloth over the gauze. The lavender oil helps to bring the boil to a head and the heat cloth helps pull the infection out of the skin. The same can be done with teatree oil.

Treat boils using charcoal - This method works well and is one that I always use for my children. Take two charcoal capsules and empty the powder out of each shell. Add a few drops of water to make a paste and apply this paste to the boil. Cover the boil and leave on overnight. When the cover is removed the boil will pop right away and the pus will ooze out.

Treat boils using flour - Mix some flour with a few drops of vinegar. Make it a thick paste. Apply this paste to the boil and cover with gauze or a bandaid. Leave this overnight. The next morning the paste would have hardened. Much like a cast. when you pull this off the head will come out with it allowing the pus to ooz.

Treat boils using banana peel - Place banana peels on the boil and leave it there as long as possible. Preferrably overnight. The next morning the boil would have drained on it's own.

Readers Remedies for Boils

Remedy By - Candace
Date -
20 September 2008
I use French green clay: mix it up with apple cider vinegar and make a thick paste and apply for several hours. Hot ginger packs work too.

Remedy By - Mike
Date -
17 July 2008
Ichthammol cream. This stuff works. It was the answer to my prayers. I had about five boils in one area. They burst within 2 hours of applying the cream. I was in so much pain. the stuff stinks but I was at the point where I didn't care what I smelled like. I went to work with the it on. I was at work looking for a remedy. I went to luch and picked up the cream from walgreens pharmacy. It was only three dollar. Boilease was like 10 dollars and doesn't help at all. Try this remedy it really helped me a ton.

Remedy By - John
Date -
11 July 2008
Dr. Tichenor's Mouthwash (full strength) on a Q-tip clears a lip herpe up in less than 6 hours. The swelling goes down in an hour.

Remedy By - Alice Julie
Date -
11 July 2008
Make a paste of sandal wood powder and turmeric powder. And apply that paste on the boils.

Remedy By - PJ
Date -
17 May 2008
Combine a small amount of baking soda, sea salt, and minced garlic or tumeric(spice) or apple cider vinegar (anti-microbials) into a paste. Go heavy on the baking soda. Apply paste to a bandaid large enough to cover the boil and apply to site. Leave on overnight and most boils will come to a head. Repeat as necessary for as long as desired; I've had some bad ones that have taken 4+ days to completely be drawn out.

Remedy By - Pastor Moses Datsu
Date -
29 March 2007
To treat boils, just deep your finger tip into kerosene and rub on the affected part of the body,do this for two maximum three days, you will discover that it will dry from the inside. it works for me every time, good luck and God bless.

We would like to personally thank Pastor Moses Datsu for submitting this remedy. Visit Pastor Moses Datsu's site by clicking HERE

Remedy By - Emma
Date -
11 December 2006
This is good old aussie remedy.To clear up a Ulcer in the mouth you should put vegemite on the Ulcer. It may sting but it will fasten up the process of getting rid of the Ulcer.

Remedy By - Mirna
Date -
2 August 2006
To treat boils, there is very simple and effective treatment, which are egg yolks. Just apply them on and around the boil, within 30 minutes the pus from them will come out. This definately works, i tried it myself.

I also think people used to die from boils back in the day. These days with MRSA I think I would go to the doctor. They put my sister inlaw on IV abx for MRSA. I used to suffer as a young lad when living in the hills.
When we moved so did the boils.
My mother put it down to not enough sun light and living in a cold damp environment.
