ewww!!! food | Arthritis Information


i cant believe it, a while ago when i was on high dose of pred, i ate like a piggy

and i assume i could weigh as much as one, jk lol
but, now here's the important part of the post
i havent been hungry lately, not at all much
idk, sometimes i get hungry, but seeing food changes my mind
i just DONT wanna eat, nothing tastes good, nothing is appatizing (sp?)
i had a small dish of pasta w/ two meatballs tonight
it took me almost an HOUR to eat it
i just didnt want food
idk why, ive also been coughing the last few days, maybe im sick?
oooh, anyone wondering tho, I AM using my treadmill now and exercising, almost everyday, not today tho, mtx day and i didnt feel so good
so, idk why i dislike food so much now Keep tabs on that cough Star, sounds like you might be coming down with something. I know you've been able to lower you Prednisone, what dose are you on now? Glad to hear you're using the treadmill!yeah Brisen, i think im gettin somethin, cuz with the cough this morning, im also losing my voice, my mom thinks i got it when me and my friend went to the movies sunday, cuz she was sick and coughing
im at 20 mg right now
next wednesday, i go to 15 mg

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